Entertain Yourself

Вітаю! Сподіваюсь, що Ви все повторили і готові до виконання тестових завдань. Тест створений для перевірки Ваших знань з теми "Entertain Yoself". Будьте уважні. Кожне питання має лише одну правильну відповідь. Спочатку прочитайте питання, продивіться всі варіанти відповідей. Переконайтеся, що ви правильно зрозуміли питання. Не хвилюйтеся і не поспішайте. На виконання завдань вам відведено 30 хвилин. Я знаю, що Ви все знаєте, тому все буде добре) Good luck!

Додано: 22 березня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 1 раз
13 запитань
Запитання 1

Find the correct form of the irregular verbs

варіанти відповідей

go-went-gone ходити

begin-began-begun починати

do-did-done робити

buy-boyght-boyght купувати

cut-cut-cut різати

bring-broht-broht приносити

drink-drunk-drank пити

forget-forget-forgotten забувати

go-went-gone ходити

begin-begin-begun починати

do-did-done робити

buy-bought-bought забувати

cut-cut-cut різати

bring-broght-broght приносити

drink-drank-drunk пити

forget-forgot-forgotten купувати

go-went-gone ходити

begin-began-begun починати

do-did-done робити

buy-bought-bought купувати

cut-cut-cut різати

bring-brought-brought приносити

drink-drank-drunk пити

forget-forgot-forgotten забувати

go-went-gone ходити

begin-began-begun починати

do-did-done робити

buy-bought-bought купувати

cut-cut-cut різати

bring-broght-broght приносити

drink-drunk-drank пити

forget-forgot-forgotten забувати

Запитання 2

1. I thought I knew her. I thought I (see) her before.

2.He  (drive) only twice in his life before the accident.

3.Bonny no longer had her car. She  (sell) it.

4.I saw Annabel last week. She  (change) a lot.

5.Terry wasn't at home He  (just go) out.

варіанти відповідей

1. had see

2.had driven

3. had sold

4. had changed

5. had just went

1. had seen

2.had driven

3. had sold

4. had changed

5. had just gone

1. had see

2.has driven

3. had sold

4. had changed

5. have just gone

1. had see

2.had driven

3. have sell

4. had changed

5. had just gone

Запитання 3

What kind of film is it?

варіанти відповідей


science fiction



Запитання 4

Find the correct variants

1. After they  (open) the window, it  (become) colder.

2. After we  (see) the movie, we  (go) to bed.

варіанти відповідей

1. After they have opened the window, it become colder.

2. After we saw the movie, we go to bed.

1. After they has opened the window, it became colder.

2. After we see the movie, we went to bed.

1. After they had opened the window, it became colder.

2. After we had seen the movie, we went to bed.

1. After they have open the window, it became colder.

2. After we see the movie, we had gone to bed.

Запитання 5

A historical film...

варіанти відповідей

a film with a lot of singing and dancing

a funny, humorous film

a film about people and events in the past

a film about the western United States in the 1800s, usually with cowboys

Запитання 6

What is it?

варіанти відповідей

A Globe Theatre by William Shakespeare

A Globe Cinema

A Globe Restaurant

A Globe Theatre by William Turner

Запитання 7

Is it the corret form of Past Simple?

I, we, you, they, she, he, it + VII (-ing)

варіанти відповідей

Yes, it is

No, it is not. We have to add Vi (-ing) but not VII (-ing)

No, it is not. We have to add VIII (-ed) but not VII (-ing)

No, it is not. We have to add VII (-ed) but not VII (-ing)

Запитання 8

A comedy is

варіанти відповідей

a film with a lot of singing and dancing

a funny, humorous film

a film made by photographing some series of drawings

 a film that is mainly about the friendship between two people

Запитання 9

Fill the gaps with reflexive pronouns. 

1 . He is the best at maths, he can write a test …..………...

2 . Helen looked at ………… in the mirror and left the house in a very good mood.

3 . We don’t cook ……………… at the hotel.

4 . Henry taught ……….… to play the violin .

5 . Selfish people only care about …………..

варіанти відповідей

herself, myrself, ourselves, himself, themselves

himself, herself, himselves, himself, myselves

himself, herself, themelves, himself, hermselves

himself, herself, ourselves, himself, themselves

Запитання 10

While I ..... the dishes last night, I dropped a plate and broke it.

варіанти відповідей

was washing


had washed

were wasing

Запитання 11

Find the correct order

варіанти відповідей

We have already watched this amazing and spectacular film.

We have had already watched this amazing and spectacular film.

We have already watching this amazing and spectacular film.

We had already watches this amazing and spectacular film.

Запитання 12

Horror film is...

варіанти відповідей

an informal film that someone makes themselves, often about their own life and family

a film made to be shown on television in several parts on different days

 a film with a lot of exciting events and adventures

a film that is intended to frighten people, especially one about murders, frightening creatures, or evil people

Запитання 13

Who is it?

варіанти відповідей

Willian Ivanov

William Turner

william Shakespeare

William Sparrow

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