He finished ___ for one hour.
We hope ___ the match.
They miss ___ in Spain.
They have ___ harder.
He prefers ___ a book to watching TV.
I am thinking of ___ to him.
They avoid ___ at me.
I must ___ my homework.
We have decided ___ our house.
I forgot ___ you about the meeting.
We are busy ___ lunch.
I dislike ___ dinner.
Try ___ to her about how you feel.
John is afraid of ___ trees.
You spend too much time ___ computer games.
Mary promised ___ me.
My dad hates ___ .
Would you mind ___ the car?
I went to the party ___ her.
My sister is crazy about ___ .
Can you imagine ___ in Tokio?
Would you like ___ to the cinema?
I don't agree on ___ animals.
I want ___ a big house.
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