1) - they give birth to live young animals and the young animals get milk from their mothers. Their skin is usually covered in hair or fur and they are warm blooded. They usually have 4 legs (forelegs and hind legs), they can be paws with sharp claws or they have hooves. Many have pointed ears and a tail. Sometimes they have antlers, horns, or tusks, some of them have a trunk. Mostly they live on land, but some of them are adapted for life at sea.
2) ___ - they have wings and usually they can fly, their body is covered in feathers. They have a beak, claws, and a tail. They lay eggs.
3) ___ - they are cold blooded, they are usually covered in scales. Some of them have 4 legs; others have bodies without any legs. They lay eggs on land.
4) - they are cold-blooded, their body is covered in scales. They live in water and they get oxygen from water by using gills and most of them use fins for swimming in water.
5) - these are organisms without a backbone (spine), they can have 6 or 8 legs, sometimes they have shells and often two pairs of wings, their body is divided into parts.
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