There are ____ tomatoes in the fridge.
There's ____ carrot, _____ tomato and _______ onions in the basket.
There is ____ milk in the bottle.
Вибери незлічувані іменники
Вибери злічувані іменники
We've got _________cheese for the party.
There is _________egg in the box.
Would you like_____ tea? - Yes, please.
Is there _____ apple on the table?
I'd like ______ orange juice, please.
There is ______ in the fridge.
I have got ___ bread to make a sandwich.
Would you like ______ chocolate ice cream?
Look. There is a ....
I have you got some home?
We need a ________ for the party?
I'd like _______ juice. I'm thirsty.
Let's buy ______ butter, _____ apples and _____ yoghurt.
I want _____ chiken sausage for dinner.
I'm hungry. Let's make ___ pizza with _____ sausages and ____ cheese.
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