End of Year Test 4th Grade

Додано: 24 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 562 рази
3 запитання
Запитання 1

Choose the correct sentences.

To: Ellie   From: Zara   Subject: My news

Hi! How are you? I've had a great week!

Last weekend, on Saturday, we had a party for my little brother's birthday. I helped my parents get everything ready. We went shopping and bought him some toys in the toy shop. Then I tidied the house and cleaned the floors with the vacuum cleaner. My brother loves space and watching programmes about the planets. So Mum baked him a cake, which looked like a rocket! She's great at making cakes and he loved it!

On Sunday, we went on a boat trip along the coast. When we were sailing, we saw some really friendly dolphins. I saw some jellyfish, too, but I didn't touch them. After the boat trip, we walked along a path and came to some cliffs. The view from there was amazing!

On Monday at school, we had fun. We wrote emails to children in other countries. My new friend is called Miray and she's Turkish. Maybe she'll come and visit me one day. I think you would like her. She's very confident and polite and she looks like your Italian friend, Maria.

I'm going for a bike ride in the park on Friday after school. Would you like to come with me? Please say yes! I'll prepare some cheese sandwiches and we can buy drinks from the corner shop on the way there.

What's your news? Write soon 

варіанти відповідей

This text is a poem.

Zara wrote this text.

This text is about her holiday.

Запитання 2

Read the text. Then read and choose only true sentences.

New message

To: Ellie   From: Zara   Subject: My news

Hi! How are you? I've had a great week!

Last weekend, on Saturday, we had a party for my little brother's birthday. I helped my parents get everything ready. We went shopping and bought him some toys in the toy shop. Then I tidied the house and cleaned the floors with the vacuum cleaner. My brother loves space and watching programmes about the planets. So Mum baked him a cake, which looked like a rocket! She's great at making cakes and he loved it!

On Sunday, we went on a boat trip along the coast. When we were sailing, we saw some really friendly dolphins. I saw some jellyfish, too, but I didn't touch them. After the boat trip, we walked along a path and came to some cliffs. The view from there was amazing!

On Monday at school, we had fun. We wrote emails to children in other countries. My new friend is called Miray and she's Turkish. Maybe she'll come and visit me one day. I think you would like her. She's very confident and polite and she looks like your Italian friend, Maria.

I'm going for a bike ride in the park on Friday after school. Would you like to come with me? Please say yes! I'll prepare some cheese sandwiches and we can buy drinks from the corner shop on the way there.

What's your news? Write soon.

варіанти відповідей

1. Zara's week was great. 

2. Zara is younger than her brother. 

3. Zara saw some dolphins when she was sailing.

4. Zara's new friend is from Italy.

5. Zara wants Ellie to bring drinks with her on Friday. 

Запитання 3

Unscramble the letters and complete the sentences. Choose only correct answers.

1. I'm going to the shopping centre with Dad to get a new _________ for my computer. beydokra

2. Ollie's not very good at _________ , but he's great at fixing toys. gijligung

3. Have you ever seen a _______ ?  loailgr

4. The _________  really enjoyed the pop concert. eeudnaci

5. Santiago is really______ . He doesn't talk to the students in his class. funyrediln

варіанти відповідей






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