Full Blast 2 unit 8

Додано: 28 квітня 2021
Тест виконано: 52 рази
23 запитання
Запитання 1

Jeremy was very                          before the audition.

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Запитання 2

The words at the top of a newspaper article

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Запитання 3

1.The boy won a ______ trip.

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Запитання 4

My grandfather worked on a ship and                          John’s.

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so did

so does

neither worked

neither did

Запитання 5

Stuart hasn’t read that book yet and                          Ken.

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neither did

neither has

so has

so hasn't

Запитання 6

Her latest song is called ‘Forget’ and                          her album.

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so does

so has

neither is

so is

Запитання 7

Hank didn’t watch the DVD and                          his sister.

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neither do

neither did

so did

Запитання 8

Over a hundred trees                                       (plant) in the area every year.

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are plant

are planted

is planted

Запитання 9

Rugby                                       (not play) in Greece.

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aren't played

are played

is played

is not played

Запитання 10

How come you never call me any more?

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I’m sorry, I’ve been really busy lately

There’s no need. It isn’t far.

I’ll tell you what. We can ask her sister, too.

Запитання 11

What is your opinion of this film?

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I’m sorry, I’ve been really busy lately.

I don’t know, but I’ll give it my best shot.

I was disappointed.

Запитання 12

This is the belt                          my aunt bought me.

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Запитання 13

Mrs Williams is the librarian                          we met last week.

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Запитання 14

Have you been to that new café                          is on Grant Street?

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Запитання 15

The photograph                          is on my desk was taken in Italy last summer.

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Запитання 16

When was the first Oscar for the best special effects given?

Special effects in films have been around for many years. The first film to win an Oscar for the best special effects was The Rains Came back in 1939. Nowadays, special effects are amazing and you can easily forget the plot of the film and just watch the effects. One of the first films to use computer special effects to create a character was Young Sherlock Holmes in 1985. Powerful computers are needed to make special effects. It takes time and costs a lot of money but it’s usually worth it and most films today have them. The three The Lord of the Rings films were made in 2001, 2002 and 2003 and all three won Oscars for the best special effects. And it’s easy to see why!

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in 2001

in 2002

in 2003

in 1939

Запитання 17

In which film was a character created by using a computer ?

Special effects in films have been around for many years. The first film to win an Oscar for the best special effects was The Rains Came back in 1939. Nowadays, special effects are amazing and you can easily forget the plot of the film and just watch the effects. One of the first films to use computer special effects to create a character was Young Sherlock Holmes in 1985. Powerful computers are needed to make special effects. It takes time and costs a lot of money but it’s usually worth it and most films today have them. The three The Lord of the Rings films were made in 2001, 2002 and 2003 and all three won Oscars for the best special effects. And it’s easy to see why!

варіанти відповідей

the Rains Came

Young Sherlock Holmes

the Lord of the Rings

Запитання 18

What do they use to make special effects?

Special effects in films have been around for many years. The first film to win an Oscar for the best special effects was The Rains Came back in 1939. Nowadays, special effects are amazing and you can easily forget the plot of the film and just watch the effects. One of the first films to use computer special effects to create a character was Young Sherlock Holmes in 1985. Powerful computers are needed to make special effects. It takes time and costs a lot of money but it’s usually worth it and most films today have them. The three The Lord of the Rings films were made in 2001, 2002 and 2003 and all three won Oscars for the best special effects. And it’s easy to see why!

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Запитання 19

Which films have won three Oscars for the best special effects?

Special effects in films have been around for many years. The first film to win an Oscar for the best special effects was The Rains Came back in 1939. Nowadays, special effects are amazing and you can easily forget the plot of the film and just watch the effects. One of the first films to use computer special effects to create a character was Young Sherlock Holmes in 1985. Powerful computers are needed to make special effects. It takes time and costs a lot of money but it’s usually worth it and most films today have them. The three The Lord of the Rings films were made in 2001, 2002 and 2003 and all three won Oscars for the best special effects. And it’s easy to see why!

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Young Sherlock Holmes

The Rains Came

The Lord of the Rings

Запитання 20

John has got a new laptop. I'm __________ because I've got an old computer.

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Запитання 21

I'm a bit ________. Is he your dad or your uncle?

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Запитання 22

The organiser ________ the winner.

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Запитання 23

The ______ of the magazine is designed.

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