Complete the sentence with have or has:
.... Pavlo and Kate got many books?
Complete the sentence with have or has:
.... Max got a sister?
Complete the sentence with have or has:
... their children got a pet fish?
Complete the sentence with have or has:
... the girl got a new coat?
Complete the sentence with have or has:
... their house got three bedrooms?
Complete the sentence with have or has:
... you got a drink?
Complete the sentence with have or has:
... your mum got a watch?
Complete the sentence:
I ... got a blue bedroom. My bedroom is white.
Complete the sentence:
In our house we ... got a television, but we haven't got a radio.
Complete the sentence with have/haven't or has/hasn't:
My sister has got a new computer, but she ... got any computer games on it.
Complete the sentence:
- Ben, have you got sunglasses?
- Let me see. No, I ... them in my bag.
Complete the sentence:
- ... he got a power bank?
- Yes, he ... .
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