A computer ____________is an input device that allows a person to enter letters, numbers, and other symbols into a computer.
Spreadsheets have been designed ________ and save it.
So you can safely ________and your information will never be used by hackers and spammers.
Internet _______________ has many forms--music, movies, news, games and more!
Many __________ demonstrated the world's vulnerability (вразливість ) to climate-related (пов'язаних з кліматом) disasters.
This case is more than just a _____________.
You won't believe how much information is _______in this PC.
The page won't appear on your screen till the document is________.
He _____the web-site address and waited for the page to appear.
She often use the Internrt to_______with her friends.
We must try to________the blue whale.
Sadly,moutain gorillas are facing _________today.
To wisit a web site,you only have to_____ the address.
I am just waiting for my computers to finish ________some information.
He is wearing a shirt with elaborate __________on the back.
All the people at the festival were _____flags.
Amy has_______her dog to open the front door.
We could________to the beach tomorrow.
Jack does not eat meat,_______?
A:Vania won the competition!
Tigers are ________doubts very beautiful animals.
I could not believe the message that appeared______my computer screen.
Are you ready _____dinner yet?
We usually go on holiday ______the begining of July.
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