English Plus 1 Unit 7 Growing up

Додано: 26 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 69 разів
7 запитань
Запитання 1

Complete the sentences with the words in the box. slim     round  curly    tall    short

1  He isn’t short. He’s ________.

2  My hair isn’t straight. It’s ________.

3  You aren’t overweight. You’re ________.

4  Her hair isn’t long. It’s ________.

5  His face isn’t thin. It’s ________.

варіанти відповідей

1  tall

2  curly

3  slim

4  short

5  round

1  short

2  curly

3  round

4  tall

5  slim

1  slim

2  short

3 tall

4  curly

5  round

Запитання 2

Complete the sentences.

1  He’s got a moustache and a b________. He’s got a lot of hair on his face!

2  You aren’t short or tall. You’re a________ height.

3  Grandad hasn’t got any hair. He’s b________.

4  My eyes aren’t very good. I need g________.

5  Her hair isn’t dark brown. It’s l________ brown

варіанти відповідей

1  bead

2  avarage

3  bold

4  glassess

5  light

1  beard

2  average

3  bald

4  glasses

5  light

1  beard

2  averager

3  balde

4  glases

5  lighter

Запитання 3

Choose the correct words.

1  My dad has / is / was born in Spain.

2  I want to do / get / go a good job after university.

3  My mum visited / travelled / was around Europe when she was younger.

4  Where did you grow up / in / to?

5  Students usually go / travel / leave school when they’re eighteen.

варіанти відповідей

1  is

2  do

3  was

4  in

5  travel

1  has

2  go

3  visited

4  to

5  go

1  was

2  get

3  travelled

4  up

5  leave

Запитання 4

Complete the affirmative and negative sentences. Use the past simple.

1  (I / not go) ________________ to school last week.

2  (we / eat) ________________ at a restaurant yesterday.

3  (you / not come) ________________ to the concert on Saturday.

4  (they / play) ________________ tennis this morning.

5  (she / not live)  ________________ in this flat five years ago

варіанти відповідей

1  I didn’t go

2  We ate

3  You didn’t come

4  They played

5  She didn’t live

1  I did go

2  We ated

3  You didn’t comed

4  They played

5  She didn’t lived

1  I didn’t goed

2  We eated

3  You did come

4  They play

5  She did lived

Запитання 5

Correct the mistakes.

1  That pizza is for Jake and Peter. Give it to we, please. ________

2  I don’t want any juice. I don’t like they. ________

3  I’m going to the park. Come with us! ________

4  That’s my sister’s phone. Give it to she! _______

5  Your brother is friendly. I like he. ________

варіанти відповідей

1  him

2  her

3  it

4  them

5  us

1  them

2  it

3  me

4  her

5  him

Запитання 6

Complete the conversations.

    A  I visited a friend.

    B  Who did you visit?

1  A  She went out.

    B  Where ________________________?

2  A  We called the police.

    B  Why ________________________?

3  A  He left school.

    B  When ________________________?

4  A  They travelled to China.

    B  How ________________________?

5  A  I cooked something.

    B  What ________________________?

варіанти відповідей

1  did she go

2  did you call the police

3  did he leave school

4  did they travel (to China)

5  did you cook

1  did she went

2  did you called the police

3  did he leaved school

4  did they traveled (to China)

5  did you cooked

Запитання 7

Write letters b–f in the correct gaps.

a  I’ve got a few questions for you, if that’s OK.

b  That’s a difficult one.

c  Good question!

d  Sure. Go ahead.

e  Thanks for your time.

f   One more question.

A  Hi. It’s great to meet you. a

B  1____

A  So, when did you decide to become an actor?

B  2____ I decided when I was at school.

A  Really? How old were you?

B  Oh, about twelve.

A  OK. 3____ What was the most exciting time in your career?

B  Mmm. 4____ I’m not sure. I guess it was when I acted with George Clooney last year.

A  Ah yes, of course. That was great. 5____

B  You’re welcome.

варіанти відповідей

1  d

2  c

3  f

4  b

5  e

1  b

2  e

3  f

4  d

5  c

1  d

2  f

3  c

4  e

5  b

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