Gateway A1+ Unit 5

Додано: 8 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова
Тест виконано: 210 разів
49 запитань
Запитання 1


1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words given.

1 He can’t run very …………………………..…... (fast) at the moment. He’s got a bad leg.

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Запитання 2

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words given.

2 She can play the piano very …………………………..…... (good). She sometimes plays in concerts.

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Запитання 3

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words given.

3 It’s important to drive …………………………..…... (slow) near the school.

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Запитання 4

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words given.

4 I can answer this question …………………………..…... (easy).

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Запитання 5

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words given.

5 You need to read the article …………………………..…... (careful).

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6

2 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

1 Don’t open/Open the window. It’s very hot in here.

варіанти відповідей

Don't open


Запитання 7

2 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

2 Don’t tell/Tell me the answer. I can answer it.

варіанти відповідей

Don't tell


Запитання 8

2 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

3 Don’t turn/Turn the page. I want to finish this page.

варіанти відповідей

Don't turn


Запитання 9

2 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

4 Don’t spell/Spell your name please. I want to write it down.

варіанти відповідей

Don't spell


Запитання 10

2 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

5 Don’t speak/Speak quietly please. We’re in a library.

варіанти відповідей

Don't speak


Запитання 11

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these words. chat • eat • get up • surf • wait

1 I love …………………………..…... the Internet. You find lots of interesting articles and videos.

варіанти відповідей



getting up



Запитання 12

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these words. chat • eat • get up • surf • wait

2 I can’t stand …………………………..…... for the bus. Sometimes I am at the bus stop for thirty minutes.

варіанти відповідей



getting up



Запитання 13

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these words. chat • eat • get up • surf • wait

4 I hate …………………………..…... in the mornings. I always want to stay in my bed.

варіанти відповідей



getting up



Запитання 14

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these words. chat • eat • get up • surf • wait

5 I don’t like…………………………..…... lunch at school. I like to have it at home.

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getting up



Запитання 15


4 Look at the pictures and choose the correct words. 

варіанти відповідей


touch screen




Запитання 16

4 Look at the pictures and choose the correct words. 

варіанти відповідей


touch screen




Запитання 17

4 Look at the pictures and choose the correct words. 

варіанти відповідей


touch screen




Запитання 18

4 Look at the pictures and choose the correct words. 

варіанти відповідей


touch screen




Запитання 19

4 Look at the pictures and choose the correct words. 

варіанти відповідей


touch screen




Запитання 20

5 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

1 I never download/print music from the Internet.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 21

5 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

2 When you finish on the computer, it’s a good idea to log on/log off.

варіанти відповідей

log on

log off

Запитання 22

5 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

4 Remember to save/scan your work before you log off.

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Запитання 23

5 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

5 Can you send/paste me an email please?

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Запитання 24

6 Complete the sentences with these words. There is one extra word. blog • password • search engine • social network • virus • website

1 I think my computer has got a …………………………..….... It’s very slow.

варіанти відповідей

search engine




social network


Запитання 25

6 Complete the sentences with these words. There is one extra word. blog • password • search engine • social network • virus • website

2 My friend has got a …………………………..….... He writes about things he likes.

варіанти відповідей

search engine




social network


Запитання 26

6 Complete the sentences with these words. There is one extra word. blog • password • search engine • social network • virus • website

3 The …………………………..…... is very important. It helps you find things on the Internet.

варіанти відповідей

search engine




social network


Запитання 27

6 Complete the sentences with these words. There is one extra word. blog • password • search engine • social network • virus • website

4 A good …………………………..…... has letters and numbers.

варіанти відповідей

search engine




social network


Запитання 28

6 Complete the sentences with these words. There is one extra word. blog • password • search engine • social network • virus • website

5 A …………………………..…... helps you connect with other young people.

варіанти відповідей

search engine




social network


Запитання 29

Use of English

7 Complete the sentences with the correct answer, A, B or C.

1 You can find information very …………. with the Internet.

варіанти відповідей

A slowly

B hard

C quickly

Запитання 30

Use of English

7 Complete the sentences with the correct answer, A, B or C.

2 My father likes …………. the newspaper at breakfast.

варіанти відповідей

A read

B reading

C reads

Запитання 31

Use of English

7 Complete the sentences with the correct answer, A, B or C.

3 is a …………. with information, photos and articles about football.

варіанти відповідей

A social network

B website

C search engine

Запитання 32

7 Complete the sentences with the correct answer, A, B or C.

4 Lots of people …………. online with their friends.

варіанти відповідей

A chat

B download

C print

Запитання 33

7 Complete the sentences with the correct answer, A, B or C.

5 …………. to your computer and I can show you my new blog.

варіанти відповідей

A You log on

B Don’t log on

C Log on

Запитання 34

7 Complete the sentences with the correct answer, A, B or C.

6 …………. click on this icon and see your photographs.

варіанти відповідей

A Can you

B You can

C You can’t

Запитання 35

7 Complete the sentences with the correct answer, A, B or C.

7 My friends …………. using social networks. They use them every day.

варіанти відповідей

A like

B don’t like

C can’t stand

Запитання 36

7 Complete the sentences with the correct answer, A, B or C.

8 …………. print this article for me?

варіанти відповідей

A Can you

B You can

C You can’t

Запитання 37

8 Read the article. Are the sentences about Maya (M), Seb (S) or both (B)?

1 I haven’t got a computer. M/S/B

Computers and you

Two students talk about computers


I don’t have a computer at home but I can use the ones in the library or at school. I usually surf the Internet and I look for websites that interest me. I like websites with videos of presentations and I also like some music sites. I like playing the songs I find online but I never play games – I can’t stand them! Sometimes I use the computer to write things for school. You can make projects look very nice when you use a computer. You can include photos and other visuals with your text.


I love technology! I’ve got a computer and a tablet. My computer is in my bedroom. I use it for my homework but I also play games on it. It’s got a webcam so I can chat with other players online. The games are brilliant. They have fantastic stories and visuals. I only use my tablet when I’m at school. It’s small so I can put it in my bag easily. Sometimes my teacher does activities in class on the school computer and we can connect our tablets. We also use them to give presentations.

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Запитання 38

8 Read the article. Are the sentences about Maya (M), Seb (S) or both (B)?

2 l listen to music on a computer. M/S/B

Computers and you

Two students talk about computers


I don’t have a computer at home but I can use the ones in the library or at school. I usually surf the Internet and I look for websites that interest me. I like websites with videos of presentations and I also like some music sites. I like playing the songs I find online but I never play games – I can’t stand them! Sometimes I use the computer to write things for school. You can make projects look very nice when you use a computer. You can include photos and other visuals with your text.


I love technology! I’ve got a computer and a tablet. My computer is in my bedroom. I use it for my homework but I also play games on it. It’s got a webcam so I can chat with other players online. The games are brilliant. They have fantastic stories and visuals. I only use my tablet when I’m at school. It’s small so I can put it in my bag easily. Sometimes my teacher does activities in class on the school computer and we can connect our tablets. We also use them to give presentations.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 39

8 Read the article. Are the sentences about Maya (M), Seb (S) or both (B)?

3 I talk to other people on a computer. M/S/B

Computers and you

Two students talk about computers


I don’t have a computer at home but I can use the ones in the library or at school. I usually surf the Internet and I look for websites that interest me. I like websites with videos of presentations and I also like some music sites. I like playing the songs I find online but I never play games – I can’t stand them! Sometimes I use the computer to write things for school. You can make projects look very nice when you use a computer. You can include photos and other visuals with your text.


I love technology! I’ve got a computer and a tablet. My computer is in my bedroom. I use it for my homework but I also play games on it. It’s got a webcam so I can chat with other players online. The games are brilliant. They have fantastic stories and visuals. I only use my tablet when I’m at school. It’s small so I can put it in my bag easily. Sometimes my teacher does activities in class on the school computer and we can connect our tablets. We also use them to give presentations.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 40

8 Read the article. Are the sentences about Maya (M), Seb (S) or both (B)?

4 I use a computer for my school work. M/S/B

Computers and you

Two students talk about computers


I don’t have a computer at home but I can use the ones in the library or at school. I usually surf the Internet and I look for websites that interest me. I like websites with videos of presentations and I also like some music sites. I like playing the songs I find online but I never play games – I can’t stand them! Sometimes I use the computer to write things for school. You can make projects look very nice when you use a computer. You can include photos and other visuals with your text.


I love technology! I’ve got a computer and a tablet. My computer is in my bedroom. I use it for my homework but I also play games on it. It’s got a webcam so I can chat with other players online. The games are brilliant. They have fantastic stories and visuals. I only use my tablet when I’m at school. It’s small so I can put it in my bag easily. Sometimes my teacher does activities in class on the school computer and we can connect our tablets. We also use them to give presentations.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 41

8 Read the article. Are the sentences about Maya (M), Seb (S) or both (B)?

5 There are computers at my school. M/S/B

Computers and you

Two students talk about computers


I don’t have a computer at home but I can use the ones in the library or at school. I usually surf the Internet and I look for websites that interest me. I like websites with videos of presentations and I also like some music sites. I like playing the songs I find online but I never play games – I can’t stand them! Sometimes I use the computer to write things for school. You can make projects look very nice when you use a computer. You can include photos and other visuals with your text.


I love technology! I’ve got a computer and a tablet. My computer is in my bedroom. I use it for my homework but I also play games on it. It’s got a webcam so I can chat with other players online. The games are brilliant. They have fantastic stories and visuals. I only use my tablet when I’m at school. It’s small so I can put it in my bag easily. Sometimes my teacher does activities in class on the school computer and we can connect our tablets. We also use them to give presentations.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 42

8 Read the article. Are the sentences about Maya (M), Seb (S) or both (B)?

6 I play games on my computer. M/S/B

Computers and you

Two students talk about computers


I don’t have a computer at home but I can use the ones in the library or at school. I usually surf the Internet and I look for websites that interest me. I like websites with videos of presentations and I also like some music sites. I like playing the songs I find online but I never play games – I can’t stand them! Sometimes I use the computer to write things for school. You can make projects look very nice when you use a computer. You can include photos and other visuals with your text.


I love technology! I’ve got a computer and a tablet. My computer is in my bedroom. I use it for my homework but I also play games on it. It’s got a webcam so I can chat with other players online. The games are brilliant. They have fantastic stories and visuals. I only use my tablet when I’m at school. It’s small so I can put it in my bag easily. Sometimes my teacher does activities in class on the school computer and we can connect our tablets. We also use them to give presentations.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 43

9 Read the article again. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?

1 Maya watches videos on the Internet. T/F

Computers and you

Two students talk about computers


I don’t have a computer at home but I can use the ones in the library or at school. I usually surf the Internet and I look for websites that interest me. I like websites with videos of presentations and I also like some music sites. I like playing the songs I find online but I never play games – I can’t stand them! Sometimes I use the computer to write things for school. You can make projects look very nice when you use a computer. You can include photos and other visuals with your text.


I love technology! I’ve got a computer and a tablet. My computer is in my bedroom. I use it for my homework but I also play games on it. It’s got a webcam so I can chat with other players online. The games are brilliant. They have fantastic stories and visuals. I only use my tablet when I’m at school. It’s small so I can put it in my bag easily. Sometimes my teacher does activities in class on the school computer and we can connect our tablets. We also use them to give presentations.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 44

9 Read the article again. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?

2 Maya likes all the music sites. T/F

Computers and you

Two students talk about computers


I don’t have a computer at home but I can use the ones in the library or at school. I usually surf the Internet and I look for websites that interest me. I like websites with videos of presentations and I also like some music sites. I like playing the songs I find online but I never play games – I can’t stand them! Sometimes I use the computer to write things for school. You can make projects look very nice when you use a computer. You can include photos and other visuals with your text.


I love technology! I’ve got a computer and a tablet. My computer is in my bedroom. I use it for my homework but I also play games on it. It’s got a webcam so I can chat with other players online. The games are brilliant. They have fantastic stories and visuals. I only use my tablet when I’m at school. It’s small so I can put it in my bag easily. Sometimes my teacher does activities in class on the school computer and we can connect our tablets. We also use them to give presentations.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 45

9 Read the article again. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?

3 Maya likes playing computer games. T/F

Computers and you

Two students talk about computers


I don’t have a computer at home but I can use the ones in the library or at school. I usually surf the Internet and I look for websites that interest me. I like websites with videos of presentations and I also like some music sites. I like playing the songs I find online but I never play games – I can’t stand them! Sometimes I use the computer to write things for school. You can make projects look very nice when you use a computer. You can include photos and other visuals with your text.


I love technology! I’ve got a computer and a tablet. My computer is in my bedroom. I use it for my homework but I also play games on it. It’s got a webcam so I can chat with other players online. The games are brilliant. They have fantastic stories and visuals. I only use my tablet when I’m at school. It’s small so I can put it in my bag easily. Sometimes my teacher does activities in class on the school computer and we can connect our tablets. We also use them to give presentations.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 46

9 Read the article again. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?

4 Seb does his homework on a computer. T/F

Computers and you

Two students talk about computers


I don’t have a computer at home but I can use the ones in the library or at school. I usually surf the Internet and I look for websites that interest me. I like websites with videos of presentations and I also like some music sites. I like playing the songs I find online but I never play games – I can’t stand them! Sometimes I use the computer to write things for school. You can make projects look very nice when you use a computer. You can include photos and other visuals with your text.


I love technology! I’ve got a computer and a tablet. My computer is in my bedroom. I use it for my homework but I also play games on it. It’s got a webcam so I can chat with other players online. The games are brilliant. They have fantastic stories and visuals. I only use my tablet when I’m at school. It’s small so I can put it in my bag easily. Sometimes my teacher does activities in class on the school computer and we can connect our tablets. We also use them to give presentations.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 47

9 Read the article again. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?

5 Seb uses his tablet at home. T/F

Computers and you

Two students talk about computers


I don’t have a computer at home but I can use the ones in the library or at school. I usually surf the Internet and I look for websites that interest me. I like websites with videos of presentations and I also like some music sites. I like playing the songs I find online but I never play games – I can’t stand them! Sometimes I use the computer to write things for school. You can make projects look very nice when you use a computer. You can include photos and other visuals with your text.


I love technology! I’ve got a computer and a tablet. My computer is in my bedroom. I use it for my homework but I also play games on it. It’s got a webcam so I can chat with other players online. The games are brilliant. They have fantastic stories and visuals. I only use my tablet when I’m at school. It’s small so I can put it in my bag easily. Sometimes my teacher does activities in class on the school computer and we can connect our tablets. We also use them to give presentations.

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Запитання 48

9 Read the article again. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?

6 Seb’s teacher uses a tablet. T/F

Computers and you

Two students talk about computers


I don’t have a computer at home but I can use the ones in the library or at school. I usually surf the Internet and I look for websites that interest me. I like websites with videos of presentations and I also like some music sites. I like playing the songs I find online but I never play games – I can’t stand them! Sometimes I use the computer to write things for school. You can make projects look very nice when you use a computer. You can include photos and other visuals with your text.


I love technology! I’ve got a computer and a tablet. My computer is in my bedroom. I use it for my homework but I also play games on it. It’s got a webcam so I can chat with other players online. The games are brilliant. They have fantastic stories and visuals. I only use my tablet when I’m at school. It’s small so I can put it in my bag easily. Sometimes my teacher does activities in class on the school computer and we can connect our tablets. We also use them to give presentations.

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Запитання 49


10 Listen to a teacher talk about a school trip. Put the events (a–e) in order (1–5).

a Return to school by bus. …………

b Listen to the presentation. …………

c Have lunch. …………

d Visit different parts of the museum. …………

e Meet at school. …………

варіанти відповідей

a 1 b 3 c 4 d 2 e 5

a 5 b 3 c 4 d 2 e 1

a 5 b 2 c 4 d 3 e 1

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