Focus 1 Travel

Додано: 5 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Копія з тесту: Focus 1 module 7
Тест виконано: 115 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Last year we went on a camping holiday.

варіанти відповідей

We wanted to see how ordinary people live and where they buy things.

We didn't want to get seasick so we travelled by train.

We forgot to book an excursion before going on holiday.

We slept in a tent and we cooked our own food every day.

We were in a room with eight other people. They were really noisy.

Запитання 2

Two years ago we went on a working holiday.

варіанти відповідей

We wanted to see how ordinary people live and where they buy things.

We paid a lot of money for the tickets but it was very comfortable

We forgot to book an excursion before going on holiday.

We slept in a tent and we cooked our own food every day.

We wanted to earn some money to buy a second-hand car.

Запитання 3

When we were in Switzerland, we travelled by train

варіанти відповідей

We wanted to see how ordinary people live and where they buy things.

We paid a lot of money for the tickets but it was very comfortable

We forgot to book an excursion before going on holiday.

We slept in a tent and we cooked our own food every day.

We wanted to earn some money to buy a second-hand car.

Запитання 4

When we were in Prague, we stayed at a youth hostel

варіанти відповідей

We wanted to see how ordinary people live and where they buy things.

We paid a lot of money for the tickets but it was very comfortable

We were in a room with eight other people. They were really noisy.

We slept in a tent and we cooked our own food every day.

We wanted to earn some money to buy a second-hand car.

Запитання 5

Have you made all the arrangements? (YET)

варіанти відповідей

Have yet you made all the arrangements?

Have you yet made all the arrangements?

Have you made yet all the arrangements?

Have you made all the arrangements yet?

Запитання 6

Our bus has arrived. (JUST)

варіанти відповідей

Our just bus has arrived.

Our bus just has arrived.

Our bus has just arrived.

Our bus has arrived just.

Запитання 7

I’m afraid that your train has left. (ALREADY)

варіанти відповідей

I’m already afraid that your train has left

I’m afraid already that your train has left

I’m afraid that your train already has left

I’m afraid that your train has already left

Запитання 8

We have to wait. The shop hasn't opened _______

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 9

Have you visited the local market ________? It’s awesome!

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 10

I’m not hungry. I have _____ finished my lunch.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 11

We haven’t tried any local food ______

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 12

 Hurry up! The film has ________ started!

варіанти відповідей




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