Focus 3 (Reading 1.4)

Додано: 16 вересня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 1240 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1


Read the texts. Match pictures A–C with the text



35-year-old Herbert Chavez from the Philippines has transformed* himself from an ordinary dress-maker into a real-life Superman. After nineteen surgeries that copy the comic book hero's look, Chavez has become a real-life Clarke Kent.

Herbert first fell in love with the superhero when he was five years old. Since then he has spent around 300,000 pesos (£4,400) on his obsession – a huge amount of money compared to the average wage in the Philippines.

When he's not making dresses, Herbert can often be seen in the streets around his home dressed as Superman. He aims to teach children good morals and have some fun at the same time.

Herbert says he feels like a superhero whenever he pulls on the costume,* but his mission is not to save the world but to help in his own small way and bring a smile to the faces of local children.

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Запитання 2

Sleepily, Fiona switched off the alarm clock and tried to wake up fully. It was Monday again and she had another busy week ahead. With only four weeks until her final exams, there was lots of hard work to do and no time for her social life. She really wanted to be older, already finished with school, already earning. Perhaps because winter was coming and it was still cold and dark outside, she found it especially difficult to get out of bed this morning. Her legs felt heavy and she seemed to have less energy than usual. Maybe she had slept badly. Finally, she made it to the bathroom, switched on the light and stood by the washbasin. When she saw her reflection* in the mirror, she screamed. Looking back at her was the face of a terrified old woman – herself, but wrinkled,* pale and grey-haired …

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Запитання 3

At Oddfaces we like our models to be fabulously fat or superbly skinny, ten feet tall or shockingly short. We love odd models with tattoos, piercings and memorable faces.

We have over 1,000 unique character models between the ages of 18 and 98 and sizes 7 and 27. Our models can bring a truly eye-catching look to music videos, TV shows and films, and of course print and film advertising. For over a decade, we have successfully provided the most unusual faces and bodies for top fashion designers, photographers and film directors.

If you need beautifully strange and strangely beautiful people, then look no further.

Pretty faces are everywhere these days – choose something different. Choose Oddfaces.

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Запитання 4

According to the article, Herbert Chavez uses his new appearance

варіанти відповідей

to earn money

to promote his business

to educate and entertain

Запитання 5

The story describes a change in Fiona's

варіанти відповідей

appearance and mood.

daily routine.


social life.

Запитання 6

The author of text 3 wants to

варіанти відповідей

announce a competition.

offer advice.

advertise a company.

tell a story.

Запитання 7

When Herbert Chavez isn't dressed as Superman, he's a simple _______

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 8

As Superman, Herbert wants local kids to learn _______  and hopes they enjoy themselves.

варіанти відповідей

how to sew


good morals

Запитання 9

Fiona had one month before taking her _______ and meeting friends wasn't possible

варіанти відповідей

dog home


final exams

Запитання 10

She dreamed of being an adult and then when she looked in the mirror, she saw an ________  and was shocked.

варіанти відповідей

old woman



Запитання 11

The Oddfaces company doesn't employ models with just ____________  , but strange-looking people

варіанти відповідей


high IQ

pretty faces

Запитання 12

Find the line with the wrong synonimic pair

варіанти відповідей

operations - surgeries

massive - huge

ten years - a decade

strange - stingy

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