Decide if the statements are T (true), F (false) or D (the text doesn’t say)
The man loved eating very much in his childhood.
Decide if the statements are T (true), F (false) or D (the text doesn’t say)
His mother got angry when he played with his food
Decide if the statements are T (true), F (false) or D (the text doesn’t say)
His favourite food was vegetables.
Decide if the statements are T (true), F (false) or D (the text doesn’t say)
The man saw broccoli as a park.
Decide if the statements are T (true), F (false) or D (the text doesn’t say)
He never used any forks.
Decide if the statements are T (true), F (false) or D (the text doesn’t say)
Now he plays with food as a professional.
Decide if the statements are T (true), F (false) or D (the text doesn’t say)
He uses different food to make sculptures.
Decide if the statements are T (true), F (false) or D (the text doesn’t say)
The man makes a lot of money as a food artist.
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