Діти отримують в будь-якому з додатків, наприклад у Viber, тести із завданнями для перевірки та аудіофайли (можна у вигляді голосового повідомлення), а також код доступу до тесту онлайн. Під час прослуховування діти бачать завдання, потім виконують тест онлайн. Ресурси:
Listen to the first text "Trains and Travel". Choose one option:
The 10.15 train to Cambridge leaves from platform ____
Listen to the first text "Trains and Travel". Choose one option:
A single ticket to Manchester is ____
Listen to the first text "Trains and Travel". Choose one option:
The 12.30 train to Manchester leaves from platform ____
Listen to the first text "Trains and Travel". Choose one option
The train arrives in Exeter at ____
Listen to the first text "Trains and Travel". Choose one option:
The train back to London is at____
Listen to the first text "Trains and Travel". Choose one option:
The train back to London leaves from platform___
Listen to the second text "Travelling Abroad". Choose one option:
The 9.25 flight to Rome is delayed by _______________ hours
Listen to the second text "Travelling Abroad". Choose one option:
Passengers going to Tokyo should go to boarding gate _______________
Listen to the second text "Travelling Abroad". Choose one option:
Passengers going to Athens should go to boarding gate _______
Listen to the second text "Travelling Abroad". Choose one option:
The flight number of the plane going to Amsterdam is _______________.
Listen to the second text "Travelling Abroad". Choose one option:
The time in _______________ is 18.30.
Listen to the second text "Travelling Abroad". Choose one option:
The temperature in New York is _________ ºF
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