Family and Friends Grammar 6 Unit 9 test 3rd conditional and Modal verbs

This test include

Modal verbs

and third conditionals.

Цей тест дуже гарний особливо для дистанційного навчання, тому що тут є всі теми які вчаться в книжці Family and friends для шостого класу в Unit 9.

Додано: 29 листопада 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
5 запитань
Запитання 1

Choose the correct third conditional:

варіанти відповідей

If you had asked me, I would have helped you.

We would have swum in the sea if there had not been so many sharks there.

If we had gone to the cinema, we would have seen my friend Jacob.

They are all correct

Запитання 2

Choose the correct third conditional:

варіанти відповідей

If we would worn warm clothes, we wouldn’t have got ill

If you had studied harder, it hadn’t seen so difficult.

If we asked Mum, she had have driven us to school

If we had left home earlier, we wouldn’t have missed it.

Запитання 3

choose the correct construction of the third conditional:

варіанти відповідей

If subject would have V3, subject had V3

If subject had V3, subject would have V3

If had V2 subject, would have subject V1

If subject had V3, subject would have V2

Запитання 4

For what we use third conditional?

варіанти відповідей

When we talk about possible situations and something that we can change

When we talk about a one thing that happened in the past before another thing happened in the past

When we talk about impossible situations and something that we cannot change

When we talk about something that is necessary or unnecessary

Запитання 5

How many third conditionals sentences in this dialog:

- This is my new survival suit. It will keep me warm in the Arctic and cool in the desert!

—I’m feeling very cool.

-You’re looking too cold, Steve. I don’t think your survival suit is working.

- That suit is dangerous! If I hadn’t been here, you would have become ice!

- Don’t be silly John. If you had been out, I would have turned it off myself. It just needs a little more work

варіанти відповідей








There are no third conditionals

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