focus 1.reading

LOCAL AMERICAN FOOD                   

What is your town famous for?


is famous for many things and there are great restaurants here with food from all over the world. But, the food people love New York for is cheap and you don’t eat it in a restaurant. You buy it in the street and eat and walk at the same time. It is the hot dog. You can find hot dogs for sale all over the city. You can eat traditional ‘dogs’ with pork meat or healthy chicken or turkey ‘dogs’. Different nationalities offer different kinds of hot dogs. Why not try a spicy Mexican or Columbian hot dog, an ‘Asiadog’ or a German-style sausage?


is home to the Philly Cheesesteak. It doesn’t look very special. It is a long roll, or baguette, and, inside there is beef, cheese and onions. You can buy these outside, in cafés or even in restaurants. Different people have their favourite places to buy them. At Pat’s, the beef is chopped into quite thick pieces. At Roxborough Dalessandro’s, the beef is very thin and at John’s Roast Pork there is extra cheese. If you can’t get to Philadelphia, don’t worry. You can find lots of recipes for Philly Cheesesteaks on the Internet.


is a quiet city about 150 km north of Chicago. It is in the state of  Wisconsin and Wisconsin produces 25 per cent of America’s cheese. So, it isn’t surprising that people here eat a lot of cheese. Fried Cheese Curds are small, fried balls of cheese and you can find them in every town in the state. You can eat these snacks in restaurants, at sports events and even at the airport. You can also buy packets of frozen cheese curds from supermarkets or online. Why not buy a packet and have your own Milwaukee cheese night at home?

Додано: 2 грудня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
16 запитань
Запитання 1

Task 2. Choose the correct answer.

 What is the most popular food sold on the streets   of  New York City?

варіанти відповідей



Hot dogs


Запитання 2

Task 2. Choose the correct answer.

2. Which ingredient is used in a traditional Philly Cheesesteak?

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Запитання 3

Task 2. Choose the correct answer.

3. Which state in the United States is known for producing the most cheese?

варіанти відповідей

A. New York

B. Texas

C. California

D. Wisconsin

Запитання 4

Task 2. Choose the correct answer.

4. Where can you find fried cheese curds in Milwaukee?

варіанти відповідей

A. Only in restaurants

B. Only at sports events

C. Only at the airport

D. In various places around the city

Запитання 5

Task 2. Choose the correct answer.

5. What can you do with frozen cheese curds bought from the supermarket?

варіанти відповідей

A. Eat them as a snack

B. Use them to make your own cheese dishes

C. Both A and B

D. None of them

Запитання 6

Task 2. Choose the correct answer.

6. What is special about the cheese curds in Milwaukee?

варіанти відповідей

A. They are very expensive

B. They are fried

C. They are made from goat's milk

D. They are only sold at sports events

Запитання 7

Task 1.  Read the text. Match sentences 1-5 to places A-C.

1.The main ingredient of this food comes from the local area.

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Запитання 8

Task 1. Read the text. Match sentences 1-5 to places A-C.

2. This food is made with different kinds of meat.

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Запитання 9

Task 1. Read the text. Match sentences 1-5 to places A-C.

3. You can learn how to make this food using your computer. 

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 10

Task 1. Read the text. Match sentences 1-5 to places A-C.

You can eat this food when you are waiting for an aeroplane.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 11

Task 1. Read the text. Match sentences 1-5 to places A-C.

5. People from different countries make this food in different ways.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 12

Task 3.  Read the texts. Match the sentences A–F with the texts 1–3. 

What do you like doing in your free time?

1 _____, _____                       Zoe

I love reading horror stories or comic books in my bed, usually until late at night. They help me forget about my everyday problems. If I don’t have the energy for reading, I just go to YouTube and watch videos of my favourite rock bands.

2 _____, _____                   Amy

As a teacher, wife and mother, I never have enough time for my hobbies. I spend some of it on the Internet. I enjoy reading about food and meals from all over the world. I try to spend as much time as possible with my husband and kids. We watch movies and enjoy our time together. On Saturday and Sunday we often play Quiz Time on my son’s console.

3 _____, _____                  James

I don’t work so I have a lot of free time. I live in a big house with my wife, a dog and two cats. I love spending time in the garden, especially if it is warm. I’m keen on cooking and I like to invite my friends for dinner which I and my wife prepare for them. Every Saturday we all have dinner together at one of the local restaurants and then we go to a pub.

A   This person enjoys having a meal with friends.

варіанти відповідей

1 Zoe

2. Amy

3 James

Запитання 13

Task 3.  Read the texts. Match the sentences A–F with the texts 1–3. 

What do you like doing in your free time?

1 _____, _____                       Zoe

I love reading horror stories or comic books in my bed, usually until late at night. They help me forget about my everyday problems. If I don’t have the energy for reading, I just go to YouTube and watch videos of my favourite rock bands.

2 _____, _____                   Amy

As a teacher, wife and mother, I never have enough time for my hobbies. I spend some of it on the Internet. I enjoy reading about food and meals from all over the world. I try to spend as much time as possible with my husband and kids. We watch movies and enjoy our time together. On Saturday and Sunday we often play Quiz Time on my son’s console.

3 _____, _____                  James

I don’t work so I have a lot of free time. I live in a big house with my wife, a dog and two cats. I love spending time in the garden, especially if it is warm. I’m keen on cooking and I like to invite my friends for dinner which I and my wife prepare for them. Every Saturday we all have dinner together at one of the local restaurants and then we go to a pub.

B Reading helps this person feel better.

варіанти відповідей

1 Zoe

2 Amy

3 James

Запитання 14

Task 3.  Read the texts. Match the sentences A–F with the texts 1–3. 

What do you like doing in your free time?

1 _____, _____                       Zoe

I love reading horror stories or comic books in my bed, usually until late at night. They help me forget about my everyday problems. If I don’t have the energy for reading, I just go to YouTube and watch videos of my favourite rock bands.

2 _____, _____                   Amy

As a teacher, wife and mother, I never have enough time for my hobbies. I spend some of it on the Internet. I enjoy reading about food and meals from all over the world. I try to spend as much time as possible with my husband and kids. We watch movies and enjoy our time together. On Saturday and Sunday we often play Quiz Time on my son’s console.

3 _____, _____                  James

I don’t work so I have a lot of free time. I live in a big house with my wife, a dog and two cats. I love spending time in the garden, especially if it is warm. I’m keen on cooking and I like to invite my friends for dinner which I and my wife prepare for them. Every Saturday we all have dinner together at one of the local restaurants and then we go to a pub.

C       This person has a hobby which he/she does outside the house.

варіанти відповідей

1 Zoe

2 Amy


Запитання 15

Task 3.  Read the texts. Match the sentences A–F with the texts 1–3. 

What do you like doing in your free time?

1 _____, _____                       Zoe

I love reading horror stories or comic books in my bed, usually until late at night. They help me forget about my everyday problems. If I don’t have the energy for reading, I just go to YouTube and watch videos of my favourite rock bands.

2 _____, _____                   Amy

As a teacher, wife and mother, I never have enough time for my hobbies. I spend some of it on the Internet. I enjoy reading about food and meals from all over the world. I try to spend as much time as possible with my husband and kids. We watch movies and enjoy our time together. On Saturday and Sunday we often play Quiz Time on my son’s console.

3 _____, _____                  James

I don’t work so I have a lot of free time. I live in a big house with my wife, a dog and two cats. I love spending time in the garden, especially if it is warm. I’m keen on cooking and I like to invite my friends for dinner which I and my wife prepare for them. Every Saturday we all have dinner together at one of the local restaurants and then we go to a pub.

D This person goes to sleep late.

варіанти відповідей

1 Zoe

2 Amy

3 James

Запитання 16

Task 3.  Read the texts. Match the sentences A–F with the texts 1–3. 

What do you like doing in your free time?

1 _____, _____                       Zoe

I love reading horror stories or comic books in my bed, usually until late at night. They help me forget about my everyday problems. If I don’t have the energy for reading, I just go to YouTube and watch videos of my favourite rock bands.

2 _____, _____                   Amy

As a teacher, wife and mother, I never have enough time for my hobbies. I spend some of it on the Internet. I enjoy reading about food and meals from all over the world. I try to spend as much time as possible with my husband and kids. We watch movies and enjoy our time together. On Saturday and Sunday we often play Quiz Time on my son’s console.

3 _____, _____                  James

I don’t work so I have a lot of free time. I live in a big house with my wife, a dog and two cats. I love spending time in the garden, especially if it is warm. I’m keen on cooking and I like to invite my friends for dinner which I and my wife prepare for them. Every Saturday we all have dinner together at one of the local restaurants and then we go to a pub.

E This person reads things online.

варіанти відповідей

1 Zoe

2 Amy

3 James

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