Final test in Reading form 8

Додано: 26 квітня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 371 раз
16 запитань
Запитання 1

Match the title A-G to each paragraph 1-6. There is one extra title.

1. Ireland is located on an island. Winters in Ireland are not cold and rivers do not freeze. The summer months of June, July and August are mild. Howewer, the weather is changeable. If you are going to visit Ireland in summer, do not forget to take an umbrella and warm clothes.

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Запитання 2

2.Most buses in big cities in Ireland have conductors who collect money, but in small places passangers pay the driver. The trains in Ireland are not cheap, but they usually leave on time. Taxies are easy to get although they are rather expensive in comparison to other countries.

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Запитання 3

3. Irish farmhouse cheese are very popular gift item. Other products to delight tourists are Irish salmon, netted in autumn, oysters and hand0made chocolate.

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Запитання 4

4. The best place to learn how to get a room in a hotel, change money and much more is your nearest Tourist office. In Dublin city center Tourist office is situated at 14 Upper O'Connel Street, beside the Savoy cinema.

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Запитання 5

5. Ireland has two national stations, RTE1 and Network 2. You can watch different programmes. Most popular are political news, country news, sports and music programmes. People can also enjoy watching drama, films etc.

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Запитання 6

6. It is impossible to make any statement about the characteristics of the Irish, but they are known for their humour, hospitality, kindness. The Irish know how to have a good time and very often they get enjoyment in the pub to the accompaniment of Irish folk music.

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Запитання 7

Read the text and choose the correct variant A, B, C or D.

The young star of the musical smiled happily because of her last day as a star in London's West End. Sixteen-year-old Natalie Wright said:" I'm terribly sad that the show has closed after only three weeks. But last night I told myself to go out and enjoy the final performance."

Natalie knew sha was on the way to being a star. Reviewers didn't like the show but they had only good things to say about Natalie's performance.

Yesterday Natalie talked to fans, signed autographs outside the stage door and then joined the other actors for the last performance of the show. Natalie's mother, who was in the audience last night, said the family always knew that Natalie would be a success, right from her first appearance on the stage at the age of five. Natalie's mother had stayed in London with her daughter during the last three weeks. She said:" I'm looking forward to going home but I'll be back when Natalie will be offered the next part."

1. The text is written in the form of

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a news report

an advertisement

a theatre programme.

Запитання 8

The young star of the musical smiled happily because of her last day as a star in London's West End. Sixteen-year-old Natalie Wright said:" I'm terribly sad that the show has closed after only three weeks. But last night I told myself to go out and enjoy the final performance."

Natalie knew sha was on the way to being a star. Reviewers didn't like the show but they had only good things to say about Natalie's performance.

Yesterday Natalie talked to fans, signed autographs outside the stage door and then joined the other actors for the last performance of the show. Natalie's mother, who was in the audience last night, said the family always knew that Natalie would be a success, right from her first appearance on the stage at the age of five. Natalie's mother had stayed in London with her daughter during the last three weeks. She said:" I'm looking forward to going home but I'll be back when Natalie will be offered the next part."

2. The auther is

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saying how Natalie enjoyed the show.

giving infotmation about Natalie's performance.

encouraging people to see the show.

giving information about the theatre.

Запитання 9

The young star of the musical smiled happily because of her last day as a star in London's West End. Sixteen-year-old Natalie Wright said:" I'm terribly sad that the show has closed after only three weeks. But last night I told myself to go out and enjoy the final performance."

Natalie knew sha was on the way to being a star. Reviewers didn't like the show but they had only good things to say about Natalie's performance.

Yesterday Natalie talked to fans, signed autographs outside the stage door and then joined the other actors for the last performance of the show. Natalie's mother, who was in the audience last night, said the family always knew that Natalie would be a success, right from her first appearance on the stage at the age of five. Natalie's mother had stayed in London with her daughter during the last three weeks. She said:" I'm looking forward to going home but I'll be back when Natalie will be offered the next part."

3. What did the reviewers say about her performance?

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She will continue to star in the musical.

She was successful in her part in the show.

She is unlikely to get anopther job as an axtress.

She will probably besome a successful actress.

Запитання 10

The young star of the musical smiled happily because of her last day as a star in London's West End. Sixteen-year-old Natalie Wright said:" I'm terribly sad that the show has closed after only three weeks. But last night I told myself to go out and enjoy the final performance."

Natalie knew sha was on the way to being a star. Reviewers didn't like the show but they had only good things to say about Natalie's performance.

Yesterday Natalie talked to fans, signed autographs outside the stage door and then joined the other actors for the last performance of the show. Natalie's mother, who was in the audience last night, said the family always knew that Natalie would be a success, right from her first appearance on the stage at the age of five. Natalie's mother had stayed in London with her daughter during the last three weeks. She said:" I'm looking forward to going home but I'll be back when Natalie will be offered the next part."

4. Why was Natalie feeling upset?

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She has another job waiting for her.

The final performance didn't go well.

Her mother was disappointed in her.

the show has closed sooner than expected.

Запитання 11

Read the text and deside whether the statement is true (T), false (F) or not given (NG).

Today's teenagers have more money and expensive items than their parents used to. Things like mobiles and computers that cost a lot of money a few decades ago are now mass-produced and almost everyone can affod it. And items that nobody even dreamt of having a few years ago, such as smartphones and laptops, are now commonplace. Teenagers these days are definitely better off financially.

Modern teenagers drive their parents crazy in many ways. Some of them spray their hair with amazing colours, while others wear clothes that shock their parents. They all want their own smart phone or laptop of the latest model which can be rather expensive. But these young people are not really behaving differently from the way their parents behaved when they were their age. Many of today's parents and grandparents will laugh when they remember the crazy fashions they wore. Those adults, who are parents now, fought with their own parents about clothes and lifestyle. In fact, teenagers have fought with their parents since time began - and no doubt they always will!

1. Today's teenagers' parents had less money and expensive items.

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Not given

Запитання 12

Today's teenagers have more money and expensive items than their parents used to. Things like mobiles and computers that cost a lot of money a few decades ago are now mass-produced and almost everyone can affod it. And items that nobody even dreamt of having a few years ago, such as smartphones and laptops, are now commonplace. Teenagers these days are definitely better off financially.

Modern teenagers drive their parents crazy in many ways. Some of them spray their hair with amazing colours, while others wear clothes that shock their parents. They all want their own smart phone or laptop of the latest model which can be rather expensive. But these young people are not really behaving differently from the way their parents behaved when they were their age. Many of today's parents and grandparents will laugh when they remember the crazy fashions they wore. Those adults, who are parents now, fought with their own parents about clothes and lifestyle. In fact, teenagers have fought with their parents since time began - and no doubt they always will!

2. Not all teenagers could have mobiles a few decades ago.

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Not given

Запитання 13

Today's teenagers have more money and expensive items than their parents used to. Things like mobiles and computers that cost a lot of money a few decades ago are now mass-produced and almost everyone can affod it. And items that nobody even dreamt of having a few years ago, such as smartphones and laptops, are now commonplace. Teenagers these days are definitely better off financially.

Modern teenagers drive their parents crazy in many ways. Some of them spray their hair with amazing colours, while others wear clothes that shock their parents. They all want their own smart phone or laptop of the latest model which can be rather expensive. But these young people are not really behaving differently from the way their parents behaved when they were their age. Many of today's parents and grandparents will laugh when they remember the crazy fashions they wore. Those adults, who are parents now, fought with their own parents about clothes and lifestyle. In fact, teenagers have fought with their parents since time began - and no doubt they always will!

3. In the past In the past mobile phones and compiters were commonplace.

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Not given

Запитання 14

Today's teenagers have more money and expensive items than their parents used to. Things like mobiles and computers that cost a lot of money a few decades ago are now mass-produced and almost everyone can affod it. And items that nobody even dreamt of having a few years ago, such as smartphones and laptops, are now commonplace. Teenagers these days are definitely better off financially.

Modern teenagers drive their parents crazy in many ways. Some of them spray their hair with amazing colours, while others wear clothes that shock their parents. They all want their own smart phone or laptop of the latest model which can be rather expensive. But these young people are not really behaving differently from the way their parents behaved when they were their age. Many of today's parents and grandparents will laugh when they remember the crazy fashions they wore. Those adults, who are parents now, fought with their own parents about clothes and lifestyle. In fact, teenagers have fought with their parents since time began - and no doubt they always will!

4. Teenager can get everything they want these days.

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Not given

Запитання 15

Today's teenagers have more money and expensive items than their parents used to. Things like mobiles and computers that cost a lot of money a few decades ago are now mass-produced and almost everyone can affod it. And items that nobody even dreamt of having a few years ago, such as smartphones and laptops, are now commonplace. Teenagers these days are definitely better off financially.

Modern teenagers drive their parents crazy in many ways. Some of them spray their hair with amazing colours, while others wear clothes that shock their parents. They all want their own smart phone or laptop of the latest model which can be rather expensive. But these young people are not really behaving differently from the way their parents behaved when they were their age. Many of today's parents and grandparents will laugh when they remember the crazy fashions they wore. Those adults, who are parents now, fought with their own parents about clothes and lifestyle. In fact, teenagers have fought with their parents since time began - and no doubt they always will!

5. Parents of modern teenagers are often very upset by their children's behaviour.

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Not given

Запитання 16

Today's teenagers have more money and expensive items than their parents used to. Things like mobiles and computers that cost a lot of money a few decades ago are now mass-produced and almost everyone can affod it. And items that nobody even dreamt of having a few years ago, such as smartphones and laptops, are now commonplace. Teenagers these days are definitely better off financially.

Modern teenagers drive their parents crazy in many ways. Some of them spray their hair with amazing colours, while others wear clothes that shock their parents. They all want their own smart phone or laptop of the latest model which can be rather expensive. But these young people are not really behaving differently from the way their parents behaved when they were their age. Many of today's parents and grandparents will laugh when they remember the crazy fashions they wore. Those adults, who are parents now, fought with their own parents about clothes and lifestyle. In fact, teenagers have fought with their parents since time began - and no doubt they always will!

6. Today's young people brhave the same way their parents used to when they were teenagers.

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Not given

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