English Plus 4 Unit 6

Додано: 11 квітня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 27 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Choose the correct option.

1  Can you ___ life without computers or phones?

    a imagine  b cure  c experiment

2  ___ makes apples fall from trees.

    a Gravity  b Species  c Space

3  Would you like to travel into ___?

    a universe  b space  c meteor

4  What’s the strangest ___ you have ever seen?

    a invention  b  radar  c extinction

5  Did you find it difficult to __ to the heat in Africa?

    a invent  b create  c  adapt

варіанти відповідей

1b 2a 3c 4c 5b

1a 2a 3b 4a 5c

1c 2b 3a 4b 5a

Запитання 2

2, Choose the correct option.

6  There are many planets in the ___.

    a stars  b meteor  c universe

7  Scientists have found ___ for many diseases.

    a experiments  b cures  c designs

8  ___ are destroying the environment.

    a Humans  b Astronauts  c Aliens

9  My brother ___ his own house.

    a explored  b tested  c designed

10 How long has there been life on ___ ?

    a Earth  b planet  c sun

варіанти відповідей

6a 7b 8c 9a 10b

6b 7a 8b 9b 10c

6c 7b 8a 9c 10a

Запитання 3

3. Complete the sentences with the words:

extinct   threat   discover   diseases   developed

1  People are a _____________ to rhinos because they kill them for their meat.

2  Polar bears are in danger of becoming _____________.

3  I’d like to _____________ more of this country. There are so many places to see.

4  Scientists have _____________ medicines that save millions of lives.

5  I believe that doctors will be able to cure most ____________ in the future.

варіанти відповідей

1threat 2extinct 3discover 4developed 5diseases

1 developed 2threat 3extinct 4diseases 5discover

1diseases 2discover 3extinct 4developed 5threat

Запитання 4

4. Complete the sentences with the gerund or infinitive of the verbs:

look  tell  adapt  become  find  buy  chat  ask

1  I can imagine _____________ a scientist when I am older.

2  You can use video calling _____________ to your family.

3  _____________ to life in a new school can be difficult.

4  Mum was angry after _____________ out that I hadn’t tidied up my room.

варіанти відповідей

1to tell 2asking 3Looking 4 to buy

1becoming 2to chat 3Adapting 4finding

1to tell 2to chat 3Looking 4finding

Запитання 5

5. Complete the sentences with the gerund or infinitive of the verbs:

look  tell  adapt  become  find  buy  chat  ask

5  He rang me _____________ me his good news.

6  They took the car without _____________ her.

7  _____________ after your health is important.

8  I’m going to the supermarket _____________ some food.

варіанти відповідей

5  to tell 6  asking 7  Looking 8  to buy

5  becoming 6  to chat 7  Adapting 8  finding

5  to tell 6  to chat 7  Looking 8  becoming

Запитання 6

6. Choose the correct words.

1  If you are / were / will be an astronaut, where would you travel?

2  I won’t know what time to pick you up unless you call / will call / would call me.

3  You can’t drive a car if you don’t / wouldn’t / didn’t have a licence.

4  If you had seen / will see / see her, will you give her a message?

варіанти відповідей

1 are

2 will call

3 didn't

4 will see

1 will be

2 would call

3 wouldn’t

4 had seen

1  were

2  call

3  don’t

4  see

Запитання 7

7. Choose the correct words.

5  If I will swim / swim / would swim underwater, I can’t open my eyes.

6  Would you buy a big car if you have / will have / had lots of money?

7  If it rains, we won’t go / wouldn’t go / haven’t gone out.

8  If I hadn’t gone home, I won’t / wouldn’t have / haven’t seen Andrew.

варіанти відповідей

5 will swim

6 have

7 haven’t gone

8 won’t

5 would swim

6 will have

7 wouldn’t go

8 haven’t

5  swim

6  had

7  won’t go

8  wouldn’t have

Запитання 8

8. Correct the underlined mistakes. Write one or two words.

1  If she doesn’t apologize, I am very angry. ________________

2  If people stopped using their cars, there isn’t so much pollution.________________

3  If you come to the concert with us this evening, you are enjoying it. ____________

4  If you were an alien, will you visit Earth? ________________

5  How will you feel if you won the match tomorrow? ________________

варіанти відповідей

1  would be

2  won’t be

3  will enjoying

4  would

5  wined

1  will be

2  wouldn’t be

3  didn't enjoy

4  are

5  wins

1  will be

2  wouldn’t be

3  will enjoy

4  would

5  win

Запитання 9

9. Correct the underlined mistakes. Write one or two words.

6  If you had been at the party yesterday, you had met my friends. ________________

7  You don’t do well in the exam unless you start revising soon. ________________

8  I always talk to my parents if I will need advice. ________________

9  You wouldn’t have dropped the vase if you have been more careful! ____________

варіанти відповідей

6  will have

7  didn’t

8  need

9  haved

6  would have

7  won’t

8  need

9  had

6  didn't have

7  won’t

8  will need

9 would had

Запитання 10

10. Complete the text.

In my 1o________, space exploration is important. I 2b________ that we must explore the universe, just as we have explored our own planet. I suppose it’s 3t________ that space travel is expensive, and I can 4s________ why people think that we shouldn’t spend money on space travel. But there’s no 5d________ in my mind that people will live on the moon and on Mars in the future. We should start planning now!

варіанти відповідей

1  opinion

2  believe

3  true

4  see

5  doubt

1  open

2  because

3  think

4  cruel

5  develop

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