1. кататися на човні
2. займатися серфінгом
3. пірнати з трубкою
4. кататися на байдарці
5. пірнати (на глибину)
6. кататися на водних лижах
7.She's............. now.
8. He isn't ...... at the moment.
9. I'm ....... now.
10. Look! Leo is ..............
11. Are you snorkeling?
12. Are they reading a book?
13. Is he listening to music?
14. ....... she cooking dinner for us?
15. ...... you helping your mum?
16. Яке речення правильне?
17. Яке речення правильне?
18. Яке речення правильне?
19 Dolphins are .......
20. Dolphins can't live in .... water.
21. Your garden is so.....! There are lots of flowers and birds.
22. I don't like crocodiles, they are ......
23. This sea is ........ You can swim here.
24. I don't like this park. It's very old and.......
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