End-of-Year Test 6th grade

Додано: 23 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 68 разів
59 запитань
Запитання 1


I Complete the sentences with the correct answer.

1That’s ………. very nice picture you’ve painted.

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Запитання 2

2 I think that’s ………. house. The one with the blue door.

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Запитання 3

3 Usain Bolt is ………. runner in the world.

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 the most fast                       

the more fast

the faster

 the fastest

Запитання 4

4 I usually go running ………. Sunday mornings.

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Запитання 5

5 You ………. help each other in the exam.

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don’t have to                 




Запитання 6

II Complete the email with one word in each gap.

1 Hi Fiona,

I’ve got some great news. I ………. won a holiday in Costa Rica! 

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have got

Запитання 7

2 There ……………………. a competition in the newspaper. 

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Запитання 8

3 And I won……………………. first prize!

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Запитання 9

4 It’s a holiday for two people so I’m ………… to take my brother.

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Запитання 10

5 He ………………. know yet but I’m going to tell him tonight!



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Запитання 11

III Put the words in the correct order to make sentences or questions.

1   to / have / help / You / don’t / me / .

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You don’t to help have me.

You don’t to have help me.

You don’t have to help me.

You have don’t to help me.

Запитання 12

2 phone / expensive / That / mine / was / more / than / .

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That phone was expensive more than mine. 

That phone more was expensive than mine. 

That phone was more mine than expensive. 

That phone was more expensive than mine. 

Запитання 13

3 is / a / bag / There / in / my / pen / 

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There is my bag in a pen.

There a pen is in my bag.

There is a pen in my bag.

There is a my pen in bag.

Запитання 14

4 you / seen / Have / ever / elephant / an / ?

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Have ever you seen an elephant?

Have seen you ever an elephant?

Have an elephant ever seen you?

Have you ever seen an elephant?

Запитання 15

5 stay / He / late / doesn’t / out / usually / .

варіанти відповідей

He doesn’t usually stay out late.

He doesn’t stay out late usually.

He doesn’t late usually stay out.

He doesn’t stay usually late out.

Запитання 16

IV Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

1 Please stand up/don’t stand up. We’ve got another five minutes of the lesson!

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stand up

don’t stand up

Запитання 17

2 I don't need any/some water. I’m not thirsty

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Запитання 18

3 Be careful/carefully when you cross this road. There are lots of cars.

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Запитання 19

4 A: Have you got a pet?           

B: No, I don’t/haven’t.

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Запитання 20

5 I think that/this is my mother’s car over there. 

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Запитання 21


V Circle the odd one out.

1 ruler     pencil      chair     rubber

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Запитання 22

2 stormy     raining      sunny      cloudy

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Запитання 23

3 badly-paid    unskilled         full-time clever

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Запитання 24

4 blog      speaker      password       website

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Запитання 25

5 husband      niece       player       aunt

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Запитання 26

VI Look at the pictures and choose the correct words


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a keyboard

a screen

a calculator

a monitor

Запитання 27


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a window

a radiator

a chair

a wardrobe

Запитання 28


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a tablet

a printer

a desktop

a keyboard

Запитання 29


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a cardigan

a T-shirt

a sweatshirt

a shirt

Запитання 30

5 .............................

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a whale

a shark

a turtle

an octupus

Запитання 31

VII Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

1   It’s quite .... today so I’m not going to wear a jacket.

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Запитання 32

2   You have to ........... before you can use the computer.

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log on

click on

paste on

Запитання 33

3   A: What time is ....... ?        

     B: At seven o’clock in the evening.

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Запитання 34

4 She’s very ....... . She’s always relaxed, even in difficult situations. 

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Запитання 35

5 That’s the winner over there. He’s wearing his ........ .

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Запитання 36

6 A: Where can I wash my hands?      

B: There’s a ………. in the kitchen.

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Запитання 37

7 My …... doesn’t work very well so people can’t see me when I chat online.

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Запитання 38

8 She doesn’t usually ………. after school. She goes out with friends or does sports.

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get up               

go to bed                        

go home

Запитання 39

9 The rhino and the beetle have both got ………..


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Запитання 40

10 I’m wearing ………. so you can’t see my eyes.


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Запитання 41

VIII Choose the best two or three answers to complete the text.

I (1) ………. to go to Valencia (2) ………. the holidays with my mum and dad. 

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1) go                     

1) going          

1) ’m going

2) at              

2) in                       

2) on

Запитання 42

My dad (3) ………. the city before and he says (4) ………. great.

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3) visits                

3) is visiting         

3) has visited

4) it’s              

4) he’s                

4) they’re

Запитання 43

It’s also got (5) ………. sea life park in Europe and (6) ………. animals from all of the (7) ………. in the world.

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5) the biggest     

5) the bigger       

5) the most big

6) there’s             

6) there are    

6) are there

7) rivers                 

7) oceans

Запитання 44

It’s really big so you (8) ………. spend the day there. 

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don’t have to          


have to

Запитання 45

We’re going to get tickets on (9) ……. Internet so we (10) …… any problems getting in.

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9) an                             

9) the               

9) –

10) haven’t            

10) don’t have        

10) haven’t had

Запитання 46

IX Reading

Read the article. Choose the right headings.

An amazing adventure

(1) ………………………….

Eighteen-year-old Jerome Williams has become one of the youngest people to cycle around the world. After eight months and 19,000 miles, Jerome returned home yesterday.


Jerome started his journey late last year. In that time he has cycled more than 100 miles every day. He’s ridden across deserts, over mountains and through rainforests and he’s crossed four continents.


‘I’ve done lots of cycling in my life but it’s always been in the UK. I wanted to see more of the world. For me, the most interesting place was South America. There was lots to see and the people were really friendly.’


‘One day my bicycle broke on a mountain road and I wasn’t sure how to fix it. Suddenly some people appeared and took me back to their village. They let me stay in their house and a mechanic repaired my bike. They were really kind.’


‘Before I went, I only wanted to see the well-known places, but the people were the most amazing thing about the trip. All over the world, they were pleased to see me and help me. It’s given me a lot of confidence and now I want to do it again!’



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1) Seeing the world

1) Cycling every day

1) The best thing

1) Coming home

1) Problems on the road

Запитання 47

An amazing adventure


Eighteen-year-old Jerome Williams has become one of the youngest people to cycle around the world. After eight months and 19,000 miles, Jerome returned home yesterday.

(2) ………………………….

Jerome started his journey late last year. In that time he has cycled more than 100 miles every day. He’s ridden across deserts, over mountains, and through rainforests and he’s crossed four continents.


‘I’ve done lots of cycling in my life but it’s always been in the UK. I wanted to see more of the world. For me, the most interesting place was South America. There was lots to see and the people were really friendly.’


‘One day my bicycle broke on a mountain road and I wasn’t sure how to fix it. Suddenly some people appeared and took me back to their village. They let me stay in their house and a mechanic repaired my bike. They were really kind.’


‘Before I went, I only wanted to see the well-known places, but the people were the most amazing thing about the trip. All over the world, they were pleased to see me and help me. It’s given me a lot of confidence and now I want to do it again!’

варіанти відповідей

2) Seeing the world

2)  Cycling every day

2)  The best thing

2) Coming home

2) Problems on the road

Запитання 48

An amazing adventure


Eighteen-year-old Jerome Williams has become one of the youngest people to cycle around the world. After eight months and 19,000 miles, Jerome returned home yesterday.


Jerome started his journey late last year. In that time he has cycled more than 100 miles every day. He’s ridden across deserts, over mountains, and through rainforests and he’s crossed four continents.


‘I’ve done lots of cycling in my life but it’s always been in the UK. I wanted to see more of the world. For me, the most interesting place was South America. There was lots to see and the people were really friendly.’


‘One day my bicycle broke on a mountain road and I wasn’t sure how to fix it. Suddenly some people appeared and took me back to their village. They let me stay in their house and a mechanic repaired my bike. They were really kind.’


‘Before I went, I only wanted to see the well-known places, but the people were the most amazing thing about the trip. All over the world, they were pleased to see me and help me. It’s given me a lot of confidence and now I want to do it again!’

варіанти відповідей

3)Seeing the world

3)  Cycling every day

3)  The best thing

3) Coming home

3)  Problems on the road

Запитання 49

An amazing adventure


Eighteen-year-old Jerome Williams has become one of the youngest people to cycle around the world. After eight months and 19,000 miles, Jerome returned home yesterday.


Jerome started his journey late last year. In that time he has cycled more than 100 miles every day. He’s ridden across deserts, over mountains, and through rainforests and he’s crossed four continents.


‘I’ve done lots of cycling in my life but it’s always been in the UK. I wanted to see more of the world. For me, the most interesting place was South America. There was lots to see and the people were really friendly.’


‘One day my bicycle broke on a mountain road and I wasn’t sure how to fix it. Suddenly some people appeared and took me back to their village. They let me stay in their house and a mechanic repaired my bike. They were really kind.’


‘Before I went, I only wanted to see the well-known places, but the people were the most amazing thing about the trip. All over the world, they were pleased to see me and help me. It’s given me a lot of confidence and now I want to do it again!’

варіанти відповідей

4)Seeing the world

4)  Cycling every day

4) The best thing

4)  Coming home

4)  Problems on the road

Запитання 50

An amazing adventure


Eighteen-year-old Jerome Williams has become one of the youngest people to cycle around the world. After eight months and 19,000 miles, Jerome returned home yesterday.


Jerome started his journey late last year. In that time he has cycled more than 100 miles every day. He’s ridden across deserts, over mountains, and through rainforests and he’s crossed four continents.


‘I’ve done lots of cycling in my life but it’s always been in the UK. I wanted to see more of the world. For me, the most interesting place was South America. There was lots to see and the people were really friendly.’


‘One day my bicycle broke on a mountain road and I wasn’t sure how to fix it. Suddenly some people appeared and took me back to their village. They let me stay in their house and a mechanic repaired my bike. They were really kind.’


‘Before I went, I only wanted to see the well-known places, but the people were the most amazing thing about the trip. All over the world, they were pleased to see me and help me. It’s given me a lot of confidence and now I want to do it again!’

варіанти відповідей

5)Seeing the world

5) Cycling every day

5) The best thing

5)  Coming home

5) Problems on the road

Запитання 51

X Read the article again and answer these questions. 

Eighteen-year-old Jerome Williams has become one of the youngest people to cycle around the world. After eight months and 19,000 miles, Jerome returned home yesterday.

Jerome started his journey late last year. In that time he has cycled more than 100 miles every day. He’s ridden across deserts, over mountains and through rainforests and he’s crossed four continents.

‘I’ve done lots of cycling in my life but it’s always been in the UK. I wanted to see more of the world. For me, the most interesting place was South America. There was lots to see and the people were really friendly.’

‘One day my bicycle broke on a mountain road and I wasn’t sure how to fix it. Suddenly some people appeared and took me back to their village. They let me stay in their house and a mechanic repaired my bike. They were really kind.’

‘Before I went, I only wanted to see the well-known places, but the people were the most amazing thing about the trip. All over the world, they were pleased to see me and help me. It’s given me a lot of confidence and now I want to do it again!’

1   How far did Jerome cycle every day?

варіанти відповідей

more than 100 miles

more than 10 miles

more than 1000 miles

Запитання 52

Eighteen-year-old Jerome Williams has become one of the youngest people to cycle around the world. After eight months and 19,000 miles, Jerome returned home yesterday.

Jerome started his journey late last year. In that time he has cycled more than 100 miles every day. He’s ridden across deserts, over mountains and through rainforests and he’s crossed four continents.

‘I’ve done lots of cycling in my life but it’s always been in the UK. I wanted to see more of the world. For me, the most interesting place was South America. There was lots to see and the people were really friendly.’

‘One day my bicycle broke on a mountain road and I wasn’t sure how to fix it. Suddenly some people appeared and took me back to their village. They let me stay in their house and a mechanic repaired my bike. They were really kind.’

‘Before I went, I only wanted to see the well-known places, but the people were the most amazing thing about the trip. All over the world, they were pleased to see me and help me. It’s given me a lot of confidence and now I want to do it again!’

2   Where has Jerome cycled before?

варіанти відповідей

only in Ukraine 

only in the UK 

around the world

Запитання 53

Eighteen-year-old Jerome Williams has become one of the youngest people to cycle around the world. After eight months and 19,000 miles, Jerome returned home yesterday.

Jerome started his journey late last year. In that time he has cycled more than 100 miles every day. He’s ridden across deserts, over mountains and through rainforests and he’s crossed four continents.

‘I’ve done lots of cycling in my life but it’s always been in the UK. I wanted to see more of the world. For me, the most interesting place was South America. There was lots to see and the people were really friendly.’

‘One day my bicycle broke on a mountain road and I wasn’t sure how to fix it. Suddenly some people appeared and took me back to their village. They let me stay in their house and a mechanic repaired my bike. They were really kind.’

‘Before I went, I only wanted to see the well-known places, but the people were the most amazing thing about the trip. All over the world, they were pleased to see me and help me. It’s given me a lot of confidence and now I want to do it again!’

3  Who fixed Jerome’s bike for him?

варіанти відповідей


a merchandiser

a mechanic

Запитання 54

Eighteen-year-old Jerome Williams has become one of the youngest people to cycle around the world. After eight months and 19,000 miles, Jerome returned home yesterday.

Jerome started his journey late last year. In that time he has cycled more than 100 miles every day. He’s ridden across deserts, over mountains and through rainforests and he’s crossed four continents.

‘I’ve done lots of cycling in my life but it’s always been in the UK. I wanted to see more of the world. For me, the most interesting place was South America. There was lots to see and the people were really friendly.’

‘One day my bicycle broke on a mountain road and I wasn’t sure how to fix it. Suddenly some people appeared and took me back to their village. They let me stay in their house and a mechanic repaired my bike. They were really kind.’

‘Before I went, I only wanted to see the well-known places, but the people were the most amazing thing about the trip. All over the world, they were pleased to see me and help me. It’s given me a lot of confidence and now I want to do it again!’

4   How has the trip helped Jerome?

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It’s given him a lot of confidence.

He learned to cycle well.

He met new friends.

Запитання 55

XI Listening

Listen to the audio added to your Group's Viber. Are the statements True or False?

1 Danny was the winner of Something Special.

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Запитання 56

2 He was on Something Special for only one week.

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Запитання 57

3 His uncle was also in the competition.

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Запитання 58

4  Danny felt sad when he won.

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Запитання 59

5  Danny plans to spend some time with his family.

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