Gateway A2 Unit2

Додано: 13 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 390 разів
48 запитань
Запитання 1

1   Complete the sentences with the correct form of there is or there are.


……………………… two armchairs in the living room.

варіанти відповідей

there is

there are

Запитання 2

1   Complete the sentences with the correct form of there is or there are.


……………………… a computer on the desk

варіанти відповідей

there is

there are

Запитання 3

1   Complete the sentences with the correct form of there is or there are.


3 A: Is there a clock in the kitchen?


B:  No, ……………………… .

варіанти відповідей

there is not

there are not

there is

there are

Запитання 4

1   Complete the sentences with the correct form of there is or there are.


4   ……………………… any shelves in the study?

варіанти відповідей

there is not

there are not

Are there

Is there

Запитання 5

1   Complete the sentences with the correct form of there is or there are.


What ……………………… in your room?

варіанти відповідей

there is not

there are not

are there

is there

Запитання 6

2   Complete the sentences with the correct present simple or present continuous form of the verbs given.


Where’s Marcus? He ……………………… (listen to) music in


his bedroom.

варіанти відповідей

listen to

listens to

is listening to

isn't listening to

Запитання 7

2   Complete the sentences with the correct present simple or present continuous form of the verbs given.


2.  She’s not doing it today, but she often ………………………


(go) swimming after school.

варіанти відповідей



is going

Запитання 8

2   Complete the sentences with the correct present simple or present continuous form of the verbs given.


3   I usually have a sandwich for lunch, but today I

……………………… (go) to a fast-food restaurant

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is going

am going

are going

Запитання 9

2   Complete the sentences with the correct present simple or present continuous form of the verbs given.


4. I A: What ……………………… (you/do)?

B: My homework.

варіанти відповідей

you do

do you do

are you doing

are you do

Запитання 10

2   Complete the sentences with the correct present simple or present continuous form of the verbs given.


5 A: Can I play a game on your computer?

B: No, I ……………………… (use) it.

варіанти відповідей



is using

am using

are using

Запитання 11

3   Complete the sentences with the correct answer, A, B or C.


1 A: Do you know where my MP3 player is?


B:   It’s ……………… all those clothes on the chair.

варіанти відповідей

A in front of

B under

C in

Запитання 12

3   Complete the sentences with the correct answer, A, B or C.

2   I’ve got three posters of Messi ………… my bedroom wall.


варіанти відповідей

A next to

B in

C   on

Запитання 13

3   Complete the sentences with the correct answer, A, B or C.

3   Is your new house ……………… the school?

варіанти відповідей

A above

B near

C under

Запитання 14

3   Complete the sentences with the correct answer, A, B or C.

4   A: Where’s my games console?

B:   It’s ……………………… the cupboard. Open the door and look.

варіанти відповідей

A in

B on

C behind

Запитання 15

3   Complete the sentences with the correct answer, A, B or C.

5   A: I can’t find the coffee. Is it on this shelf?


B:   Yes. It’s ……………………… the sugar.


варіанти відповідей

A on

B in

C next to

Запитання 16

4   Choose the correct alternatives to complete the short dialogues.


1   A: What’s for dinner?


B:  Ask Mum. She’s in the kitchen/garage cooking.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 17

4   Choose the correct alternatives to complete the short dialogues.

2 A: Is John awake? He’s late for school.

B: No, he’s still asleep in his garden/bedroom

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 18

4   Choose the correct alternatives to complete the short dialogues.

  3 A: I want to have a shower before I go out.

B:  You can’t. Alice is in the bathroom/dining room washing her hair.

варіанти відповідей


dining room

Запитання 19

4   Choose the correct alternatives to complete the short dialogues.

A: I think my school bag is in the car.

B:  Well the car is in the kitchen/garage. Go and look for it there.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 20

4   Choose the correct alternatives to complete the short dialogues.

A: Where’s Dad?

B:  He’s in the hall/living room watching TV.

варіанти відповідей


living room

Запитання 21

5. Complete the sentences with these words

1   The milk is in the ……………………… .

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Запитання 22

5. Complete the sentences with these words

2 A: It’s cold in here.

B:  Sit near the ……………………… .


варіанти відповідей








Запитання 23

5. Complete the sentences with these words

3   Your homework is on your ……………………… next to the computer.


варіанти відповідей








Запитання 24

5. Complete the sentences with these words

4. Put your dirty dishes in the ………………………

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Запитання 25

5. Complete the sentences with these words

Three people can sit on this ……………………… .

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Запитання 26

6   Complete the sentences with these words.

1   I usually ……………………… the table before dinner.

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Запитання 27

6   Complete the sentences with these words.

2   My mum hates ……………………… the dishes so she has got a new dishwasher.

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Запитання 28

6   Complete the sentences with these words.

3. My brother ……………………… the rubbish out every evening.

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Запитання 29

6   Complete the sentences with these words.

4. We are ……………………… the shopping for our party.

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Запитання 30

6   Complete the sentences with these words.

5   I’m ……………………… up my bedroom before my friends arrive.

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Запитання 31

7 Complete the email with one word in each gap.

Hi Ben,

 I’m writing this from sunny Spain! We’re on holiday and we

(1) ……………………… staying in a lovely house. There is a park

 (2) ……………………… front of the house and it is near the beach.

We go swimming every day. There (3) ……………………… only two

 bedrooms, so I’m sleeping in the same room as Brad, my

brother. He’s so untidy! I make the bed and tidy

 (4) ……………………… every morning, but he does nothing!


 We don’t eat here because (5) ……………………… isn’t a cooker.

We can make breakfast, but for dinner we go to a nice

 restaurant next (6) ……………………… our house. I love Spanish

food. And I like watching TV here. I (7) ……………………… learning

 some words in Spanish!


 How’s school? (8)

……………………… you working hard?


See you soon. J



варіанти відповідей

1. are 3.are 4.up 5.there 8.Are

1. are 2.on 3.aren't 4.on 5.there 8.Is

1. are 3.aren't 4.on 5.then 6.onto 8.Are

1. aren't 2.on 3.are 4.up 5.there not 8.Are

Запитання 32

8   Read the article about Jason’s house. Are these statements True (T), False (F) or is the information Not Mentioned (NM)?

Jason lives in a big house near the sea. That’s not really unusual, is it? But Jason’s house is very big. There are 20 bedrooms, two kitchens, a big dining room for 40 people and a swimming pool, too! You’re probably thinking Jason has got a very big family, but you’re wrong! Jason lives in a hotel.

  Jason’s parents own The Jackson Star Hotel in the lovely little seaside town of Barnaby. Lots of people go there in summer for their holidays and stay at Jason’s hotel. It’s very popular! Jason lives with his mum and dad in a small flat at the top of the hotel. They work in the hotel and Jason helps when he is not at school. He sometimes takes the rubbish out and makes the beds.

 So, does Jason like living in a big hotel? Jason says, ‘Yes, I like my room. It’s very high up, and from one window I can see all over the town and from the other window I can see the sea. I’ve got a big desk in my room with a computer on it so I can do my homework. And I’ve got my own TV. My friends like staying here because the bedrooms are comfortable, and we get very good food! I like the people, too. They come from different places around the world.’

 Is there anything he doesn’t like? Jason answers, ‘In the winter, there aren’t a lot of people here and I sometimes get frightened at night. The hotel is big and empty and it’s like a scary film!’

1. Jason’s home is unusual.

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Запитання 33

8   Read the article about Jason’s house. Are these statements True (T), False (F) or is the information Not Mentioned (NM)?

Jason lives in a big house near the sea. That’s not really unusual, is it? But Jason’s house is very big. There are 20 bedrooms, two kitchens, a big dining room for 40 people and a swimming pool, too! You’re probably thinking Jason has got a very big family, but you’re wrong! Jason lives in a hotel.

  Jason’s parents own The Jackson Star Hotel in the lovely little seaside town of Barnaby. Lots of people go there in summer for their holidays and stay at Jason’s hotel. It’s very popular! Jason lives with his mum and dad in a small flat at the top of the hotel. They work in the hotel and Jason helps when he is not at school. He sometimes takes the rubbish out and makes the beds.

 So, does Jason like living in a big hotel? Jason says, ‘Yes, I like my room. It’s very high up, and from one window I can see all over the town and from the other window I can see the sea. I’ve got a big desk in my room with a computer on it so I can do my homework. And I’ve got my own TV. My friends like staying here because the bedrooms are comfortable, and we get very good food! I like the people, too. They come from different places around the world.’

 Is there anything he doesn’t like? Jason answers, ‘In the winter, there aren’t a lot of people here and I sometimes get frightened at night. The hotel is big and empty and it’s like a scary film!’

2. Jason has got a small family.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 34

8   Read the article about Jason’s house. Are these statements True (T), False (F) or is the information Not Mentioned (NM)?

Jason lives in a big house near the sea. That’s not really unusual, is it? But Jason’s house is very big. There are 20 bedrooms, two kitchens, a big dining room for 40 people and a swimming pool, too! You’re probably thinking Jason has got a very big family, but you’re wrong! Jason lives in a hotel.

  Jason’s parents own The Jackson Star Hotel in the lovely little seaside town of Barnaby. Lots of people go there in summer for their holidays and stay at Jason’s hotel. It’s very popular! Jason lives with his mum and dad in a small flat at the top of the hotel. They work in the hotel and Jason helps when he is not at school. He sometimes takes the rubbish out and makes the beds.

 So, does Jason like living in a big hotel? Jason says, ‘Yes, I like my room. It’s very high up, and from one window I can see all over the town and from the other window I can see the sea. I’ve got a big desk in my room with a computer on it so I can do my homework. And I’ve got my own TV. My friends like staying here because the bedrooms are comfortable, and we get very good food! I like the people, too. They come from different places around the world.’

 Is there anything he doesn’t like? Jason answers, ‘In the winter, there aren’t a lot of people here and I sometimes get frightened at night. The hotel is big and empty and it’s like a scary film!’

3. There is one window in his room.

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Запитання 35

8   Read the article about Jason’s house. Are these statements True (T), False (F) or is the information Not Mentioned (NM)?

Jason lives in a big house near the sea. That’s not really unusual, is it? But Jason’s house is very big. There are 20 bedrooms, two kitchens, a big dining room for 40 people and a swimming pool, too! You’re probably thinking Jason has got a very big family, but you’re wrong! Jason lives in a hotel.

  Jason’s parents own The Jackson Star Hotel in the lovely little seaside town of Barnaby. Lots of people go there in summer for their holidays and stay at Jason’s hotel. It’s very popular! Jason lives with his mum and dad in a small flat at the top of the hotel. They work in the hotel and Jason helps when he is not at school. He sometimes takes the rubbish out and makes the beds.

 So, does Jason like living in a big hotel? Jason says, ‘Yes, I like my room. It’s very high up, and from one window I can see all over the town and from the other window I can see the sea. I’ve got a big desk in my room with a computer on it so I can do my homework. And I’ve got my own TV. My friends like staying here because the bedrooms are comfortable, and we get very good food! I like the people, too. They come from different places around the world.’

 Is there anything he doesn’t like? Jason answers, ‘In the winter, there aren’t a lot of people here and I sometimes get frightened at night. The hotel is big and empty and it’s like a scary film!’

4. He can see his friends’ houses from his room.

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Запитання 36

8   Read the article about Jason’s house. Are these statements True (T), False (F) or is the information Not Mentioned (NM)?

Jason lives in a big house near the sea. That’s not really unusual, is it? But Jason’s house is very big. There are 20 bedrooms, two kitchens, a big dining room for 40 people and a swimming pool, too! You’re probably thinking Jason has got a very big family, but you’re wrong! Jason lives in a hotel.

  Jason’s parents own The Jackson Star Hotel in the lovely little seaside town of Barnaby. Lots of people go there in summer for their holidays and stay at Jason’s hotel. It’s very popular! Jason lives with his mum and dad in a small flat at the top of the hotel. They work in the hotel and Jason helps when he is not at school. He sometimes takes the rubbish out and makes the beds.

 So, does Jason like living in a big hotel? Jason says, ‘Yes, I like my room. It’s very high up, and from one window I can see all over the town and from the other window I can see the sea. I’ve got a big desk in my room with a computer on it so I can do my homework. And I’ve got my own TV. My friends like staying here because the bedrooms are comfortable, and we get very good food! I like the people, too. They come from different places around the world.’

 Is there anything he doesn’t like? Jason answers, ‘In the winter, there aren’t a lot of people here and I sometimes get frightened at night. The hotel is big and empty and it’s like a scary film!’

5. He doesn’t like the hotel food.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 37

8   Read the article about Jason’s house. Are these statements True (T), False (F) or is the information Not Mentioned (NM)?

Jason lives in a big house near the sea. That’s not really unusual, is it? But Jason’s house is very big. There are 20 bedrooms, two kitchens, a big dining room for 40 people and a swimming pool, too! You’re probably thinking Jason has got a very big family, but you’re wrong! Jason lives in a hotel.

  Jason’s parents own The Jackson Star Hotel in the lovely little seaside town of Barnaby. Lots of people go there in summer for their holidays and stay at Jason’s hotel. It’s very popular! Jason lives with his mum and dad in a small flat at the top of the hotel. They work in the hotel and Jason helps when he is not at school. He sometimes takes the rubbish out and makes the beds.

 So, does Jason like living in a big hotel? Jason says, ‘Yes, I like my room. It’s very high up, and from one window I can see all over the town and from the other window I can see the sea. I’ve got a big desk in my room with a computer on it so I can do my homework. And I’ve got my own TV. My friends like staying here because the bedrooms are comfortable, and we get very good food! I like the people, too. They come from different places around the world.’

 Is there anything he doesn’t like? Jason answers, ‘In the winter, there aren’t a lot of people here and I sometimes get frightened at night. The hotel is big and empty and it’s like a scary film!’

6. Jason likes watching scary films.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 38

  Read the article again and choose the best answers, A, B or C.

Jason lives in a big house near the sea. That’s not really unusual, is it? But Jason’s house is very big. There are 20 bedrooms, two kitchens, a big dining room for 40 people and a swimming pool, too! You’re probably thinking Jason has got a very big family, but you’re wrong! Jason lives in a hotel.

  Jason’s parents own The Jackson Star Hotel in the lovely little seaside town of Barnaby. Lots of people go there in summer for their holidays and stay at Jason’s hotel. It’s very popular! Jason lives with his mum and dad in a small flat at the top of the hotel. They work in the hotel and Jason helps when he is not at school. He sometimes takes the rubbish out and makes the beds.

 So, does Jason like living in a big hotel? Jason says, ‘Yes, I like my room. It’s very high up, and from one window I can see all over the town and from the other window I can see the sea. I’ve got a big desk in my room with a computer on it so I can do my homework. And I’ve got my own TV. My friends like staying here because the bedrooms are comfortable, and we get very good food! I like the people, too. They come from different places around the world.’

 Is there anything he doesn’t like? Jason answers, ‘In the winter, there aren’t a lot of people here and I sometimes get frightened at night. The hotel is big and empty and it’s like a scary film!’

1   Barnaby is a town which is ……………………… .


варіанти відповідей

A very big

B very quiet

C   by the sea

Запитання 39

  Read the article again and choose the best answers, A, B or C.

Jason lives in a big house near the sea. That’s not really unusual, is it? But Jason’s house is very big. There are 20 bedrooms, two kitchens, a big dining room for 40 people and a swimming pool, too! You’re probably thinking Jason has got a very big family, but you’re wrong! Jason lives in a hotel.

  Jason’s parents own The Jackson Star Hotel in the lovely little seaside town of Barnaby. Lots of people go there in summer for their holidays and stay at Jason’s hotel. It’s very popular! Jason lives with his mum and dad in a small flat at the top of the hotel. They work in the hotel and Jason helps when he is not at school. He sometimes takes the rubbish out and makes the beds.

 So, does Jason like living in a big hotel? Jason says, ‘Yes, I like my room. It’s very high up, and from one window I can see all over the town and from the other window I can see the sea. I’ve got a big desk in my room with a computer on it so I can do my homework. And I’ve got my own TV. My friends like staying here because the bedrooms are comfortable, and we get very good food! I like the people, too. They come from different places around the world.’

 Is there anything he doesn’t like? Jason answers, ‘In the winter, there aren’t a lot of people here and I sometimes get frightened at night. The hotel is big and empty and it’s like a scary film!’

 2   The hotel is very popular ……………………… .


варіанти відповідей

A  in summer

B in winter

C  every holiday

Запитання 40

  Read the article again and choose the best answers, A, B or C.

Jason lives in a big house near the sea. That’s not really unusual, is it? But Jason’s house is very big. There are 20 bedrooms, two kitchens, a big dining room for 40 people and a swimming pool, too! You’re probably thinking Jason has got a very big family, but you’re wrong! Jason lives in a hotel.

  Jason’s parents own The Jackson Star Hotel in the lovely little seaside town of Barnaby. Lots of people go there in summer for their holidays and stay at Jason’s hotel. It’s very popular! Jason lives with his mum and dad in a small flat at the top of the hotel. They work in the hotel and Jason helps when he is not at school. He sometimes takes the rubbish out and makes the beds.

 So, does Jason like living in a big hotel? Jason says, ‘Yes, I like my room. It’s very high up, and from one window I can see all over the town and from the other window I can see the sea. I’ve got a big desk in my room with a computer on it so I can do my homework. And I’ve got my own TV. My friends like staying here because the bedrooms are comfortable, and we get very good food! I like the people, too. They come from different places around the world.’

 Is there anything he doesn’t like? Jason answers, ‘In the winter, there aren’t a lot of people here and I sometimes get frightened at night. The hotel is big and empty and it’s like a scary film!’

3   Jason and his family live ……………………… .


варіанти відповідей

A in one of the hotel bedrooms

B in a flat in the hotel

C near the hotel

Запитання 41

  Read the article again and choose the best answers, A, B or C.

Jason lives in a big house near the sea. That’s not really unusual, is it? But Jason’s house is very big. There are 20 bedrooms, two kitchens, a big dining room for 40 people and a swimming pool, too! You’re probably thinking Jason has got a very big family, but you’re wrong! Jason lives in a hotel.

  Jason’s parents own The Jackson Star Hotel in the lovely little seaside town of Barnaby. Lots of people go there in summer for their holidays and stay at Jason’s hotel. It’s very popular! Jason lives with his mum and dad in a small flat at the top of the hotel. They work in the hotel and Jason helps when he is not at school. He sometimes takes the rubbish out and makes the beds.

 So, does Jason like living in a big hotel? Jason says, ‘Yes, I like my room. It’s very high up, and from one window I can see all over the town and from the other window I can see the sea. I’ve got a big desk in my room with a computer on it so I can do my homework. And I’ve got my own TV. My friends like staying here because the bedrooms are comfortable, and we get very good food! I like the people, too. They come from different places around the world.’

 Is there anything he doesn’t like? Jason answers, ‘In the winter, there aren’t a lot of people here and I sometimes get frightened at night. The hotel is big and empty and it’s like a scary film!’

4   Jason sometimes does ……………………… to help his parents.


варіанти відповідей

A homework

B  cooking

C  jobs

Запитання 42

  Read the article again and choose the best answers, A, B or C.

Jason lives in a big house near the sea. That’s not really unusual, is it? But Jason’s house is very big. There are 20 bedrooms, two kitchens, a big dining room for 40 people and a swimming pool, too! You’re probably thinking Jason has got a very big family, but you’re wrong! Jason lives in a hotel.

  Jason’s parents own The Jackson Star Hotel in the lovely little seaside town of Barnaby. Lots of people go there in summer for their holidays and stay at Jason’s hotel. It’s very popular! Jason lives with his mum and dad in a small flat at the top of the hotel. They work in the hotel and Jason helps when he is not at school. He sometimes takes the rubbish out and makes the beds.

 So, does Jason like living in a big hotel? Jason says, ‘Yes, I like my room. It’s very high up, and from one window I can see all over the town and from the other window I can see the sea. I’ve got a big desk in my room with a computer on it so I can do my homework. And I’ve got my own TV. My friends like staying here because the bedrooms are comfortable, and we get very good food! I like the people, too. They come from different places around the world.’

 Is there anything he doesn’t like? Jason answers, ‘In the winter, there aren’t a lot of people here and I sometimes get frightened at night. The hotel is big and empty and it’s like a scary film!’

 5   His friends like the ……………………… and the bedrooms at the hotel.

варіанти відповідей

A view

B cooking

C  swimming pool

Запитання 43

  Read the article again and choose the best answers, A, B or C.

Jason lives in a big house near the sea. That’s not really unusual, is it? But Jason’s house is very big. There are 20 bedrooms, two kitchens, a big dining room for 40 people and a swimming pool, too! You’re probably thinking Jason has got a very big family, but you’re wrong! Jason lives in a hotel.

  Jason’s parents own The Jackson Star Hotel in the lovely little seaside town of Barnaby. Lots of people go there in summer for their holidays and stay at Jason’s hotel. It’s very popular! Jason lives with his mum and dad in a small flat at the top of the hotel. They work in the hotel and Jason helps when he is not at school. He sometimes takes the rubbish out and makes the beds.

 So, does Jason like living in a big hotel? Jason says, ‘Yes, I like my room. It’s very high up, and from one window I can see all over the town and from the other window I can see the sea. I’ve got a big desk in my room with a computer on it so I can do my homework. And I’ve got my own TV. My friends like staying here because the bedrooms are comfortable, and we get very good food! I like the people, too. They come from different places around the world.’

 Is there anything he doesn’t like? Jason answers, ‘In the winter, there aren’t a lot of people here and I sometimes get frightened at night. The hotel is big and empty and it’s like a scary film!’

6   In winter Jason is sometimes frightened at night


when ……………………… .


варіанти відповідей

A there are no people staying

B  his parents go out

C  he watches films

Запитання 44

Copy the link and listen

10 Listen to two friends talking about Sally’s house. Choose the best answers, A, B or C.


1   Sally’s new house is



варіанти відповідей

A   old.

B    modern.

C big.

Запитання 45

Copy the link and listen

10 Listen to two friends talking about Sally’s house. Choose the best answers, A, B or C.


2   The house is .......... .


варіанти відповідей

A in the country.

B in the town.

C   near the school.

Запитання 46

Copy the link and listen

10 Listen to two friends talking about Sally’s house. Choose the best answers, A, B or C.


 3   At the moment, Sally is ............. .


варіанти відповідей

A sitting in the garden.

B  playing with her dog.

C in her bedroom.

Запитання 47

Copy the link and listen

10 Listen to two friends talking about Sally’s house. Choose the best answers, A, B or C.


 4    Sally wants the girl to come to .......... .

варіанти відповідей

A   a big party in the house

B a party in the garden.

C  meet some friends in town.

Запитання 48

Copy the link and listen

10 Listen to two friends talking about Sally’s house. Choose the best answers, A, B or C.


 5  The girl can get Sally’s address


варіанти відповідей

A by text message.

B by email.

C at school.

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