Додано: 6 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 375 разів
2 запитання
Запитання 1

1. Read the text about geographical peculiarities of England.

England, the largest of the countries on the island of Great Britain, covers an area of over 130,279 sq km. Much of the land in England is flat, forming meadow lands, and less than 10 per cent of the area is covered with woodlands. There are mountains in the north and the west of England. The highest point in England is Scafell Pike, 978 m, part of the Cumbrian Mountains in north-west England. The Pennines, a large chain of hills, run down from the Scottish border to the river Trent about halfway down the country. The Thames, England’s best-known river, is also the  longest one. It flows through London.

Choose the sentences about England

варіанти відповідей

It occupies the northern part of the United Kingdom.

Most of its land is mountainous.

The Highlands is the most mountainous region 

on the island of Great Britain. 

A small part of its territory is occupied by woods.

Its highest point is Scafell Pike.

Its highest peak - Ben Nevis is the  highest  summit  in the United Kingdom.

Its best-known river flows through London.

It is the largest of the countries on the island of Great Britain.

Запитання 2

Read the text about geographical peculiarities of Scotland. 

Scotland is situated in the northern part of the United Kingdom. The country occupies about one third of the island of Great Britain and is surrounded by seas on three sides. Scotland is a mountainous country. More than one half of the land is occupied by the Highlands, the most rugged region on the island of Great Britain. The main mountains of Scotland are the Grampian Mountains. The highest peak of the Grampians  is Ben Nevis (1,346 m), which is also the highest summit in the United Kingdom. Many of  the rivers of Scotland, especially those in the west, are short, with limited  commercial importance. The longest river of Scotland is the Tay.

Choose the sentences about Scotland

варіанти відповідей

It occupies the northern part of the United Kingdom.

Most of its land is mountainous.

It is the largest of the countries

on the island of Great Britain.

The Highlands is the most mountainous 

region on the island of Great Britain. 

A small part of its territory is occupied by woods.

Its highest point is Scafell Pike.

Its highest peak - Ben Nevis - is the highest summit 

in the United Kingdom.

Its best-known river flows through London.

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