English 7th form Unit 5.2

Додано: 14 листопада 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 61 раз
20 запитань
Запитання 1

X: Did you do anything special at the weekend?

     Y:  .....................................................................                                 

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      I enjoyed it a lot.

       I went to a wedding.

       It was really special.

Запитання 2

X:   ...........................................................................

     Y:.Yes, we usually have a family meal at home

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       How do you celebrate your birthday?

           Who do you celebrate your birthday with?

       Do you celebrate your birthday?

Запитання 3

X: What are you wearing to Daisy’s graduation?

     Y:  .............................................................                                                                 

     X: Really? Maybe I should go shopping too!

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          My suit was on sale.

          I’ve bought a new suit.

          I think you should wear a suit.

Запитання 4

Fill the gap (1) with appropriate sentence:

bride - наречена ; groom -  наречений

Hindu weddings are elaborate occasions that take

place over several days. One important part of the

festivities is the Mehndi Party.(1) ..................................................

 It is called the

Mehndi Party after the dye used to paint patterns on the skin of the bride, also

called mehndi. This is a paste made from the dried leaves of a plant, mixed with lemon juice or water. (2)

 An artist uses the mehndi to paint complicated designs on the bride’s hands and feet, so she has to sit still for hours. (3)

 They also have designs painted on their skin. (4)

 A popular belief is that the longer the pattern remains on the bride’s skin, the more the groom and his family love her.

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 This is why the other women sing and dance to entertain her.  

The groom’s name is often hidden in the pattern on her hands.

  This celebration is only for the bride and her relatives.

Запитання 5

Fill the gap (2) with appropriate sentence:

bride - наречена ; groom -  наречений

Hindu weddings are elaborate occasions that take

place over several days. One important part of the

festivities is the Mehndi Party.(1)

 It is called the

Mehndi Party after the dye used to paint patterns on the skin of the bride, also

called mehndi. This is a paste made from the dried leaves of a plant, mixed with lemon juice or water. (2)...........................................

 An artist uses the mehndi to paint complicated designs on the bride’s hands and feet, so she has to sit still for hours. (3)

 They also have designs painted on their skin. (4)

 A popular belief is that the longer the pattern remains on the bride’s skin, the more the groom and his family love her.

варіанти відповідей

  The mehndi patterns last for 2-4 weeks.

  This celebration is only for the bride and her relatives.

  It is usually reddish-brown, the colour of luck.

Запитання 6

Fill the gap (3) with appropriate sentence:

bride - наречена ; groom -  наречений

Hindu weddings are elaborate occasions that take

place over several days. One important part of the

festivities is the Mehndi Party.(1)

 It is called the

Mehndi Party after the dye used to paint patterns on the skin of the bride, also

called mehndi. This is a paste made from the dried leaves of a plant, mixed with lemon juice or water. (2)

 An artist uses the mehndi to paint complicated designs on the bride’s hands and feet, so she has to sit still for hours. (3)..................................................................................

 They also have designs painted on their skin. (4)

 A popular belief is that the longer the pattern remains on the bride’s skin, the more the groom and his family love her.

варіанти відповідей

  It is usually reddish-brown, the colour of luck.

  This is why the other women sing and dance to entertain her.  

  The groom’s name is often hidden in the pattern on her hands.

Запитання 7

Fill the gap (4) with appropriate sentence:

bride - наречена ; groom -  наречений

Hindu weddings are elaborate occasions that take

place over several days. One important part of the

festivities is the Mehndi Party.(1)

 It is called the

Mehndi Party after the dye used to paint patterns on the skin of the bride, also

called mehndi. This is a paste made from the dried leaves of a plant, mixed with lemon juice or water. (2)

 An artist uses the mehndi to paint complicated designs on the bride’s hands and feet, so she has to sit still for hours. (3)

 They also have designs painted on their skin. (4)..............................................................

 A popular belief is that the longer the pattern remains on the bride’s skin, the more the groom and his family love her.

варіанти відповідей

  The groom’s name is often hidden in the pattern on her hands.

 The mehndi patterns last for 2-4 weeks.

 This celebration is only for the bride and her relatives.

Запитання 8

Charlie ............some tea on the white carpet

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Запитання 9

Maria ................... to the party in the same dress as her sister.

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put up

turned up

gave up

Запитання 10

In some countries, the wedding celebrations ....................for several days

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Запитання 11

There were lots of impressive floats in the street ...............

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Запитання 12

Stan ..............on Mike’s foot while we were dancing

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Запитання 13

In Ukraine people usually ……………………. cards and presents on New Year’s Day.

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Запитання 14

We decided to ……………………. the house with balloons for Kelly’s party

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Запитання 15

We hold Gasparilla Pirate Festival to ………………. the life of a Spanish pirate

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Запитання 16

Jason ................................... a glass and there are pieces of it all over the floor

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has just breaking

has just broken

have just broken

Запитання 17

They haven’t picked the winner of the competition ....................

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Запитання 18

I  ....................Fiona a birthday present yesterday

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have bought

Запитання 19

Laura ............................. her

costume for the parade

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has already chosen

did already chose

already has chosen

Запитання 20

I …….. any fruitcakes for our New Year’s Eve dinner yet.

варіанти відповідей

haven’t prepared

didn’t prepare

don’t prepare

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