Final Test 10

Додано: 10 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 41 раз
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Going Places, on the Cheap

Writers often travel unpredictable and uncommon paths. That’s particularly – and literally – true for Matt Gross, who had the enviable task of traversing the globe in 90 days, chronicling his journey in a blog and 17 _____.

In May, he set out from New York City to Lisbon. In August, he ended his trip with a flight from Beijing to San Francisco. In between, Gross skipped around the world carrying his messenger bag, 18 _____ , a host of gadgets for staying in touch, and a list of contacts called from friends and readers.

Sounds sexy, but he wasn’t on 19 _____ . Gross is the paper’s “Frugal Traveller,” which means he has to operate on a tight budget. And, unlike a vacation, his time isn’t his own.

“I’m on a Greek island right now,” he said by phone in June. (He had already driven from Lisbon to Galecia, flown to Barcelona, hopped a bargain flight to Italy, taken a ferry to Croatia, and ridden 20 _____. “I’d be perfectly happy to spend the next three days going to the exact same beach and eating food at the same restaurant. But my perfect vacation is not necessarily the same thing as anybody else’s perfect vacation. So I try and do everything. I explore 21 _____ . It’s this sort of constant rush.”

With his editors, Gross decided to avoid some destinations, and purposely include others. He also wanted to simply see where the winds would take him. “I can’t really narrow it down because in some ways I’m not 22 _____,” he said mid-trip. “I don’t care where I go; I’m just happy to go.”

варіанти відповідей

a very particular traveler

a bus to Montenegro and Albania

a long road trip around the continent

a three-month, spare-no-expense lark

a 28-inch rolling duffel

as a sixth-grader had written a story

a series of articles for The New York Times

as many of the beaches as possible

Запитання 2

Going Places, on the Cheap

Writers often travel unpredictable and uncommon paths. That’s particularly – and literally – true for Matt Gross, who had the enviable task of traversing the globe in 90 days, chronicling his journey in a blog and 17 _____.

In May, he set out from New York City to Lisbon. In August, he ended his trip with a flight from Beijing to San Francisco. In between, Gross skipped around the world carrying his messenger bag, 18 _____ , a host of gadgets for staying in touch, and a list of contacts called from friends and readers.

Sounds sexy, but he wasn’t on 19 _____ . Gross is the paper’s “Frugal Traveller,” which means he has to operate on a tight budget. And, unlike a vacation, his time isn’t his own.

“I’m on a Greek island right now,” he said by phone in June. (He had already driven from Lisbon to Galecia, flown to Barcelona, hopped a bargain flight to Italy, taken a ferry to Croatia, and ridden 20 _____. “I’d be perfectly happy to spend the next three days going to the exact same beach and eating food at the same restaurant. But my perfect vacation is not necessarily the same thing as anybody else’s perfect vacation. So I try and do everything. I explore 21 _____ . It’s this sort of constant rush.”

With his editors, Gross decided to avoid some destinations, and purposely include others. He also wanted to simply see where the winds would take him. “I can’t really narrow it down because in some ways I’m not 22 _____,” he said mid-trip. “I don’t care where I go; I’m just happy to go.”

варіанти відповідей

a very particular traveler

a bus to Montenegro and Albania

a long road trip around the continent

a three-month, spare-no-expense lark

a 28-inch rolling duffel

as a sixth-grader had written a story

a series of articles for The New York Times

as many of the beaches as possible

Запитання 3

Going Places, on the Cheap

Writers often travel unpredictable and uncommon paths. That’s particularly – and literally – true for Matt Gross, who had the enviable task of traversing the globe in 90 days, chronicling his journey in a blog and 17 _____.

In May, he set out from New York City to Lisbon. In August, he ended his trip with a flight from Beijing to San Francisco. In between, Gross skipped around the world carrying his messenger bag, 18 _____ , a host of gadgets for staying in touch, and a list of contacts culled from friends and readers.

Sounds sexy, but he wasn’t on 19 _____ . Gross is the paper’s “Frugal Traveller,” which means he has to operate on a tight budget. And, unlike a vacation, his time isn’t his own.

“I’m on a Greek island right now,” he said by phone in June. (He had already driven from Lisbon to Galecia, flown to Barcelona, hopped a bargain flight to Italy, taken a ferry to Croatia, and ridden 20 _____. “I’d be perfectly happy to spend the next three days going to the exact same beach and eating food at the same restaurant. But my perfect vacation is not necessarily the same thing as anybody else’s perfect vacation. So I try and do everything. I explore 21 _____ . It’s this sort of constant rush.”

With his editors, Gross decided to avoid some destinations, and purposely include others. He also wanted to simply see where the winds would take him. “I can’t really narrow it down because in some ways I’m not 22 _____,” he said mid-trip. “I don’t care where I go; I’m just happy to go.”

варіанти відповідей

a very particular traveler

a bus to Montenegro and Albania

a long road trip around the continent

a three-month, spare-no-expense lark

a 28-inch rolling duffel

as a sixth-grader had written a story

a series of articles for The New York Times

as many of the beaches as possible

Запитання 4

Going Places, on the Cheap

Writers often travel unpredictable and uncommon paths. That’s particularly – and literally – true for Matt Gross, who had the enviable task of traversing the globe in 90 days, chronicling his journey in a blog and 17 _____.

In May, he set out from New York City to Lisbon. In August, he ended his trip with a flight from Beijing to San Francisco. In between, Gross skipped around the world carrying his messenger bag, 18 _____ , a host of gadgets for staying in touch, and a list of contacts culled from friends and readers.

Sounds sexy, but he wasn’t on 19 _____ . Gross is the paper’s “Frugal Traveller,” which means he has to operate on a tight budget. And, unlike a vacation, his time isn’t his own.

“I’m on a Greek island right now,” he said by phone in June. (He had already driven from Lisbon to Galecia, flown to Barcelona, hopped a bargain flight to Italy, taken a ferry to Croatia, and ridden 20 _____. “I’d be perfectly happy to spend the next three days going to the exact same beach and eating food at the same restaurant. But my perfect vacation is not necessarily the same thing as anybody else’s perfect vacation. So I try and do everything. I explore 21 _____ . It’s this sort of constant rush.”

With his editors, Gross decided to avoid some destinations, and purposely include others. He also wanted to simply see where the winds would take him. “I can’t really narrow it down because in some ways I’m not 22 _____,” he said mid-trip. “I don’t care where I go; I’m just happy to go.”

варіанти відповідей

a very particular traveler

a bus to Montenegro and Albania

a long road trip around the continent

three-month, spare-no-expense lark

a 28-inch rolling duffel

as a sixth-grader had written a story

a series of articles for The New York Times

as many of the beaches as possible

Запитання 5

Going Places, on the Cheap

Writers often travel unpredictable and uncommon paths. That’s particularly – and literally – true for Matt Gross, who had the enviable task of traversing the globe in 90 days, chronicling his journey in a blog and 17 _____.

In May, he set out from New York City to Lisbon. In August, he ended his trip with a flight from Beijing to San Francisco. In between, Gross skipped around the world carrying his messenger bag, 18 _____ , a host of gadgets for staying in touch, and a list of contacts culled from friends and readers.

Sounds sexy, but he wasn’t on 19 _____ . Gross is the paper’s “Frugal Traveller,” which means he has to operate on a tight budget. And, unlike a vacation, his time isn’t his own.

“I’m on a Greek island right now,” he said by phone in June. (He had already driven from Lisbon to Galecia, flown to Barcelona, hopped a bargain flight to Italy, taken a ferry to Croatia, and ridden 20 _____. “I’d be perfectly happy to spend the next three days going to the exact same beach and eating food at the same restaurant. But my perfect vacation is not necessarily the same thing as anybody else’s perfect vacation. So I try and do everything. I explore 21 _____ . It’s this sort of constant rush.”

With his editors, Gross decided to avoid some destinations, and purposely include others. He also wanted to simply see where the winds would take him. “I can’t really narrow it down because in some ways I’m not 22 _____,” he said mid-trip. “I don’t care where I go; I’m just happy to go.”

варіанти відповідей

a very particular traveler

a bus to Montenegro and Albania

a long road trip around the continent

a three-month, spare-no-expense lark

a 28-inch rolling duffel

as a sixth-grader had written a story

a series of articles for The New York Times

as many of the beaches as possible

Запитання 6


Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (12-16).

There are three choices you do not need to use.Canadian researchers found that volunteering can help to improve confidence, reduce blood pressure and boost your immune system. If you’re mindful of other people’s needs they’ll be mindful of yours, so:

• Spend time with your children

• Do a good deed for a neighbour

• Give small but thoughtful gifts to your loved ones

• Be a considerate driver

• Be helpful for work colleagues

• Volunteer for a charity. Visit for opportunities

• Above all, do as you would be done by.

варіанти відповідей

Think of yourself.

Enjoy being active.

Be more selfless.

Savour the flavours.

Improve relationships.

Enjoy life as it is.

Create calm.

Do something.

Запитання 7

Mindfulness can transform the way we tackle communication problems,’ says Kate Carne. Practising being fully in the present helps us to choose how to respond in an argument.

‘If someone makes you angry, and you’re mindful then you’ll deal with your feelings first. Concentrate on your breathing and work out exactly how you feel. Then you can approach the person who triggered your anger in a calm and rational manner.

Treat people you meet with automatic acceptance, as if they were members of your family, and you’ll find them easier to relate to on a friendly basis.

варіанти відповідей

Think of yourself.

Enjoy being active.

Be more selfless.

Savour the flavours.

Improve relationships.

Enjoy life as it is.

Create calm.

Do something.

Запитання 8

Mindfulness can help us reduce stress levels, according to research.

If you're feeling anxious, spend a few minutes concentrating on yourself, as you are, at that moment. Be aware of the chair you're sitting on, for example, and how it feels to be supported by it and think about your breathing.

‘By doing this you move your mind and body almost immediately out of a frantic, stressful, "doing" mode and into a relaxing "being" mode,’ explains Kate Carne. To feel more at peace with yourself, focus on what you have achieved during the day and not on what you haven’t.

варіанти відповідей

Think of yourself.

Enjoy being active.

Be more selfless.

Savour the flavours.

Improve relationships.

Enjoy life as it is.

Create calm.

Do something.

Запитання 9

Get great results from your workout in less time by being more mindful about your exercise routine. Sports psychologists suggest focusing on the muscles you’re using, how they feel, and your breathing. Tune into how your bodyworks to improve its efficiency, and enjoy your exercise routine more. Dancing classes and team activities also give emotional support. Exercising outdoors improves wellbeing too, according to research from the University of Essex.’Green exercise’ -jogging or walking in the country - can significantly improve self-esteem and mood.

варіанти відповідей

Think of yourself.

Enjoy being active.

Be more selfless

Savour the flavours.

Improve relationships.

Enjoy life as it is.

Create calm.

Do something.

Запитання 10

The French tend to eat mindfully, paying attention to and enjoying everything that passes their lips. Research by the North American Association for the Study of Obesity suggests that overweight men and women ate fewer calories when they concentrated on what they were putting in their mouths. ‘Eat slowly and chew properly,’ says Mireille Guiliano, author of French Women Don’t Get Fat ($12, Chatto& Windus).’Don’t watch television or read the paper. Think only about what you are eating. Smell and enjoy every bite.’

варіанти відповідей

Think of yourself.

Enjoy being active.

Be more selfless.

Savour the flavours.

Improve relationships.

Enjoy life as it is.

Create calm.

Do something.

Запитання 11

Instead of hanging out with friends after school, get your homework done early and go out later. You'll be more relaxed if your work is done ahead of time.

варіанти відповідей

Don't burn daylight time.

Ask for help.

Make progress step-by-step.

Seek balance.

Give yourself a break.

Stop faffing around.

Don't worry the small stuff.

Write it down.

Запитання 12

If you're having trouble keeping up, don't be afraid to discuss it with your teachers. Don't necessarily expect any special treatment, but if you show that you're making an effort, they might just be willing to help.

варіанти відповідей

Don't burn daylight time.

Ask for help.

Make progress step-by-step.

Seek balance.

Give yourself a break.

Stop faffing around.

Don't worry the small stuff.

Write it down.

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