Family and Relationships

Додано: 1 березня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 30 разів
9 запитань
Запитання 1

Choose the correct line (Оберіть строку, де усі прикметники позитивні)

варіанти відповідей

faithful, selfish, attentive, friendly

heartless, kind-hearted, unselfish, brave

good-looking, hard-working, cheerful, lazy

honest, devoted, fair, amusing

Запитання 2

Read the text and choose the right answer

Many teenagers have the energy to play computer games 

until late at night but can’t fi nd the energy to get out of bed in time 

for school. Is it just laziness or is it something more? New 

research suggests that the reason for such behaviour may be the hormonal changes of puberty. It could be the hormones that stop teenagers from going to bed early and make them sleepy in the morning. One thing is for certain - sleep is extremely important for teenagers because it is while they are sleeping that they release a hormone that is essential for their growth. They need more sleep than both 

children and adults. At night our body produces the ‘darkness hormone’ melatonin 

which helps us to fall asleep.

Most adults start to produce melatonin at about 10 pm. Research has shown that teenagers start to produce the hormone at 1 am. In other words, teenagers are being kept awake by their bodies and there is not much they can do about it. 

The fact that they play computer games and watch television late at night stimulates the brain even more and makes it harder for them to fall asleep.

Whatever the reason, most teenagers do not get enough sleep. This results in bad moods and sometimes depression. In America, some schools have decided to start their classes later in the morning to give their teenagers some extra time in bed. 

They noticed their students did much better in class when they did not have to get up early.

Why is sleep important for teenagers?

варіанти відповідей

Becuase they will be well-rested and happy

While they are sleeping that they release a hormone that is essential for their growth

Запитання 3

Read the text and choose the right answer

Many teenagers have the energy to play computer games 

until late at night but can’t fi nd the energy to get out of bed in time 

for school. Is it just laziness or is it something more? New 

research suggests that the reason for such behaviour may be the hormonal changes of puberty. It could be the hormones that stop teenagers from going to bed early and make them sleepy in the morning. One thing is for certain - sleep is extremely important for teenagers because it is while they are sleeping that they release a hormone that is essential for their growth. They need more sleep than both 

children and adults. At night our body produces the ‘darkness hormone’ melatonin 

which helps us to fall asleep.

Most adults start to produce melatonin at about 10 pm. Research has shown that teenagers start to produce the hormone at 1 am. In other words, teenagers are being kept awake by their bodies and there is not much they can do about it. 

The fact that they play computer games and watch television late at night stimulates the brain even more and makes it harder for them to fall asleep.

Whatever the reason, most teenagers do not get enough sleep. This results in bad moods and sometimes depression. In America, some schools have decided to start their classes later in the morning to give their teenagers some extra time in bed. 

They noticed their students did much better in class when they did not have to get up early.

What is typical of many teenagers?

варіанти відповідей

Teenagers start to produce the hormone at 1 am

They sleep a lot

Запитання 4

Read the text and choose the right answer

Many teenagers have the energy to play computer games 

until late at night but can’t fi nd the energy to get out of bed in time 

for school. Is it just laziness or is it something more? New 

research suggests that the reason for such behaviour may be the hormonal changes of puberty. It could be the hormones that stop teenagers from going to bed early and make them sleepy in the morning. One thing is for certain - sleep is extremely important for teenagers because it is while they are sleeping that they release a hormone that is essential for their growth. They need more sleep than both 

children and adults. At night our body produces the ‘darkness hormone’ melatonin 

which helps us to fall asleep.

Most adults start to produce melatonin at about 10 pm. Research has shown that teenagers start to produce the hormone at 1 am. In other words, teenagers are being kept awake by their bodies and there is not much they can do about it. 

The fact that they play computer games and watch television late at night stimulates the brain even more and makes it harder for them to fall asleep.

Whatever the reason, most teenagers do not get enough sleep. This results in bad moods and sometimes depression. In America, some schools have decided to start their classes later in the morning to give their teenagers some extra time in bed. 

They noticed their students did much better in class when they did not have to get up early.

What does new research suggest?

варіанти відповідей

The reason for such behaviour may be the hormonal changes of puberty

The reason for such behaviour may be the hormonal changes of stress

Запитання 5

Read the text and choose the right answer

Many teenagers have the energy to play computer games 

until late at night but can’t fi nd the energy to get out of bed in time 

for school. Is it just laziness or is it something more? New 

research suggests that the reason for such behaviour may be the hormonal changes of puberty. It could be the hormones that stop teenagers from going to bed early and make them sleepy in the morning. One thing is for certain - sleep is extremely important for teenagers because it is while they are sleeping that they release a hormone that is essential for their growth. They need more sleep than both 

children and adults. At night our body produces the ‘darkness hormone’ melatonin 

which helps us to fall asleep.

Most adults start to produce melatonin at about 10 pm. Research has shown that teenagers start to produce the hormone at 1 am. In other words, teenagers are being kept awake by their bodies and there is not much they can do about it. 

The fact that they play computer games and watch television late at night stimulates the brain even more and makes it harder for them to fall asleep.

Whatever the reason, most teenagers do not get enough sleep. This results in bad moods and sometimes depression. In America, some schools have decided to start their classes later in the morning to give their teenagers some extra time in bed. 

They noticed their students did much better in class when they did not have to get up early.

What is melatonin?

варіанти відповідей

The hormone that makes us grow faster

The ‘darkness hormone’ melatonin which helps us to fall asleep.

Запитання 6

Read the text and choose the right answer

Many teenagers have the energy to play computer games 

until late at night but can’t fi nd the energy to get out of bed in time 

for school. Is it just laziness or is it something more? New 

research suggests that the reason for such behaviour may be the hormonal changes of puberty. It could be the hormones that stop teenagers from going to bed early and make them sleepy in the morning. One thing is for certain - sleep is extremely important for teenagers because it is while they are sleeping that they release a hormone that is essential for their growth. They need more sleep than both 

children and adults. At night our body produces the ‘darkness hormone’ melatonin 

which helps us to fall asleep.

Most adults start to produce melatonin at about 10 pm. Research has shown that teenagers start to produce the hormone at 1 am. In other words, teenagers are being kept awake by their bodies and there is not much they can do about it. 

The fact that they play computer games and watch television late at night stimulates the brain even more and makes it harder for them to fall asleep.

Whatever the reason, most teenagers do not get enough sleep. This results in bad moods and sometimes depression. In America, some schools have decided to start their classes later in the morning to give their teenagers some extra time in bed. 

They noticed their students did much better in class when they did not have to get up early.

What have some schools in America decided to do? Why?

варіанти відповідей

Some schools have decided to start their classes earlier in the morning.

Some schools have decided to start their classes later in the morning.

Запитання 7

Fill in the gap using the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

Peter …(work) in his studio every day.

варіанти відповідей



is working

Запитання 8

Fill in the gap using the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

We … (travel) from Rome to see the painter’s opening night.

варіанти відповідей

is travelling


are travelling

Запитання 9

Fill in the gap using the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

The show … (begin) promptly at 9pm, on Thursday.

варіанти відповідей



is beginning

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