Family and Friends. /form 6/


Додано: 12 жовтня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 104 рази
18 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and tick the correct answer:

— Who is that girl, Dolly? Is she your sister?

— No, she isn’t my sister. I haven’t got a sister, I have got a brother. That girl is my friend Ella. Ella is the only child in the family, so we are like sisters.

— Is Ella 11 years old as you are, Dolly?

— No, Ella is 10 years old now. I am older than her because my birthday is in June. Dolly will be 11 in December.

— What is Ella fond of?

— She is fond of pets. She has got a parrot, a goldfish and two cats. Ella is crazy about cats and she has even got a nickname Kitty because she always feeds all the cats near our house.

— Have you got any nickname, Dolly?

— No, I haven’t.

— Have you got a pet?

— Yes, I have got a big dog Bell. I’m crazy about dogs, but I don’t like cats very much.

Who has got a brother?

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Запитання 2

Read the text and tick the correct answer:

— Who is that girl, Dolly? Is she your sister?

— No, she isn’t my sister. I haven’t got a sister, I have got a brother. That girl is my friend Ella. Ella is the only child in the family, so we are like sisters.

— Is Ella 11 years old as you are, Dolly?

— No, Ella is 10 years old now. I am older than her because my birthday is in June. Dolly will be 11 in December.

— What is Ella fond of?

— She is fond of pets. She has got a parrot, a goldfish and two cats. Ella is crazy about cats and she has even got a nickname Kitty because she always feeds all the cats near our house.

— Have you got any nickname, Dolly?

— No, I haven’t.

— Have you got a pet?

— Yes, I have got a big dog Bell. I’m crazy about dogs, but I don’t like cats very much.

Whose birthday is in December?

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Запитання 3

Read the text and tick the correct answer:

— Who is that girl, Dolly? Is she your sister?

— No, she isn’t my sister. I haven’t got a sister, I have got a brother. That girl is my friend Ella. Ella is the only child in the family, so we are like sisters.

— Is Ella 11 years old as you are, Dolly?

— No, Ella is 10 years old now. I am older than her because my birthday is in June. Dolly will be 11 in December.

— What is Ella fond of?

— She is fond of pets. She has got a parrot, a goldfish and two cats. Ella is crazy about cats and she has even got a nickname Kitty because she always feeds all the cats near our house.

— Have you got any nickname, Dolly?

— No, I haven’t.

— Have you got a pet?

— Yes, I have got a big dog Bell. I’m crazy about dogs, but I don’t like cats very much.

Who loves cats?

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Запитання 4

Read the text and tick the correct answer:

— Who is that girl, Dolly? Is she your sister?

— No, she isn’t my sister. I haven’t got a sister, I have got a brother. That girl is my friend Ella. Ella is the only child in the family, so we are like sisters.

— Is Ella 11 years old as you are, Dolly?

— No, Ella is 10 years old now. I am older than her because my birthday is in June. Dolly will be 11 in December.

— What is Ella fond of?

— She is fond of pets. She has got a parrot, a goldfish and two cats. Ella is crazy about cats and she has even got a nickname Kitty because she always feeds all the cats near our house.

— Have you got any nickname, Dolly?

— No, I haven’t.

— Have you got a pet?

— Yes, I have got a big dog Bell. I’m crazy about dogs, but I don’t like cats very much.

Who has got a nickname?

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Запитання 5

Read the text and tick the correct answer:

— Who is that girl, Dolly? Is she your sister?

— No, she isn’t my sister. I haven’t got a sister, I have got a brother. That girl is my friend Ella. Ella is the only child in the family, so we are like sisters.

— Is Ella 11 years old as you are, Dolly?

— No, Ella is 10 years old now. I am older than her because my birthday is in June. Dolly will be 11 in December.

— What is Ella fond of?

— She is fond of pets. She has got a parrot, a goldfish and two cats. Ella is crazy about cats and she has even got a nickname Kitty because she always feeds all the cats near our house.

— Have you got any nickname, Dolly?

— No, I haven’t.

— Have you got a pet?

— Yes, I have got a big dog Bell. I’m crazy about dogs, but I don’t like cats very much.

Who has got a dog?

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Запитання 6

Read the text and tick the correct answer:

— Who is that girl, Dolly? Is she your sister?

— No, she isn’t my sister. I haven’t got a sister, I have got a brother. That girl is my friend Ella. Ella is the only child in the family, so we are like sisters.

— Is Ella 11 years old as you are, Dolly?

— No, Ella is 10 years old now. I am older than her because my birthday is in June. Dolly will be 11 in December.

— What is Ella fond of?

— She is fond of pets. She has got a parrot, a goldfish and two cats. Ella is crazy about cats and she has even got a nickname Kitty because she always feeds all the cats near our house.

— Have you got any nickname, Dolly?

— No, I haven’t.

— Have you got a pet?

— Yes, I have got a big dog Bell. I’m crazy about dogs, but I don’t like cats very much.

Who has got a goldfish?

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Запитання 7

Complete the questions with the question words

— …is your birthday?                                       

— It’s in October.  

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Запитання 8

Complete the questions with the question words

— …are you going?                                                

— I’m going to the supermarket.   

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Запитання 9

Complete the questions with the question words

— …have you got in your bag? 

— I have got some books. 

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Запитання 10

Complete the questions with the question words

— …do you get to school?

— I get to school by bus.

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Запитання 11

Complete the questions with the question words

— …is that boy?

— He is my brother.

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Запитання 12

Complete the questions with the question words

— …do you want to talk to your English teacher?

— Because she is a very clever and interesting person.

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Запитання 13

Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense? Tick (√) the correct variant

We always … our house on Saturdays and Wednesdays.

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are cleaning

is cleaning

Запитання 14

Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense? Tick (√) the correct variant

Jim … to have a pet.

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is wanting

arei wanting

Запитання 15

Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense? Tick (√) the correct variant

My parents … in the garden now.

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is working

are working

Запитання 16

Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense? Tick (√) the correct variant

Nelly … supper at the moment.

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don't cook

doesn't cook

is not cooking

are not cooking

Запитання 17

Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense? Tick (√) the correct variant

Eddy … sandwiches for breakfast.

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don't like

does not like

is not liking

are not likiing

Запитання 18

Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense? Tick (√) the correct variant

I … a letter to my penfriend now because I want to invite him to my birthday party.

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am writing

are writing

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