
Додано: 9 лютого 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 1886 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

We all know about English breakfast, so I think 1)______- which is far more delicious. Health experts say that it is not healthy if eaten regularly, but I don't think they will ever persuade anyone to give up this wonderful breakfast. It's a unique meal, and its success depends on top-quality products. Buу everything from supermarket and you will have something which is traditional in name only.

варіанти відповідей

this sort of breakfast needs our indulgence

it's time to learn about the Irish breakfast

when cooking the traditional Irish breakfast

its ingredients are actually very simple

requires a different amount of time

where to buy the ingredients

just the opposite is true

is sometimes known as a fry or fry-up

Запитання 2

So let's start with_______. The best thing is to go to your local butcher for some good smoked bacon, sausages and black pudding. Of course, free-range eggs are essential, as is home-made bread-the sort of stuff they sell in supermarkets these days simply does not compare.

варіанти відповідей

this sort of breakfast needs our indulgence

it's time to learn about the Irish breakfast

when cooking the traditional Irish breakfast

its ingredients are actually very simple

requires a different amount of time

where to buy the ingredients

just the opposite is true

is sometimes known as a fry or fry-up

Запитання 3

Of course, all these things have to be cooked carefully. Chuck everything into a pan together and you will have an inedible mess. Every single ingredient of the traditional breakfast cooks at different speed and ____ . When cooking the English breakfast, we all know that the bacon goes in first and then the eggs fry in the bacon fat.

варіанти відповідей

this sort of breakfast needs our indulgence

it's time to learn about the Irish breakfast

when cooking the traditional Irish breakfast

its ingredients are actually very simple

requires a different amount of time

where to buy the ingredients

just the opposite is true

is sometimes known as a fry or fry-up

Запитання 4

Not very difficult at all. But_____ , things are a bit more complicated. Sausages go in first, followed by the bacon, then the eggs and lastly the pudding.

варіанти відповідей

this sort of breakfast needs our indulgence

it's time to learn about the Irish breakfast

when cooking the traditional Irish breakfast

its ingredients are actually very simple

requires a different amount of time

where to buy the ingredients

just the opposite is true

is sometimes known as a fry or fry-up

Запитання 5

Too often, the pudding goes in too early, as people mistakenly imagine that it needs a lot of cooking when, in fact,_______

варіанти відповідей

this sort of breakfast needs our indulgence

it's time to learn about the Irish breakfast

when cooking the traditional Irish breakfast

its ingredients are actually very simple

requires a different amount of time

where to buy the ingredients

just the opposite

is sometimes known as a fry or fry-up

Запитання 6

The heat must be kept just right and the cooking of the breakfast must not be hurried. if you wish to add some tomato, it's a good idea to grill it separately, which keeps its natural sweetness safe from fat flavours.

As the cooking must not be hurried, neither must the eating. Where workday breakfasts have become quick and simple, ____ . Therefore, have the table laid properly and take your time to enjoy it.

варіанти відповідей

this sort of breakfast needs our indulgence

it's time to learn about the Irish breakfast

when cooking the traditional Irish breakfast

its ingredients are actually very simple

requires a different amount of time

where to buy the ingredients

just the opposite is true

is sometimes known as a fry or fry-up

Запитання 7



One of the most popular foods worldwide, chocolate is also surprisingly _____ in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The health benefits of chocolate are largely due to the presence of cocoa solids, and the darker chocolate, the greater the benefits.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 8

A 100 g___ of dark chocolate contains more than 20 % of the recommended daily values of riboflavin, B12, manganese, phosphorus and zinc, making it an excellent ____of these vitamins and minerals.

варіанти відповідей

serving. source

meal. ingredients

dish value

amount product

Запитання 9

Additionally, the antioxidants found in dark chocolate may improve brain function and help prevent conditions such as Parkinson's disease, diabetes and heart disease. However, health experts caution that even dark chocolate is high in sugar and fat, making it very high in ____.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 10

Moreover, fat and sugar content varies widely from one manufacturer to another, and it is advisable to check ____ values on labels before the purchase.

варіанти відповідей





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