English Plus 3 Unit 3

Додано: 17 березня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 140 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

1. Complete the text message with still, already and yet.

Hi everyone,

Sorry that I still haven`t suggested any activities for our family holiday. First, I need to know how much money we can spend, but I haven`t heard from grandma and grandpa 1)_____.I emailed them last week and they 2)____ haven`t replied ( не відповіли). Mum and dad have 3)______ paid for the hotel, but most of us 4)______ need to get our bus tickets. I know uncle Tom and aunt Susie have 5)_____ bought theirs. I`m not sure what we`re going to do in the evenings 6)______ . We`ll probably want to relax.

Speak soon,


варіанти відповідей




Запитання 2

1. Complete the text message with still, already and yet.

Hi everyone,

Sorry that I still haven`t suggested any activities for our family holiday. First, I need to know how much money we can spend, but I haven`t heard from grandma and grandpa 1)_____.I emailed them last week and they 2)____ haven`t replied ( не відповіли). Mum and dad have 3)______ paid for the hotel, but most of us 4)______ need to get our bus tickets. I know uncle Tom and aunt Susie have 5)_____ bought theirs. I`m not sure what we`re going to do in the evenings 6)______ . We`ll probably want to relax.

Speak soon,


варіанти відповідей




Запитання 3

1. Complete the text message with still, already and yet.

Hi everyone,

Sorry that I still haven`t suggested any activities for our family holiday. First, I need to know how much money we can spend, but I haven`t heard from grandma and grandpa 1)_____.I emailed them last week and they 2)____ haven`t replied ( не відповіли). Mum and dad have 3)______ paid for the hotel, but most of us 4)______ need to get our bus tickets. I know uncle Tom and aunt Susie have 5)_____ bought theirs. I`m not sure what we`re going to do in the evenings 6)______ . We`ll probably want to relax.

Speak soon,


варіанти відповідей




Запитання 4

1. Complete the text message with still, already and yet.

Hi everyone,

Sorry that I still haven`t suggested any activities for our family holiday. First, I need to know how much money we can spend, but I haven`t heard from grandma and grandpa 1)_____.I emailed them last week and they 2)____ haven`t replied ( не відповіли). Mum and dad have 3)______ paid for the hotel, but most of us 4)______ need to get our bus tickets. I know uncle Tom and aunt Susie have 5)_____ bought theirs. I`m not sure what we`re going to do in the evenings 6)______ . We`ll probably want to relax.

Speak soon,


варіанти відповідей




Запитання 5

1. Complete the text message with still, already and yet.

Hi everyone,

Sorry that I still haven`t suggested any activities for our family holiday. First, I need to know how much money we can spend, but I haven`t heard from grandma and grandpa 1)_____.I emailed them last week and they 2)____ haven`t replied ( не відповіли). Mum and dad have 3)______ paid for the hotel, but most of us 4)______ need to get our bus tickets. I know uncle Tom and aunt Susie have 5)_____ bought theirs. I`m not sure what we`re going to do in the evenings 6)______ . We`ll probably want to relax.

Speak soon,


варіанти відповідей




Запитання 6

1. Complete the text message with still, already and yet.

Hi everyone,

Sorry that I still haven`t suggested any activities for our family holiday. First, I need to know how much money we can spend, but I haven`t heard from grandma and grandpa 1)_____.I emailed them last week and they 2)____ haven`t replied ( не відповіли). Mum and dad have 3)______ paid for the hotel, but most of us 4)______ need to get our bus tickets. I know uncle Tom and aunt Susie have 5)_____ bought theirs. I`m not sure what we`re going to do in the evenings 6)______ . We`ll probably want to relax.

Speak soon,


варіанти відповідей




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