END OF YEAR TEST - 5-А (04.05.2020)

Додано: 3 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 258 разів
58 запитань
Запитання 1


 [WIDGB1_EoYtest_Listening1.mp3] Listen to an interview with a young History student called Brendan. Decide if the sentences in the table are True, False or Doesn’t say. Put the correct symbol in the table.

1.Brendan’s main subject at university is Technology.

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Doesn’t say.

Запитання 2

2. Brendan studies at university in the UK.

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Doesn’t say

Запитання 3

3. Brendan is most interested in the nineteenth century.

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Doesn’t say 

Запитання 4

4.Brendan likes studying about unsuccessful technology the most.

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Doesn’t say 

Запитання 5

5.The bag alarm wasn’t popular because it was dangerous.

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Doesn’t say 

Запитання 6

2.[WIDGB1_EoYtest_Listening2.mp3] Listen to four teenagers talking about their countries. Match the questions 1–10 with the four speakers A–D. You can use the letters more than once.

Which speaker…

1   … thinks the weather where they live isn’t warm enough?

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Запитання 7

2.… says they can get food from every continent in their city?

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Запитання 8

3.… prefers food from another continent?

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Запитання 9

4.… thinks food from their own country is better than food from other countries?

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Запитання 10

5… says that you can buy food from all over their continent in their country?

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Запитання 11

6… thinks that the weather in another country is worse than the weather in their country?

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Запитання 12


1 Choose A, B or C to correctly complete the blog entry.

Today I want to tell you all 0___ my little sister, Madeleine. She 1___ born eight years 2___ and she makes me laugh. In fact, I think she’s 3___ person I know! I help her to 4___ her homework – she 5___ get very 6___ homework, not like me.

Madeleine loves helping Mum in the kitchen. At the moment, they 7___ a cake together for my birthday.

I 8___ be fifteen tomorrow. I 9___ a party with some of my friends at my house, but I 10___ invite the rest of my family – there are too many of them!

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0- of

Запитання 13

Today I want to tell you all 0___ my little sister, Madeleine. She 1___ born eight years 2___ and she makes me laugh. In fact, I think she’s 3___ person I know! I help her to 4___ her homework – she 5___ get very 6___ homework, not like me.

Madeleine loves helping Mum in the kitchen. At the moment, they 7___ a cake together for my birthday.

I 8___ be fifteen tomorrow. I 9___ a party with some of my friends at my house, but I 10___ invite the rest of my family – there are too many of them!

варіанти відповідей

1- is                        

1- were                

1- was

Запитання 14

Today I want to tell you all 0___ my little sister, Madeleine. She 1___ born eight years 2___ and she makes me laugh. In fact, I think she’s 3___ person I know! I help her to 4___ her homework – she 5___ get very 6___ homework, not like me.

Madeleine loves helping Mum in the kitchen. At the moment, they 7___ a cake together for my birthday.

I 8___ be fifteen tomorrow. I 9___ a party with some of my friends at my house, but I 10___ invite the rest of my family – there are too many of them!

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2 -ago                  

2- past

Запитання 15

Today I want to tell you all 0___ my little sister, Madeleine. She 1___ born eight years 2___ and she makes me laugh. In fact, I think she’s 3___ person I know! I help her to 4___ her homework – she 5___ get very 6___ homework, not like me.

Madeleine loves helping Mum in the kitchen. At the moment, they 7___ a cake together for my birthday.

I 8___ be fifteen tomorrow. I 9___ a party with some of my friends at my house, but I 10___ invite the rest of my family – there are too many of them!

варіанти відповідей

3-  the funnier          

3- funnier than  

3- the funniest

Запитання 16

Today I want to tell you all 0___ my little sister, Madeleine. She 1___ born eight years 2___ and she makes me laugh. In fact, I think she’s 3___ person I know! I help her to 4___ her homework – she 5___ get very 6___ homework, not like me.

Madeleine loves helping Mum in the kitchen. At the moment, they 7___ a cake together for my birthday.

I 8___ be fifteen tomorrow. I 9___ a party with some of my friends at my house, but I 10___ invite the rest of my family – there are too many of them!

варіанти відповідей


4- make                   


Запитання 17

Today I want to tell you all 0___ my little sister, Madeleine. She 1___ born eight years 2___ and she makes me laugh. In fact, I think she’s 3___ person I know! I help her to 4___ her homework – she 5___ get very 6___ homework, not like me.

Madeleine loves helping Mum in the kitchen. At the moment, they 7___ a cake together for my birthday.

I 8___ be fifteen tomorrow. I 9___ a party with some of my friends at my house, but I 10___ invite the rest of my family – there are too many of them!

варіанти відповідей

5- doesn’t               

5- don’t                   


Запитання 18

Today I want to tell you all 0___ my little sister, Madeleine. She 1___ born eight years 2___ and she makes me laugh. In fact, I think she’s 3___ person I know! I help her to 4___ her homework – she 5___ get very 6___ homework, not like me.

Madeleine loves helping Mum in the kitchen. At the moment, they 7___ a cake together for my birthday.

I 8___ be fifteen tomorrow. I 9___ a party with some of my friends at my house, but I 10___ invite the rest of my family – there are too many of them!

варіанти відповідей

6 -many                      

6- much                     

6- any

Запитання 19

Today I want to tell you all 0___ my little sister, Madeleine. She 1___ born eight years 2___ and she makes me laugh. In fact, I think she’s 3___ person I know! I help her to 4___ her homework – she 5___ get very 6___ homework, not like me.

Madeleine loves helping Mum in the kitchen. At the moment, they 7___ a cake together for my birthday.

I 8___ be fifteen tomorrow. I 9___ a party with some of my friends at my house, but I 10___ invite the rest of my family – there are too many of them!

варіанти відповідей

7- ‘s making           

7 -make                  

7- ‘re making

Запитання 20

Today I want to tell you all 0___ my little sister, Madeleine. She 1___ born eight years 2___ and she makes me laugh. In fact, I think she’s 3___ person I know! I help her to 4___ her homework – she 5___ get very 6___ homework, not like me.

Madeleine loves helping Mum in the kitchen. At the moment, they 7___ a cake together for my birthday.

I 8___ be fifteen tomorrow. I 9___ a party with some of my friends at my house, but I 10___ invite the rest of my family – there are too many of them!

варіанти відповідей

8- ‘m going to        

8- ‘m go to                 

8 -go to

Запитання 21

Today I want to tell you all 0___ my little sister, Madeleine. She 1___ born eight years 2___ and she makes me laugh. In fact, I think she’s 3___ person I know! I help her to 4___ her homework – she 5___ get very 6___ homework, not like me.

Madeleine loves helping Mum in the kitchen. At the moment, they 7___ a cake together for my birthday.

I 8___ be fifteen tomorrow. I 9___ a party with some of my friends at my house, but I 10___ invite the rest of my family – there are too many of them!

варіанти відповідей

9 - have                   

9 -’m having              

9 - go to have

Запитання 22

Today I want to tell you all 0___ my little sister, Madeleine. She 1___ born eight years 2___ and she makes me laugh. In fact, I think she’s 3___ person I know! I help her to 4___ her homework – she 5___ get very 6___ homework, not like me.

Madeleine loves helping Mum in the kitchen. At the moment, they 7___ a cake together for my birthday.

I 8___ be fifteen tomorrow. I 9___ a party with some of my friends at my house, but I 10___ invite the rest of my family – there are too many of them!

варіанти відповідей

10 -doesn’t           

10 - don’t                   

10- didn’t 

Запитання 23

2. Choose the best response, A, B or C, to complete these short dialogues.

1.What would you like to eat?

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I like cheese.

A burger, please.

It’s delicious.

Запитання 24

2. I can’t stand Maths.

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Yes, I like it too.

No, you can’t.

I don’t like it either.

Запитання 25

3. Let’s go to the cinema.

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Did you enjoy the film?

What a good idea!

It’s over there.

Запитання 26

4.I think we need to do all we can to help animals.

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Sorry, but I don’t agree.

I think we can too.

Perhaps that’s not true.

Запитання 27

5.Can I borrow your book?

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Sorry, I can’t.

Sorry, I’m using it.

Sorry, just a second.

Запитання 28

6.This is my friend Hattie.

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I’m fine thanks.

See you later.

Pleased to meet you.

Запитання 29

3. Write the correct word next to each definition.

These are the words that you know in a language.

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Запитання 30

A meal made with cheese or other food between two pieces of bread.

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Запитання 31

The time between the morning and the evening.

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Запитання 32

A teacher uses this to show things to all the pupils.

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Запитання 33

A person who is travelling to or from work.

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Запитання 34

A competition, usually with lots of matches in it.

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Запитання 35


1  Read the text and decide if sentences 1–12 are True, False or Doesn’t say. Put a cross (X) in the correct place in the table.

The World’s Most Difficult Weather

Humans now live in most places around the world. We are good at using our intelligence to survive in some very difficult places. But there are some places on Earth which are impossible to live in. Here’s one of them.

It’s hard to say exactly where the hottest place in the world is because this can change from year to year. At the moment, though, this record belongs to the Loot Desert in Iran. This part of the Asian country beat America’s Death Valley and Africa’s El Azizia in Libya by quite a few degrees. The maximum at El Azizia was 58°C, slightly more than Death Valley’s 57 °C in the west of the USA, but well below the temperature of 70.7°C recorded in the east of Iran in 2005.

We often think that deserts have no water in them, but there is water here in the spring, as snow melts in the nearby mountains and flows in rivers through the area. But this soon dries up and there is little or no water there for the rest of the year. The maximum rainfall is only 100 mm per year compared to 50 mm in much of the Sahara.

In a seven-year study from 2003 to 2010, American scientists found that Loot was the hottest place on Earth for five of those seven years. They used satellites in space to measure this because it’s too hot for scientists to live there!

So, when you’re booking your next holiday, it’s probably best to choose somewhere different to the Loot Desert!

1. Humans now live on every continent on Earth.

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Doesn’t say

Запитання 36

2. Humans can’t live in some parts of the world.

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Doesn’t say

Запитання 37

3. We know where the hottest place in the world is.

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Doesn’t say

Запитання 38

4. Iran is in Asia.

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Doesn’t say

Запитання 39

5. Libya is in the West of Africa.

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Doesn’t say

Запитання 40

6.Death Valley is the second hottest place on Earth.

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Doesn’t say

Запитання 41

7.It was over 70°C in Death Valley.

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Doesn’t say

Запитання 42

8. The Loot Desert is in the east of Iran.

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Doesn’t say

Запитання 43

9.There are very long rivers in the Loot Desert in spring.

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Doesn’t say

Запитання 44

10.There’s more rain in the Loot Desert than in most of the Sahara Desert.

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Doesn’t say

Запитання 45

11. The Loot Desert was the hottest place on Earth in every year from 2003 to 2010.

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Doesn’t say

Запитання 46

12. Scientists can’t visit the Loot Desert in the summer because it’s too hot.

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Doesn’t say

Запитання 47

2. Read the text and choose the correct answer.

My First Concert

Hi, I’m Lori. I play the guitar in a band. I started learning about two years ago and the group got together last year. Anyway, a week ago we had our first concert and I want to tell you about it.

It was at the local town hall, not far from my school, where we practise, and near the hotel where my mum works. The concert was to make some money for three local charities that help nature and animals. There were two other groups on as well as us. Another group wanted to play too, but their singer was ill so they couldn’t do it.

The town hall is big enough for about three hundred people, but unfortunately there were only about eighty people there (and thirty of them were our friends and families!).

Anyway, my friend’s band played first, then us and finally a band of older teenagers, who were really good. My friend’s band was OK, but they made a lot of mistakes. They played a lot of pop songs, which most of the audience liked, but I can’t stand. We play rock and the older kids’ band plays hip-hop, so there was a good mix of music. When we started playing, we could see that the audience liked pop more than rock. Some of them left the building and didn’t come back. Then some others started shouting. At first I thought it was because they liked us, but then I realised it was the opposite! To make things worse, I fell off the stage in the middle of our fourth song and hurt my leg! I didn’t have to go to hospital, but it still hurts.

We’re doing another concert in two weeks’ time – I hope it goes better than this one!

1  Lori joined her band...


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last year.


a week ago.


two years ago.

Запитання 48

2. Lori’s first concert was at ...


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a hotel.


her school.


the town hall.

Запитання 49

 3.Money from the concert went to...


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some charities.


one of the singers.


the bands.

Запитання 50

4. How many bands played at the concert?


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Запитання 51

5. How many people can watch a concert at the town hall?

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Запитання 52

6.  Lori’s band played...


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Запитання 53

7. The people at the concert...


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were rock music fans.


really wanted to see the hip-hop.


preferred pop music to rock.

Запитання 54

8. At the moment, Lori...


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has a sore leg.


is doing another concert.


is in hospital.

Запитання 55


1.  Choose the correct form.

  Who _______ the first president of the USA?

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Запитання 56

How old ________ you in 2010? 

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Запитання 57

Who ______ the first person in space?

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Запитання 58

There _____any mobile phones 100 years ago. 

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