First holidays with friends. Reading Test (за підручником "Prepare", c.20)

Read three texts and choose the correct answers.


Most of us can't wait to go on holiday without our parents. We can choose where to o, what to do and who to go with. But are first holidays with friends always great? Read bout Sophie, Fred and Chris. Where did they go? Did they have a good time? Last summer, after we finished our exams, I invited my friend Paula to go on holiday to Greece with me. We got a flight to Athens and then we went by ship to the island of Milos. We were really tired when we got there, but we both wanted a swim, so we went to the beach. You can guess! We lay down and closed our eyes and when we woke up TWO hours later, we were really hot and thirsty - and red! Never again!

Sophie, 16  


My first holiday was a weekend in London. Jim, Simon and I travelled by tram from my house to the bus station. When we arrived there, I put my hand in my pocket but my wallet wasn't there! Where was it? 1 think 1 lost it on the tram. Jim and Simon each lent me money for the coach. We stayed at Jim's aunt's house in London and we had a fantastic weekend.

Fred, 13 


My first holiday was with my friend Tom at a campsite in a forest near our town. We didn't want my parents to drive us there, so we went by bus and then on foot. It was a long walk to the forest and it was raining! I put the tent up quickly because I knew how to do it, but all our things were wet. Then the sun came out the next day. We dried everything and had a great time!

Chris, 12  

Додано: 30 вересня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Sophie and Paula went on holiday...

варіанти відповідей

after exams

before exams

at the weekend

Запитання 2

Sophie and Paula went on holiday to...

варіанти відповідей



a campsite in a forest

Запитання 3

Sophie and Paula went on holiday...

варіанти відповідей

by ship and by coach

by tram and by coach

by plane and by ship

Запитання 4

Sophie and Paula sailed to...

варіанти відповідей

the island of Mykonos

the island of Milos

the island of Korfu

Запитання 5

In Greece Sophie and Paula wanted...

варіанти відповідей

to sleep

to have lunch

a swim

Запитання 6

Sophie and Paula woke up ... hours later and they were hot, thirsty and red!

варіанти відповідей


an hour

half an hour

Запитання 7

Fred, Jim and Simon had...

варіанти відповідей

a weekend in Dublin

a weekend in Edinburgh

a weekend in London

Запитання 8

Fred, Jim and Simon travelled ...

варіанти відповідей

by tram and by coach

by tram and by bus

by tram and by boat

Запитання 9

Fred lost .... on the tram.

Запитання 10

Fred lost .... on the tram.

варіанти відповідей

a ticket

a bag

a wallet

Запитання 11

Chris and Tom didn't want ...

варіанти відповідей

Chris's parents to drive them

Tom's parents to drive them

to go by bus

Запитання 12

Chris and Tom's things were wet and...

варіанти відповідей

boys had a terrible weekend

the sun came out the next day and they dried their things

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