English plus 1 Reading unit3

Додано: 13 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 195 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Elephants are the biggest land animals in the world. (The biggest animals are blue whales, but they live in the sea.) There are elephants in Africa and Asia. The two types of elephant are different – Asian elephants are usually smaller than African ones.

Elephants don’t eat other animals. They eat small trees, grass and other plants. But they are heavy – they can grow to about 7,000 kilos – so they can be very dangerous to people.

Elephants are intelligent. Like people, they live in family groups. In some countries people use elephants for work – they are very strong, and they can move heavy objects.

But in many places elephants are in danger. One of the worst problems for elephants is hunting. Some people kill elephants because they want the animal’s tusks (its two long teeth). To protect elephants, we need to create safe areas for them.


1.There are _____ different types of animals

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Запитання 2

Elephants are the biggest land animals in the world. (The biggest animals are blue whales, but they live in the sea.) There are elephants in Africa and Asia. The two types of elephant are different – Asian elephants are usually smaller than African ones.

Elephants don’t eat other animals. They eat small trees, grass and other plants. But they are heavy – they can grow to about 7,000 kilos – so they can be very dangerous to people.

Elephants are intelligent. Like people, they live in family groups. In some countries people use elephants for work – they are very strong, and they can move heavy objects.

But in many places elephants are in danger. One of the worst problems for elephants is hunting. Some people kill elephants because they want the animal’s tusks (its two long teeth). To protect elephants, we need to create safe areas for them.

Write True or False

2. Elephants are the biggest animals in the world

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Запитання 3

Elephants are the biggest land animals in the world. (The biggest animals are blue whales, but they live in the sea.) There are elephants in Africa and Asia. The two types of elephant are different – Asian elephants are usually smaller than African ones.

Elephants don’t eat other animals. They eat small trees, grass and other plants. But they are heavy – they can grow to about 7,000 kilos – so they can be very dangerous to people.

Elephants are intelligent. Like people, they live in family groups. In some countries people use elephants for work – they are very strong, and they can move heavy objects.

But in many places elephants are in danger. One of the worst problems for elephants is hunting. Some people kill elephants because they want the animal’s tusks (its two long teeth). To protect elephants, we need to create safe areas for them.

African elephants are usually ______ than Asian ones.

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Запитання 4

Elephants are the biggest land animals in the world. (The world’s biggest animals are blue whales, but they live in the sea.) There are elephants in Africa and Asia. The two types of elephant are different – Asian elephants are usually smaller than African ones.

Elephants don’t eat other animals. They eat small trees and plants. But they are heavy – they can grow to about 7,000 kilos – so they can be very dangerous to people.

Elephants are intelligent. Like people, they live in family groups. But in many places elephants are in danger. One of the worst problems for elephants is hunting. Some people kill elephants because they want the animal’s tusks (its two long teeth).

4. Choose the correct words.

Elephants eat / don’t eat other animals.

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don't eat

Запитання 5

Elephants are the biggest land animals in the world. (The world’s biggest animals are blue whales, but they live in the sea.) There are elephants in Africa and Asia. The two types of elephant are different – Asian elephants are usually smaller than African ones.

Elephants don’t eat other animals. They eat small trees and plants. But they are heavy – they can grow to about 7,000 kilos – so they can be very dangerous to people.

Elephants are intelligent. Like people, they live in family groups. But in many places elephants are in danger. One of the worst problems for elephants is hunting. Some people kill elephants because they want the animal’s tusks (its two long teeth).

5. Elephants can be dangerous because they are very heavy / intelligent

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Запитання 6

Elephants are the biggest land animals in the world. (The world’s biggest animals are blue whales, but they live in the sea.) There are elephants in Africa and Asia. The two types of elephant are different – Asian elephants are usually smaller than African ones.

Elephants don’t eat other animals. They eat small trees and plants. But they are heavy – they can grow to about 7,000 kilos – so they can be very dangerous to people.

Elephants are intelligent. Like people, they live in family groups. But in many places elephants are in danger. One of the worst problems for elephants is hunting. Some people kill elephants because they want the animal’s tusks (its two long teeth).

Farming / Hunting is a problem for elephants

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Запитання 7

Elephants are the biggest land animals in the world. (The world’s biggest animals are blue whales, but they live in the sea.) There are elephants in Africa and Asia. The two types of elephant are different – Asian elephants are usually smaller than African ones.

Elephants don’t eat other animals. They eat small trees and plants. But they are heavy – they can grow to about 7,000 kilos – so they can be very dangerous to people.

Elephants are intelligent. Like people, they live in family groups. But in many places elephants are in danger. One of the worst problems for elephants is hunting. Some people kill elephants because they want the animal’s tusks (its two long teeth).

Write True or False

Elephants live together, mother and father, aunts and uncles, grandmothers and grandfathers, children.

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Запитання 8

Elephants are the biggest land animals in the world. (The world’s biggest animals are blue whales, but they live in the sea.) There are elephants in Africa and Asia. The two types of elephant are different – Asian elephants are usually smaller than African ones.

Elephants don’t eat other animals. They eat small trees and plants. But they are heavy – they can grow to about 7,000 kilos – so they can be very dangerous to people.

Elephants are intelligent. Like people, they live in family groups. But in many places elephants are in danger. One of the worst problems for elephants is hunting. Some people kill elephants because they want the animal’s tusks (its two long teeth).

Write true or false

We can't create safe place for elephants

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Запитання 9

Elephants are the biggest land animals in the world. (The world’s biggest animals are blue whales, but they live in the sea.) There are elephants in Africa and Asia. The two types of elephant are different – Asian elephants are usually smaller than African ones.

Elephants don’t eat other animals. They eat small trees and plants. But they are heavy – they can grow to about 7,000 kilos – so they can be very dangerous to people.

Elephants are intelligent. Like people, they live in family groups. But in many places elephants are in danger. One of the worst problems for elephants is hunting. Some people kill elephants because they want the animal’s tusks (its two long teeth).

Write True or False

Whales live in the water

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Запитання 10

Elephants are the biggest land animals in the world. (The world’s biggest animals are blue whales, but they live in the sea.) There are elephants in Africa and Asia. The two types of elephant are different – Asian elephants are usually smaller than African ones.

Elephants don’t eat other animals. They eat small trees and plants. But they are heavy – they can grow to about 7,000 kilos – so they can be very dangerous to people.

Elephants are intelligent. Like people, they live in family groups. But in many places elephants are in danger. One of the worst problems for elephants is hunting. Some people kill elephants because they want the animal’s tusks (its two long teeth).

Write true or False

People kill elephants for their meat

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