Complete the sentences with the adverbs.
We read the story _______________ because we wanted to make sure we had the facts correct.
He's a _______________ good tennis player, despite no one in his family being any good at sport.
Complete the sentences with the missing words.
We had a great lesson on how to identify ____________ – information that can't be trusted.
I had a ____________ not to trust him. Something just didn't seem right.
If you're not sure about something, then ____________the facts before believing it is true.
I think they are only doing it for ____________, they're not really interested in improving working conditions.
Сomplete the sentences.
My grandfather was a ____________________ man, but he had a very kind face despite this.
I've been working as a ____________________ for a few years and it involves reading a lot of documents.
I try to keep up with _____________________ but there is so much local news to read that I don't always manage.
Conditionals (0, 1, 2, 3).
I _________ a lot of money if I got that job.
I would be very proud if she _________ my sister.
If he had been able to afford it, he _________ a diamond ring.
Mixed Conditional.
If I _________ in my business trip next week, I _________ that assignment at work yesterday.
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