Form 6.Modern world.Shopping.Діагностична (Мітчелл)

Додано: 4 лютого 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
15 запитань
Запитання 1

Do you spend a lot of time shopping and sometimes can`t find anything you like? Why don’t you surf the Net and buy everything you want quickly and easily?

You don’t have to go to crowded markets and shops or wait to pay. You can buy anything you like from online shops; from clothes, laptops and mobile phones to furniture, cars and even houses. You can also buy fruit, meat and vegetables or order food online.

In addition, you can see pictures of the things you want to buy. Best of all, if you can`t decide the website stores the information you want and you can see it every time you visit the online shop. Find the item you want, click on the “buy now”

 button and they`ll send it directly to your house.

However, don’t get too excited. You need a credit card to buy the things you like so your parents must know all about it. And don’t forget! If you don’t like something you`ve bought, you can return it and get your money back!

Question 1

Shopping in the Internet is very convenient

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Запитання 2

Do you spend a lot of time shopping and sometimes can`t find anything you like? Why don’t you surf the Net and buy everything you want quickly and easily?

You don’t have to go to crowded markets and shops or wait to pay. You can buy anything you like from online shops; from clothes, laptops and mobile phones to furniture, cars and even houses. You can also buy fruit, meat and vegetables or order food online.

In addition, you can see pictures of the things you want to buy. Best of all, if you can`t decide the website stores the information you want and you can see it every time you visit the online shop. Find the item you want, click on the “buy now”

 button and they`ll send it directly to your house.

However, don’t get too excited. You need a credit card  to buy the things you like so your parents must know all about it. And don’t forget! If you don’t like something you`ve bought, you can return it and get your money back!

Question 2

1.   You can buy a computer in the Net.

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Запитання 3

Do you spend a lot of time shopping and sometimes can`t find anything you like? Why don’t you surf the Net and buy everything you want quickly and easily?

You don’t have to go to crowded markets and shops or wait to pay. You can buy anything you like from online shops; from clothes, laptops and mobile phones to furniture, cars and even houses. You can also buy fruit, meat and vegetables or order food online.

In addition, you can see pictures of the things you want to buy. Best of all, if you can`t decide the website stores the information you want and you can see it every time you visit the online shop. Find the item you want, click on the “buy now”

 button and they`ll send it directly to your house.

However, don’t get too excited. You need a credit card to buy the things you like so your parents must know all about it. And don’t forget! If you don’t like something you`ve bought, you can return it and get your money back!

Question 3

Usually you get your things only at the post office.

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Запитання 4

Do you spend a lot of time shopping and sometimes can`t find anything you like? Why don’t you surf the Net and buy everything you want quickly and easily?

You don’t have to go to crowded markets and shops or wait to pay. You can buy anything you like from online shops; from clothes, laptops and mobile phones to furniture, cars and even houses. You can also buy fruit, meat and vegetables or order food online.

In addition, you can see pictures of the things you want to buy. Best of all, if you can`t decide the website stores the information you want and you can see it every time you visit the online shop. Find the item you want, click on the “buy now”

 button and they`ll send it directly to your house.

However, don’t get too excited. You need a credit card to buy the things you like so your parents must know all about it. And don’t forget! If you don’t like something you`ve bought, you can return it and get your money back!

Question 4

   You can try on and taste all the goods before buying.

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Запитання 5

Do you spend a lot of time shopping and sometimes can`t find anything you like? Why don’t you surf the Net and buy everything you want quickly and easily?

You don’t have to go to crowded markets and shops or wait to pay. You can buy anything you like from online shops; from clothes, laptops and mobile phones to furniture, cars and even houses. You can also buy fruit, meat and vegetables or order food online.

In addition, you can see pictures of the things you want to buy. Best of all, if you can`t decide the website stores the information you want and you can see it every time you visit the online shop. Find the item you want, click on the “buy now”

 button and they`ll send it directly to your house.

However, don’t get too excited. You need a credit card to buy the things you like so your parents must know all about it. And don’t forget! If you don’t like something you`ve bought, you can return it and get your money back!

Question 5

 You must pay for the order even if you don’t like it.

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Запитання 6

Do you spend a lot of time shopping and sometimes can`t find anything you like? Why don’t you surf the Net and buy everything you want quickly and easily?

You don’t have to go to crowded markets and shops or wait to pay. You can buy anything you like from online shops; from clothes, laptops and mobile phones to furniture, cars and even houses. You can also buy fruit, meat and vegetables or order food online.

In addition, you can see pictures of the things you want to buy. Best of all, if you can`t decide the website stores the information you want and you can see it every time you visit the online shop. Find the item you want, click on the “buy now”

 button and they`ll send it directly to your house.

However, don’t get too excited. You need a credit card to buy the things you like so your parents must know all about it. And don’t forget! If you don’t like something you`ve bought, you can return it and get your money back!

Question 6

   To pay for the things you`ve bought you need cash.

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Запитання 7

Do you spend a lot of time shopping and sometimes can`t find anything you like? Why don’t you surf the Net and buy everything you want quickly and easily?

You don’t have to go to crowded markets and shops or wait to pay. You can buy anything you like from online shops; from clothes, laptops and mobile phones to furniture, cars and even houses. You can also buy fruit, meat and vegetables or order food online.

In addition, you can see pictures of the things you want to buy. Best of all, if you can`t decide the website stores the information you want and you can see it every time you visit the online shop. Find the item you want, click on the “buy now”

 button and they`ll send it directly to your house.

However, don’t get too excited. You need a credit card to buy the things you like so your parents must know all about it. And don’t forget! If you don’t like something you`ve bought, you can return it and get your money back!

Question 7

1.   Information about the things you like appears every time you visit the website.

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Запитання 8

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

If you wait till next month ,you might find good______in this shop.

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Запитання 9

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

Please, help me. I can't_____my a smartwatch to my smartphone.

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Запитання 10

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

Don't throw your _____in this bin.Put it in the recycling bin.

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Запитання 11

A:Those boxes are very heavy.

B:Don't worry.I______you take them outside.

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am helping

will help

Запитання 12

The children______to see their grandparents on Sunday.

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are going

Запитання 13

I'm sorry.I_____to help you with your project tonight.

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won't be able

Запитання 14

If I_____a new laptop, I will buy it.

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will need

Запитання 15

Gina ____going to have a barbecue tomorrow. Let's go together.

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