English Plus 2 2nd Unit 2 Speaking

Додано: 26 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова
Тест виконано: 20 разів
5 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the phone conversation. Choose the correct answers (a, b or c).

Task 1

A  Hello?

B  Hi, James. 1_______ of cycling to the park with Sara. Are you 2_______?

A  I’m sorry, Maggie. I’d like to come, but 3_______ right now.

B  Why not? What 4_______?

A  I’m helping my mum at the moment.

B  Well, can you come later?

A  I can 5_______ it at three o’clock.

B  That’s great. We’ll be in the café at three o’clock. Text me when you leave home.

A  OK. See you later!

варіанти відповідей

 a I can think

 b I think

c I’m thinking

Запитання 2

Read the phone conversation. Choose the correct answers (a, b or c).

Task 2

A  Hello?

B  Hi, James. 1_______ of cycling to the park with Sara. Are you 2_______?

A  I’m sorry, Maggie. I’d like to come, but 3_______ right now.

B  Why not? What 4_______?

A  I’m helping my mum at the moment.

B  Well, can you come later?

A  I can 5_______ it at three o’clock.

B  That’s great. We’ll be in the café at three o’clock. Text me when you leave home.

A  OK. See you later!

варіанти відповідей

 a interested 

b interesting

c interest

Запитання 3

Read the phone conversation. Choose the correct answers (a, b or c).

Task 3

A  Hello?

B  Hi, James. 1_______ of cycling to the park with Sara. Are you 2_______?

A  I’m sorry, Maggie. I’d like to come, but 3_______ right now.

B  Why not? What 4_______?

A  I’m helping my mum at the moment.

B  Well, can you come later?

A  I can 5_______ it at three o’clock.

B  That’s great. We’ll be in the café at three o’clock. Text me when you leave home.

A  OK. See you later!

варіанти відповідей

a I don’t

a I can’t

c I’m not

Запитання 4

Read the phone conversation. Choose the correct answers (a, b or c).

Task 4

A  Hello?

B  Hi, James. 1_______ of cycling to the park with Sara. Are you 2_______?

A  I’m sorry, Maggie. I’d like to come, but 3_______ right now.

B  Why not? What 4_______?

A  I’m helping my mum at the moment.

B  Well, can you come later?

A  I can 5_______ it at three o’clock.

B  That’s great. We’ll be in the café at three o’clock. Text me when you leave home.

A  OK. See you later!

варіанти відповідей

 a are you doing

b can you do

c do you do

Запитання 5

Read the phone conversation. Choose the correct answers (a, b or c).

Task 5

A  Hello?

B  Hi, James. 1_______ of cycling to the park with Sara. Are you 2_______?

A  I’m sorry, Maggie. I’d like to come, but 3_______ right now.

B  Why not? What 4_______?

A  I’m helping my mum at the moment.

B  Well, can you come later?

A  I can 5_______ it at three o’clock.

B  That’s great. We’ll be in the café at three o’clock. Text me when you leave home.

A  OK. See you later!

варіанти відповідей

a say

b like

c make

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