Form 7 A Legend of Kyiv

Додано: 26 квітня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 229 разів
11 запитань
Запитання 1

A Legend of Kyiv

1. ____________

Once upon a time there lived three brothers. One was Kyi, the second was Schek, and the third was Khoryv. They had a very beautiful younger sister Lybid. The brothers loved her very much and took care of their sister. The family was very friendly.

In those days people lived near the lakes or rivers. So did the family. Ancient people had to make everything they needed by themselves. Thus, the brothers and their sister could do a lot of things.

2. ____________

Everybody of them was known for his talent. They were skilful craftsmen. Firm boats were made by the eldest brother Kyi, who was the strongest of all the brothers. Fine pots were made by Schek. They were made of clay and were shaped by his skilful hands. Khoryv was known as a very creative young man. Beautiful silver works (rings, earrings, necklaces) were made by him. Lybid was known as a gifted spinner. People loved her linen that was whitened in the sun.

3. ___________

One day the brothers and the sister were travelling along the Dnipro River and saw the majestic green hills on its bank that were covered with green trees and bright flowers. The family liked the place and agreed to settle on the three hills and build a city there.

4. ___________

Soon more and more people started coming. The settlement grew into a marvellous city. The brothers and the sister decided to name it Kyiv after their strong and brave older brother Kyi.

Thus Kyiv, the great city, was founded more than fifteen centuries ago.

Read the text and choose the correct heading for the 1st paragraph.

варіанти відповідей

Foundation of the City

A Beautiful Place for Home

The Prince's Family

Tallented Craftsmen

Запитання 2

A Legend of Kyiv

1. ____________

Once upon a time there lived three brothers. One was Kyi, the second was Schek, and the third was Khoryv. They had a very beautiful younger sister Lybid. The brothers loved her very much and took care of their sister. The family was very friendly.

In those days people lived near the lakes or rivers. So did the family. Ancient people had to make everything they needed by themselves. Thus, the brothers and their sister could do a lot of things.

2. ____________

Everybody of them was known for his talent. They were skilful craftsmen. Firm boats were made by the eldest brother Kyi, who was the strongest of all the brothers. Fine pots were made by Schek. They were made of clay and were shaped by his skilful hands. Khoryv was known as a very creative young man. Beautiful silver works (rings, earrings, necklaces) were made by him. Lybid was known as a gifted spinner. People loved her linen that was whitened in the sun.

3. ___________

One day the brothers and the sister were travelling along the Dnipro River and saw the majestic green hills on its bank that were covered with green trees and bright flowers. The family liked the place and agreed to settle on the three hills and build a city there.

4. ___________

Soon more and more people started coming. The settlement grew into a marvellous city. The brothers and the sister decided to name it Kyiv after their strong and brave older brother Kyi.

Thus Kyiv, the great city, was founded more than fifteen centuries ago.

Read the text and choose the correct heading for the 2nd paragraph.

варіанти відповідей

Foundation of the City

A Beautiful Place for Home

The Prince's Family

Talented Craftsmen

Запитання 3

A Legend of Kyiv

1. ____________

Once upon a time there lived three brothers. One was Kyi, the second was Schek, and the third was Khoryv. They had a very beautiful younger sister Lybid. The brothers loved her very much and took care of their sister. The family was very friendly.

In those days people lived near the lakes or rivers. So did the family. Ancient people had to make everything they needed by themselves. Thus, the brothers and their sister could do a lot of things.

2. ____________

Everybody of them was known for his talent. They were skilful craftsmen. Firm boats were made by the eldest brother Kyi, who was the strongest of all the brothers. Fine pots were made by Schek. They were made of clay and were shaped by his skilful hands. Khoryv was known as a very creative young man. Beautiful silver works (rings, earrings, necklaces) were made by him. Lybid was known as a gifted spinner. People loved her linen that was whitened in the sun.

3. ___________

One day the brothers and the sister were travelling along the Dnipro River and saw the majestic green hills on its bank that were covered with green trees and bright flowers. The family liked the place and agreed to settle on the three hills and build a city there.

4. ___________

Soon more and more people started coming. The settlement grew into a marvellous city. The brothers and the sister decided to name it Kyiv after their strong and brave older brother Kyi.

Thus Kyiv, the great city, was founded more than fifteen centuries ago.

Read the text and choose the correct heading for the 3rd paragraph.

варіанти відповідей

Foundation of the City

A Beautiful Place for Home

The Prince's Family

Talented Craftsmen

Запитання 4

A Legend of Kyiv

1. ____________

Once upon a time there lived three brothers. One was Kyi, the second was Schek, and the third was Khoryv. They had a very beautiful younger sister Lybid. The brothers loved her very much and took care of their sister. The family was very friendly.

In those days people lived near the lakes or rivers. So did the family. Ancient people had to make everything they needed by themselves. Thus, the brothers and their sister could do a lot of things.

2. ____________

Everybody of them was known for his talent. They were skilful craftsmen. Firm boats were made by the eldest brother Kyi, who was the strongest of all the brothers. Fine pots were made by Schek. They were made of clay and were shaped by his skilful hands. Khoryv was known as a very creative young man. Beautiful silver works (rings, earrings, necklaces) were made by him. Lybid was known as a gifted spinner. People loved her linen that was whitened in the sun.

3. ___________

One day the brothers and the sister were travelling along the Dnipro River and saw the majestic green hills on its bank that were covered with green trees and bright flowers. The family liked the place and agreed to settle on the three hills and build a city there.

4. ___________

Soon more and more people started coming. The settlement grew into a marvellous city. The brothers and the sister decided to name it Kyiv after their strong and brave older brother Kyi.

Thus Kyiv, the great city, was founded more than fifteen centuries ago.

Read the text and choose the correct heading for the 4th paragraph.

варіанти відповідей

Foundation of the City

A Beautiful Place for Home

The Prince's Family

Talented Craftsmen

Запитання 5

A Legend of Kyiv

Once upon a time there lived three brothers. One was Kyi, the second was Schek, and the third was Khoryv. They had a very beautiful younger sister Lybid. The brothers loved her very much and took care of their sister. The family was very friendly.

In those days people lived near the lakes or rivers. So did the family. Ancient people had to make everything they needed by themselves. Thus, the brothers and their sister could do a lot of things.

Everybody of them was known for his talent. They were skilful craftsmen. Firm boats were made by the eldest brother Kyi, who was the strongest of all the brothers. Fine pots were made by Schek. They were made of clay and were shaped by his skilful hands. Khoryv was known as a very creative young man. Beautiful silver works (rings, earrings, necklaces) were made by him. Lybid was known as a gifted spinner. People loved her linen that was whitened in the sun.

One day the brothers and the sister were travelling along the Dnipro River and saw the majestic green hills on its bank that were covered with green trees and bright flowers. The family liked the place and agreed to settle on the three hills and build a city there.

Soon more and more people started coming. The settlement grew into a marvellous city. The brothers and the sister decided to name it Kyiv after their strong and brave older brother Kyi.

Thus Kyiv, the great city, was founded more than fifteen centuries ago.

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

A family had three brothers.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6

A Legend of Kyiv

Once upon a time there lived three brothers. One was Kyi, the second was Schek, and the third was Khoryv. They had a very beautiful younger sister Lybid. The brothers loved her very much and took care of their sister. The family was very friendly.

In those days people lived near the lakes or rivers. So did the family. Ancient people had to make everything they needed by themselves. Thus, the brothers and their sister could do a lot of things.

Everybody of them was known for his talent. They were skilful craftsmen. Firm boats were made by the eldest brother Kyi, who was the strongest of all the brothers. Fine pots were made by Schek. They were made of clay and were shaped by his skilful hands. Khoryv was known as a very creative young man. Beautiful silver works (rings, earrings, necklaces) were made by him. Lybid was known as a gifted spinner. People loved her linen that was whitened in the sun.

One day the brothers and the sister were travelling along the Dnipro River and saw the majestic green hills on its bank that were covered with green trees and bright flowers. The family liked the place and agreed to settle on the three hills and build a city there.

Soon more and more people started coming. The settlement grew into a marvellous city. The brothers and the sister decided to name it Kyiv after their strong and brave older brother Kyi.

Thus Kyiv, the great city, was founded more than fifteen centuries ago.

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

The members of the family were known for their talents.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7

A Legend of Kyiv

Once upon a time there lived three brothers. One was Kyi, the second was Schek, and the third was Khoryv. They had a very beautiful younger sister Lybid. The brothers loved her very much and took care of their sister. The family was very friendly.

In those days people lived near the lakes or rivers. So did the family. Ancient people had to make everything they needed by themselves. Thus, the brothers and their sister could do a lot of things.

Everybody of them was known for his talent. They were skilful craftsmen. Firm boats were made by the eldest brother Kyi, who was the strongest of all the brothers. Fine pots were made by Schek. They were made of clay and were shaped by his skilful hands. Khoryv was known as a very creative young man. Beautiful silver works (rings, earrings, necklaces) were made by him. Lybid was known as a gifted spinner. People loved her linen that was whitened in the sun.

One day the brothers and the sister were travelling along the Dnipro River and saw the majestic green hills on its bank that were covered with green trees and bright flowers. The family liked the place and agreed to settle on the three hills and build a city there.

Soon more and more people started coming. The settlement grew into a marvellous city. The brothers and the sister decided to name it Kyiv after their strong and brave older brother Kyi.

Thus Kyiv, the great city, was founded more than fifteen centuries ago.

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

Kyi, Schek, Khoryv and their sister Lybid travelled on foot around the country to look for a new place to settle.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 8

A Legend of Kyiv

Once upon a time there lived three brothers. One was Kyi, the second was Schek, and the third was Khoryv. They had a very beautiful younger sister Lybid. The brothers loved her very much and took care of their sister. The family was very friendly.

In those days people lived near the lakes or rivers. So did the family. Ancient people had to make everything they needed by themselves. Thus, the brothers and their sister could do a lot of things.

Everybody of them was known for his talent. They were skilful craftsmen. Firm boats were made by the eldest brother Kyi, who was the strongest of all the brothers. Fine pots were made by Schek. They were made of clay and were shaped by his skilful hands. Khoryv was known as a very creative young man. Beautiful silver works (rings, earrings, necklaces) were made by him. Lybid was known as a gifted spinner. People loved her linen that was whitened in the sun.

One day the brothers and the sister were travelling along the Dnipro River and saw the majestic green hills on its bank that were covered with green trees and bright flowers. The family liked the place and agreed to settle on the three hills and build a city there.

Soon more and more people started coming. The settlement grew into a marvellous city. The brothers and the sister decided to name it Kyiv after their strong and brave older brother Kyi.

Thus Kyiv, the great city, was founded more than fifteen centuries ago.

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

Kyi chose a place to settle there.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 9

A Legend of Kyiv

Once upon a time there lived three brothers. One was Kyi, the second was Schek, and the third was Khoryv. They had a very beautiful younger sister Lybid. The brothers loved her very much and took care of their sister. The family was very friendly.

In those days people lived near the lakes or rivers. So did the family. Ancient people had to make everything they needed by themselves. Thus, the brothers and their sister could do a lot of things.

Everybody of them was known for his talent. They were skilful craftsmen. Firm boats were made by the eldest brother Kyi, who was the strongest of all the brothers. Fine pots were made by Schek. They were made of clay and were shaped by his skilful hands. Khoryv was known as a very creative young man. Beautiful silver works (rings, earrings, necklaces) were made by him. Lybid was known as a gifted spinner. People loved her linen that was whitened in the sun.

One day the brothers and the sister were travelling along the Dnipro River and saw the majestic green hills on its bank that were covered with green trees and bright flowers. The family liked the place and agreed to settle on the three hills and build a city there.

Soon more and more people started coming. The settlement grew into a marvellous city. The brothers and the sister decided to name it Kyiv after their strong and brave older brother Kyi.

Thus Kyiv, the great city, was founded more than fifteen centuries ago.

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

The brothers and their sister settled on seven hills.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 10

A Legend of Kyiv

Once upon a time there lived three brothers. One was Kyi, the second was Schek, and the third was Khoryv. They had a very beautiful younger sister Lybid. The brothers loved her very much and took care of their sister. The family was very friendly.

In those days people lived near the lakes or rivers. So did the family. Ancient people had to make everything they needed by themselves. Thus, the brothers and their sister could do a lot of things.

Everybody of them was known for his talent. They were skilful craftsmen. Firm boats were made by the eldest brother Kyi, who was the strongest of all the brothers. Fine pots were made by Schek. They were made of clay and were shaped by his skilful hands. Khoryv was known as a very creative young man. Beautiful silver works (rings, earrings, necklaces) were made by him. Lybid was known as a gifted spinner. People loved her linen that was whitened in the sun.

One day the brothers and the sister were travelling along the Dnipro River and saw the majestic green hills on its bank that were covered with green trees and bright flowers. The family liked the place and agreed to settle on the three hills and build a city there.

Soon more and more people started coming. The settlement grew into a marvellous city. The brothers and the sister decided to name it Kyiv after their strong and brave older brother Kyi.

Thus Kyiv, the great city, was founded more than fifteen centuries ago.

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

More and more people started coming.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 11

A Legend of Kyiv

Once upon a time there lived three brothers. One was Kyi, the second was Schek, and the third was Khoryv. They had a very beautiful younger sister Lybid. The brothers loved her very much and took care of their sister. The family was very friendly.

In those days people lived near the lakes or rivers. So did the family. Ancient people had to make everything they needed by themselves. Thus, the brothers and their sister could do a lot of things.

Everybody of them was known for his talent. They were skilful craftsmen. Firm boats were made by the eldest brother Kyi, who was the strongest of all the brothers. Fine pots were made by Schek. They were made of clay and were shaped by his skilful hands. Khoryv was known as a very creative young man. Beautiful silver works (rings, earrings, necklaces) were made by him. Lybid was known as a gifted spinner. People loved her linen that was whitened in the sun.

One day the brothers and the sister were travelling along the Dnipro River and saw the majestic green hills on its bank that were covered with green trees and bright flowers. The family liked the place and agreed to settle on the three hills and build a city there.

Soon more and more people started coming. The settlement grew into a marvellous city. The brothers and the sister decided to name it Kyiv after their strong and brave older brother Kyi.

Thus Kyiv, the great city, was founded more than fifteen centuries ago.

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

Kyiv was founded more than 15 centuries ago.

варіанти відповідей



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