Full Blast 5 unit 1 Reading (WB Ex. C p.17)

Додано: 25 вересня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
10 запитань
Запитання 1

My name is Pablo and this is my friend, Daniel. He’s 14 years old and he is from Brazil. We’re classmates. We like hip hop and we’ re in a band. Daniel’s the lead singer. We’re good at music and our music teacher Mr Manson is great. He’s from Brazil, too. Daniel is a good student and he’s very good at maths and science. I’m not very good at science and maths isn’t my favourite subject. I like history and music.

Daniel is Brazilian.

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Запитання 2

My name is Pablo and this is my friend, Daniel. He’s 14 years old and he is from Brazil. We’re classmates. We like hip hop and we’ re in a band. Daniel’s the lead singer. We’re good at music and our music teacher Mr Manson is great. He’s from Brazil, too. Daniel is a good student and he’s very good at maths and science. I’m not very good at science and maths isn’t my favourite subject. I like history and music.

Pablo and Daniel are students.

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Запитання 3

My name is Pablo and this is my friend, Daniel. He’s 14 years old and he is from Brazil. We’re classmates. We like hip hop and we’ re in a band. Daniel’s the lead singer. We’re good at music and our music teacher Mr Manson is great. He’s from Brazil, too. Daniel is a good student and he’s very good at maths and science. I’m not very good at science and maths isn’t my favourite subject. I like history and music.

Pablo is the lead singer in the band.

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Запитання 4

My name is Pablo and this is my friend, Daniel. He’s 14 years old and he is from Brazil. We’re classmates. We like hip hop and we’ re in a band. Daniel’s the lead singer. We’re good at music and our music teacher Mr Manson is great. He’s from Brazil, too. Daniel is a good student and he’s very good at maths and science. I’m not very good at science and maths isn’t my favourite subject. I like history and music.

Mr Manson is a maths teacher.

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Запитання 5

My name is Pablo and this is my friend, Daniel. He’s 14 years old and he is from Brazil. We’re classmates. We like hip hop and we’ re in a band. Daniel’s the lead singer. We’re good at music and our music teacher Mr Manson is great. He’s from Brazil, too. Daniel is a good student and he’s very good at maths and science. I’m not very good at science and maths isn’t my favourite subject. I like history and music.

Mr Manson is Brazilian

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Запитання 6

My name is Pablo and this is my friend, Daniel. He’s 14 years old and he is from Brazil. We’re classmates. We like hip hop and we’ re in a band. Daniel’s the lead singer. We’re good at music and our music teacher Mr Manson is great. He’s from Brazil, too. Daniel is a good student and he’s very good at maths and science. I’m not very good at science and maths isn’t my favourite subject. I like history and music.

Pablo is good at science.

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Запитання 7

My name is Pablo and this is my friend, Daniel. He’s 14 years old and he is from Brazil. We’re classmates. We like hip hop and we’ re in a band. Daniel’s the lead singer. We’re good at music and our music teacher Mr Manson is great. He’s from Brazil, too. Daniel is a good student and he’s very good at maths and science. I’m not very good at science and maths isn’t my favourite subject. I like history and music.

Daniel isn’t good at maths.

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Запитання 8

My name is Pablo and this is my friend, Daniel. He’s 14 years old and he is from Brazil. We’re classmates. We like hip hop and we’ re in a band. Daniel’s the lead singer. We’re good at music and our music teacher Mr Manson is great. He’s from Brazil, too. Daniel is a good student and he’s very good at maths and science. I’m not very good at science and maths isn’t my favourite subject. I like history and music.

Daniel likes history.

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Запитання 9

My name is Pablo and this is my friend, Daniel. He’s 14 years old and he is from Brazil. We’re classmates. We like hip hop and we’ re in a band. Daniel’s the lead singer. We’re good at music and our music teacher Mr Manson is great. He’s from Brazil, too. Daniel is a good student and he’s very good at maths and science. I’m not very good at science and maths isn’t my favourite subject. I like history and music.

Pablo likes hip hop.

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Запитання 10

My name is Pablo and this is my friend, Daniel. He’s 14 years old and he is from Brazil. We’re classmates. We like hip hop and we’ re in a band. Daniel’s the lead singer. We’re good at music and our music teacher Mr Manson is great. He’s from Brazil, too. Daniel is a good student and he’s very good at maths and science. I’m not very good at science and maths isn’t my favourite subject. I like history and music.

Boys are good at music.

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