Final Test (Form 9)

Додано: 17 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 213 разів
28 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). If there is no information about this, choose ‘not given’ (NG).

Life and the weather

The weather is important for many parts of our lives. It can affect the food we eat, the homes we live in, the work we do and how we travel to work. It also changes how we live our lives, the way we spend our spare time and what happens to our health.

Firstly, the seasons are important. The bright, warm and sunny summer months help people to take more exercise, and eat healthier and fresher food. People can also eat and relax outside more. However, in winter many people in cold places such as Canada spend most of the winter indoors to avoid the freezing temperatures, snow and ice. In Toronto, there are walkways under the ground so people can walk around more comfortably. The walkways connect public transport with shops, offices and sports centres.

The weather also means companies organize their businesses differently. For example, the weather changes things that farmers can grow, and storms mean transport companies have to prepare for problems. Also, people start and finish work at different times and wear different clothes depending on the weather. In some countries like Morocco or Portugal, it is often hot for most of the year and the midday sun at lunchtime can make it difficult to work. This means people in countries like these often start work earlier than in other places and sometimes work in the evenings because it is cooler.

Finally, the weather is important for governments. When the weather is very hot or cold, governments have to make decisions about how they should spend their money. In the winter in cold countries, more people are sick so hospitals often need more doctors and nurses, and transport companies have to clear the roads and railways of snow. All these things cost money, so governments have to think about difficult questions. Should hospitals receive more money for doctors and nurses? Should the government help private companies that lose money because of really bad weather? There are no simple answers to these questions because some people always feel that governments should do more to help. It is clear that the weather is much more important than we think and a lot of our daily activities depend on it.

1.The weather is a large part of people’s daily lives.

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Запитання 2

Read the text. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). If there is no information about this, choose ‘not given’ (NG).

Life and the weather

The weather is important for many parts of our lives. It can affect the food we eat, the homes we live in, the work we do and how we travel to work. It also changes how we live our lives, the way we spend our spare time and what happens to our health.

Firstly, the seasons are important. The bright, warm and sunny summer months help people to take more exercise, and eat healthier and fresher food. People can also eat and relax outside more. However, in winter many people in cold places such as Canada spend most of the winter indoors to avoid the freezing temperatures, snow and ice. In Toronto, there are walkways under the ground so people can walk around more comfortably. The walkways connect public transport with shops, offices and sports centres.

The weather also means companies organize their businesses differently. For example, the weather changes things that farmers can grow, and storms mean transport companies have to prepare for problems. Also, people start and finish work at different times and wear different clothes depending on the weather. In some countries like Morocco or Portugal, it is often hot for most of the year and the midday sun at lunchtime can make it difficult to work. This means people in countries like these often start work earlier than in other places and sometimes work in the evenings because it is cooler.

Finally, the weather is important for governments. When the weather is very hot or cold, governments have to make decisions about how they should spend their money. In the winter in cold countries, more people are sick so hospitals often need more doctors and nurses, and transport companies have to clear the roads and railways of snow. All these things cost money, so governments have to think about difficult questions. Should hospitals receive more money for doctors and nurses? Should the government help private companies that lose money because of really bad weather? There are no simple answers to these questions because some people always feel that governments should do more to help. It is clear that the weather is much more important than we think and a lot of our daily activities depend on it.

2.People in hot countries work outside more.

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Запитання 3

Read the text. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). If there is no information about this, choose ‘not given’ (NG).

Life and the weather

The weather is important for many parts of our lives. It can affect the food we eat, the homes we live in, the work we do and how we travel to work. It also changes how we live our lives, the way we spend our spare time and what happens to our health.

Firstly, the seasons are important. The bright, warm and sunny summer months help people to take more exercise, and eat healthier and fresher food. People can also eat and relax outside more. However, in winter many people in cold places such as Canada spend most of the winter indoors to avoid the freezing temperatures, snow and ice. In Toronto, there are walkways under the ground so people can walk around more comfortably. The walkways connect public transport with shops, offices and sports centres.

The weather also means companies organize their businesses differently. For example, the weather changes things that farmers can grow, and storms mean transport companies have to prepare for problems. Also, people start and finish work at different times and wear different clothes depending on the weather. In some countries like Morocco or Portugal, it is often hot for most of the year and the midday sun at lunchtime can make it difficult to work. This means people in countries like these often start work earlier than in other places and sometimes work in the evenings because it is cooler.

Finally, the weather is important for governments. When the weather is very hot or cold, governments have to make decisions about how they should spend their money. In the winter in cold countries, more people are sick so hospitals often need more doctors and nurses, and transport companies have to clear the roads and railways of snow. All these things cost money, so governments have to think about difficult questions. Should hospitals receive more money for doctors and nurses? Should the government help private companies that lose money because of really bad weather? There are no simple answers to these questions because some people always feel that governments should do more to help. It is clear that the weather is much more important than we think and a lot of our daily activities depend on it.

3.The walkways in Toronto make it easier for people to move from place to place.

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Запитання 4

Read the text. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). If there is no information about this, choose ‘not given’ (NG).

Life and the weather

The weather is important for many parts of our lives. It can affect the food we eat, the homes we live in, the work we do and how we travel to work. It also changes how we live our lives, the way we spend our spare time and what happens to our health.

Firstly, the seasons are important. The bright, warm and sunny summer months help people to take more exercise, and eat healthier and fresher food. People can also eat and relax outside more. However, in winter many people in cold places such as Canada spend most of the winter indoors to avoid the freezing temperatures, snow and ice. In Toronto, there are walkways under the ground so people can walk around more comfortably. The walkways connect public transport with shops, offices and sports centres.

The weather also means companies organize their businesses differently. For example, the weather changes things that farmers can grow, and storms mean transport companies have to prepare for problems. Also, people start and finish work at different times and wear different clothes depending on the weather. In some countries like Morocco or Portugal, it is often hot for most of the year and the midday sun at lunchtime can make it difficult to work. This means people in countries like these often start work earlier than in other places and sometimes work in the evenings because it is cooler.

Finally, the weather is important for governments. When the weather is very hot or cold, governments have to make decisions about how they should spend their money. In the winter in cold countries, more people are sick so hospitals often need more doctors and nurses, and transport companies have to clear the roads and railways of snow. All these things cost money, so governments have to think about difficult questions. Should hospitals receive more money for doctors and nurses? Should the government help private companies that lose money because of really bad weather? There are no simple answers to these questions because some people always feel that governments should do more to help. It is clear that the weather is much more important than we think and a lot of our daily activities depend on it.

4.The weather does not make problems for transport companies.

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Запитання 5

Read the text. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). If there is no information about this, choose ‘not given’ (NG).

Life and the weather

The weather is important for many parts of our lives. It can affect the food we eat, the homes we live in, the work we do and how we travel to work. It also changes how we live our lives, the way we spend our spare time and what happens to our health.

Firstly, the seasons are important. The bright, warm and sunny summer months help people to take more exercise, and eat healthier and fresher food. People can also eat and relax outside more. However, in winter many people in cold places such as Canada spend most of the winter indoors to avoid the freezing temperatures, snow and ice. In Toronto, there are walkways under the ground so people can walk around more comfortably. The walkways connect public transport with shops, offices and sports centres.

The weather also means companies organize their businesses differently. For example, the weather changes things that farmers can grow, and storms mean transport companies have to prepare for problems. Also, people start and finish work at different times and wear different clothes depending on the weather. In some countries like Morocco or Portugal, it is often hot for most of the year and the midday sun at lunchtime can make it difficult to work. This means people in countries like these often start work earlier than in other places and sometimes work in the evenings because it is cooler.

Finally, the weather is important for governments. When the weather is very hot or cold, governments have to make decisions about how they should spend their money. In the winter in cold countries, more people are sick so hospitals often need more doctors and nurses, and transport companies have to clear the roads and railways of snow. All these things cost money, so governments have to think about difficult questions. Should hospitals receive more money for doctors and nurses? Should the government help private companies that lose money because of really bad weather? There are no simple answers to these questions because some people always feel that governments should do more to help. It is clear that the weather is much more important than we think and a lot of our daily activities depend on it.

5.Many farmers in different countries grow the same food.

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Запитання 6

Read the text again. Choose the correct answer a, b or c.

Life and the weather

The weather is important for many parts of our lives. It can affect the food we eat, the homes we live in, the work we do and how we travel to work. It also changes how we live our lives, the way we spend our spare time and what happens to our health.

Firstly, the seasons are important. The bright, warm and sunny summer months help people to take more exercise, and eat healthier and fresher food. People can also eat and relax outside more. However, in winter many people in cold places such as Canada spend most of the winter indoors to avoid the freezing temperatures, snow and ice. In Toronto, there are walkways under the ground so people can walk around more comfortably. The walkways connect public transport with shops, offices and sports centres.

The weather also means companies organize their businesses differently. For example, the weather changes things that farmers can grow, and storms mean transport companies have to prepare for problems. Also, people start and finish work at different times and wear different clothes depending on the weather. In some countries like Morocco or Portugal, it is often hot for most of the year and the midday sun at lunchtime can make it difficult to work. This means people in countries like these often start work earlier than in other places and sometimes work in the evenings because it is cooler.

Finally, the weather is important for governments. When the weather is very hot or cold, governments have to make decisions about how they should spend their money. In the winter in cold countries, more people are sick so hospitals often need more doctors and nurses, and transport companies have to clear the roads and railways of snow. All these things cost money, so governments have to think about difficult questions. Should hospitals receive more money for doctors and nurses? Should the government help private companies that lose money because of really bad weather? There are no simple answers to these questions because some people always feel that governments should do more to help. It is clear that the weather is much more important than we think and a lot of our daily activities depend on it.

6.The weather changes what people wear to work and __________.

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their working hours  

the places they have lunch

how they travel to work

Запитання 7

7. In places where the temperature is often very high, people __________. 

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only work in the mornings

work in cool buildings

work at times when it’s not so hot

Запитання 8

8.In cold countries, hospitals and transport companies need __________ to fix problems.

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the sun 


Запитання 9

9.The questions governments have to answer in bad weather __________.

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aren’t easy

aren’t helpful

aren’t difficult

Запитання 10

10.Most people don’t know how much the weather __________.

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costs governments every year

changes the way we live our lives

increases everyday prices

Запитання 11

Choose the best answers a,b or c using the words below to complete the text.

As our lives have changed in the modern world, so have the houses we live in. In the past, houses 1 ____mainly wood or stone. These houses 2 _____very comfortable because they were often too hot or too cold. Nowadays, we 3 ____build better houses and they 4 _____so much electricity for heating or air conditioning. Also, these days people use more glass to build houses so they are very 5. ____. The way we build houses is always changing. In the future, people are going to use their houses to work 6 _____more and more. This is going to be possible because of changes in 7______technology. For example, in the past people worked in 8 _______office or studied in college libraries because they could use computers and books there. Now people can work or study on a table in the 9 ______because nearly everyone has the internet at home. Living in and working from better homes 10 _____make all our lives easier and more relaxing.

11.In the past, houses ____mainly wood or stone.

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Запитання 12

12.These houses

 _____very comfortable because they were often too hot or too cold.

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Запитання 13

13.Nowadays, we  ____build better houses and they  _____so much electricity for heating or air conditioning.

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don't use

doesn't use

aren't using

Запитання 14

14.Also, these days people use more glass to build houses so they are very ____.

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Запитання 15

15.In the future, people are going to use their houses to work  _____more and more.

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from home


long hours

Запитання 16

16.This is going to be possible because of changes in____technology.

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Запитання 17

17.For example, in the past people worked in8 ______office or studied in college libraries because they could use computers and books there.

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Запитання 18

18.Now people can work or study on a table in the ______because nearly everyone has the internet at home.

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Запитання 19

20.Living in and working from better homes  _____make all our lives easier and more relaxing.

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have to

Запитання 20

Choose the best answers a, b or c to complete the text.

I live in a smart city. Smart cities are like smartphones. They ____ technology to make people’s lives easier. This technology also helps to make the city ____ to live in because people say time is money. So, how does it work? There are many small computers around the city. They record information and send text messages to people’s smartphones. For example, there are cameras ______ car parks. They can see how many parking spaces are free. So, when I’m _______ around, I receive messages to ______ me where I can park. This is good because many people don’t have ______ time. Shops and other places can use this technology too. For example, ________ can send messages to customers when there aren’t any more tickets to see a film. Also, people get information from shops about offers and ________ . Last month, my city started to use smart technology with the weather. This means people can move outside activities inside when it’s going to be cold or _______ . I love my smart city because I can ______ my life easily. 

20.They ____ technology to make people’s lives easier.

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Запитання 21

21.This technology also helps to make the city ____ to live in because people say time is money.

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Запитання 22

22.For example, there are cameras ______ car parks.

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Запитання 23

23.So, when I’m _______ around, I receive messages to ______ me where I can park.

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Запитання 24

24.This is good because many people don’t have ______ time.

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Запитання 25

25.For example, ________ can send messages to customers when there aren’t any more tickets to see a film.

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Запитання 26

26.Also, people get information from shops about offers and ________ .

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Запитання 27

27.This means people can move outside activities inside when it’s going to be cold or _______ .

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Запитання 28

28.I love my smart city because I can ______ my life easily. 

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