Full Blast 4 Unit 7

Додано: 25 січня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 103 рази
8 запитань
Запитання 1

I.                  Complete with the words.

1.   Taking photographs comes as ____________to Tim, as he can’t imagine life without photos. 

варіанти відповідей

human nature


back to nature

second nature

Запитання 2

1.   Despite his bad behaviour, deep down he’s a ________ boy.

варіанти відповідей

second nature


in my nature

forces of nature

Запитання 3

1.   My friends are moving away from the city and going ___________.

2.   It’s only ___________ to be upset when your pet dies.

3.   His bike was damaged by the _____________.

варіанти відповідей

back to nature/human nature/force of nature

in my nature/human nature/force of nature

back to nature/in my nature/force of nature

back to nature/in my nature/human nature

Запитання 4

1.   I’ll come round and pick you _____in about an hour.

2.   They offered me some money, but I turned it _____.

3.   You need to cut _______ fat food.

4.   Don’t use _______all the milk. I need for porridge.

5.   I tried to escape _______routine to the village.

6. 1.   According ______ my mum I should study better ________ enter to university.

варіанти відповідей

up/down on/down/up/from/to,at

up/down /down on/up/from/to,to

in/down /down on/up/from/to,to

in/down on/down on/up/from/to,to

Запитання 5

I.                   Choose correct item.

1. Don’t give up/ calm down/ use up/ close down yet. You’re almost near the finish line.

2. More sources/ authorities/effects/measures should be taken to reduce crime.

3. I’ve got so much litter/junk/rubbish in my garage.

4.  Factories throw a lot of rubbish/litter/waste into the rivers.

5. Doing DIY, it’s important to have appropriate tools/device/machine.

6. It was so/such/such a/what hot day.

7. You are so/what/how/such kind.

8.  What/How/Such difficult problems!

9. How/Such/What a beautiful woman!

варіанти відповідей

give up/measures/rubbish/litter/tools/such a/so/What/What

give up/measures/junk/waster/tools/such a/so/What/How

give up/measures/rubish/waste/tools/such a/so/What/What

Запитання 6

I.                  Complete the sentence using GERUND or INFINITIVE.

1. I often go (dance) _______________ on a Saturday night.

2. I can’t stand people (interrupt) _____________me!

3. I am planning (buy) ____________ a new laptop soon.

4. I need (sleep) _________________ at least eight hours a night.

5. I want (move) ______________ to London next year.

6. Would you consider (give) _________ the speech at our anniversary party?

7. She doesn’t let me (go)___________ to the concert.

8. How can I ________ (do) this task?

варіанти відповідей

dancing/interrupting/buy/sleep/to move/giving/go/to do

dancing/interrupting/to buy/sleeping/to move/giving/go/do

dance/interrupting/to buy/sleeping/to move/giving/to go/do

dancing/interrupt/to buy/sleeping/to move/giving/go/do

Запитання 7

Choose the correct answers.

варіанти відповідей

It is a such an interesting idea to neglect it. So, let's try to fulfil it.

It is such an interesting idea to neglect it. So, let's to try to fulfil it.

It is such interesting idea to neglect it. So, let's try to fulfil it.

It is such an interesting idea to neglect it. So, let's try to fulfil it.

Запитання 8

Choose the corrct answer.

1. What a lovely day to go fishing and enjoy watching everything around.

2.What lovely day to go fishing and enjoying watching everything around.

3. How lovely is today to go to fish and enjoy watching everything around.

4.How lovely is today to go fishing and enjoy watching everything around.

5. Today is such a lovely day to go fishing and we can enjoy watching everything around.

варіанти відповідей

a. only 1 and 3

b. 5

c. 1 and 4

d. none of the sentences

e. both b and c

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