Fly High 2.Reading Test, II

Додано: 8 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 2 клас
Тест виконано: 160 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Getting ready for school

Hello! My name’s Veronika. I’m 8 years old. I am a pupil of the second form. This is my school bag. It’s yellow and blue. I put a pencil, a pen, ten crayons, a rubber, four books and four notebooks in my school bag. I also take some apples and water with me.

1) Veronika is a________.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 2

Hello! My name’s Veronika. I’m 8 years old. I am a pupil of the second form. This is my school bag. It’s yellow and blue. I put a pencil, a pen, ten crayons, a rubber, four books and four notebooks in my school bag. I also take some apples and water with me.

2) She takes_________with her to school.

варіанти відповідей

apples and milk

water and oranges

apples and water

Запитання 3

My teacher’s name is Miss Jane. She’s got a lot of toys. She’s got a ball, a doll, a robot and a car. She always plays with children. There are many desks and chairs in our classroom. There is also a board. We can write on it. My school is a wonderful place!

3) The teacher _________with the children.

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Запитання 4

My teacher’s name is Miss Jane. She’s got a lot of toys. She’s got a ball, a doll, a robot and a car. She always plays with children. There are many desks and chairs in our classroom. There is also a board. We can write on it. My school is a wonderful place!

4) There are many ____________in the classroom.

варіанти відповідей

toys and flowers

chairs and windows

desks and chairs

Запитання 5

My teacher’s name is Miss Jane. She’s got a lot of toys. She’s got a ball, a doll, a robot and a car. She always plays with children. There are many desks and chairs in our classroom. There is also a board. We can write on it. My school is a wonderful place!

5) We can ________on the board.

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Запитання 6

My teacher’s name is Miss Jane. She’s got a lot of toys. She’s got a ball, a doll, a robot and a car. She always plays with children. There are many desks and chairs in our classroom. There is also a board. We can write on it. My school is a wonderful place!

6) A wonderful place is __________.

варіанти відповідей

my house

my school

my classroom

Запитання 7

Hello! My name’s Veronika. I’m 8 years old. I am a pupil of the second form. This is my school bag. It’s yellow and blue. I put a pencil, a pen, ten crayons, a rubber, four books and four notebooks in my school bag. I also take some apples and water with me.

7) Veronika is 9 years old.

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Запитання 8

Hello! My name’s Veronika. I’m 8 years old. I am a pupil of the second form. This is my school bag. It’s yellow and blue. I put a pencil, a pen, ten crayons, a rubber, four books and four notebooks in my school bag. I also take some apples and water with me.

8) Veronika's school bag is yellow and blue.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 9

Hello! My name’s Veronika. I’m 8 years old. I am a pupil of the second form. This is my school bag. It’s yellow and blue. I put a pencil, a pen, ten crayons, a rubber, four books and four notebooks in my school bag. I also take some apples and water with me.

9) There are ten crayons, five books and four notebooks in the bag.

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Запитання 10

My teacher’s name is Miss Jane. She’s got a lot of toys. She’s got a ball, a doll, a robot and a car. She always plays with children. There are many desks and chairs in our classroom. There is also a board. We can write on it. My school is a wonderful place!

10) Her teacher's name is Miss Jane.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 11

My teacher’s name is Miss Jane. She’s got a lot of toys. She’s got a ball, a doll, a robot and a car. She always plays with children. There are many desks and chairs in our classroom. There is also a board. We can write on it. My school is a wonderful place!

11) Miss Jane has got a lot of toys.

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Запитання 12

My teacher’s name is Miss Jane. She’s got a lot of toys. She’s got a ball, a doll, a robot and a car. She always plays with children. There are many desks and chairs in our classroom. There is also a board. We can write on it. My school is a wonderful place!

12) There is a board in the classroom.

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