задоволення від роботи
заробітня плата за місяць рік(регулярна платня)
Wait to hear from the company to find out if they want you to come for a(n) ______.
Doing less hours than a full working week
A job that involves using your hands.
Doing all of the usaul hours of a working week.
Things you can do (e.g. speak a language;drive a car).
names of people who know you (e.g. your teacher or your boss), and who can say that you’re good for a job).(Choose the name of section in CV)
Jobs you did before.
To let a caller communicate with someone else
When you get a wrong number don’t ask “What number is this?” It is good manners to ask “Is this two-three-four-five-six?” If not — apologize.
When talking on the telephone — speak clearly. You can shout.
What does CV stand for?
What is the main purpose of a CV?
A successful CV must be concise, honest and error-free.
A CV must be planned and written in one way for any job you are applying
for, clearly expressing how you meet the requirements for the job.
Your CV should be .... long.
Cv must be writen only in full sentences.
It's not obvious to indicate the dates of your previous employment in your CV.
Personal statement should cover ...
It is useful to include training, language skills, relevant awards or membership of professional bodies in your CV.
It is importatnt to identify skills in the job spec and include examples of these.
Adding a personal photo to your CV is optional.
The first thing when in Britain always remember to say “please” and “thank you”.
Choose all points which are the basics of business etiquette.
Whether you’re attending an interview or daily standup meeting, being ... time in a work environment shows that you respect everyone’s schedule.
"When someone walks in the room at a business dinner or meeting, greet them and say hello appropriately—whether by shaking hands or following some other cultural custom. " Which of basics of business etiquette does this statement represent?
... is the ability to recognize, regulate, and understand emotions in yourself and in others.
Which field of business etquette does these basic aspects represent.
1. Always proof read. 2. Respond in a timely manner. 3. Keep it brief.
"Mute yourself when you aren’t the speaker. Muting yourself will ensure your microphone is silent so others can have the full attention of the virtual room."
This tip belongs to ... rules.
Keep distance while communicating with people. Personal space is quite important for British.
Tipping is not obligatory but is quite appriciated.
Choose the correct spelling for "етикет".
business acumen
Choose the synonym to courteous.
To move in front of people who have been waiting for longer than you have.
A set of rules for behaving correctly in social situations.
When breaking the ice with a contact at the beginning of a meeting it is appropriate to discuss such things as the weather, politics and traffic.
How is the central square of London called?
Londinium is ...
The year of Great fire of London.
Westminster Abbey is ...
Who is the current queen of the UK?
Development -
Lingua franca
Вивчати напам'ять -
Is English considered to be a lingua franca?
Where is English an official language?
Great Britain consists of .... parts.
The UK consists of ... parts.
The capital of Scotland is ...
The capital of Wales is...
The capital of Northern Ireland is ...
The national flower of Wales is ...
The national flower of England is ...
Choose two famous English poets.
Choose another name of the Millenium Wheel.
Chose the odd one out.
If we start a letter with "Dear Sir or Madam," we have to finish it with "Yours sincerely".
Formal style is chatty and impersonal.
It is forbidden to use shortenings in gormal correspondence.
What was the persone showed in the picture?
Who is the persone in the picture?
Who is the persone in the picture?
Alexander Graham Bell invented ... in 1876.
Alexander Fleming .... a famous scientist who invented ....
Choose the example of informal correspondence.
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