GET 200 Vocabulary Unit 5

Додано: 23 квітня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Jerry had been my boyfriend for three years, but then we had an argument and split ______.

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Запитання 2

What a great couple! They have so much ______ common.

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Запитання 3

My best friend and I often fall ______, but later we always make up and are friends again.

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Запитання 4

My sister and I get ______ very well together.           

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Запитання 5

What do you call:

your brother who was born on the same day as you? ______ ______

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twin brother

Запитання 6

What do you call:

a man who is married to your mother, but is not your biological father? ______-______

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Запитання 7

a person you have a very special relationship with, because you share the same feelings, opinions and attitudes? ______

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Запитання 8

Although my grandma has just (1) __________ 85, she’s still young at (2) __________. She doesn’t look her (3) __________ at all; you’d never say she was older than 65. She is very independent, too – she does all the housework herself and even (4) __________ up most of her groceries from her favourite corner shop. For a birthday (5) __________ we organised a big family reunion for her – and she enjoyed it a lot!

варіанти відповідей

1 get

1 got

1 became

1 turned

Запитання 9

Although my grandma has just (1) __________ 85, she’s still young at (2) __________. She doesn’t look her (3) __________ at all; you’d never say she was older than 65. She is very independent, too – she does all the housework herself and even (4) __________ up most of her groceries from her favourite corner shop. For a birthday (5) __________ we organised a big family reunion for her – and she enjoyed it a lot!

варіанти відповідей

2 soulmate

2 heart

2 haert

2 down

Запитання 10

Although my grandma has just (1) __________ 85, she’s still young at (2) __________. She doesn’t look her (3) __________ at all; you’d never say she was older than 65. She is very independent, too – she does all the housework herself and even (4) __________ up most of her groceries from her favourite corner shop. For a birthday (5) __________ we organised a big family reunion for her – and she enjoyed it a lot!

варіанти відповідей

3 mature

3 adolescence

3 age

3 parent

Запитання 11

Although my grandma has just (1) __________ 85, she’s still young at (2) __________. She doesn’t look her (3) __________ at all; you’d never say she was older than 65. She is very independent, too – she does all the housework herself and even (4) __________ up most of her groceries from her favourite corner shop. For a birthday (5) __________ we organised a big family reunion for her – and she enjoyed it a lot!

варіанти відповідей

4 get

4 pick

4 picks

4 go

Запитання 12

Although my grandma has just (1) __________ 85, she’s still young at (2) __________. She doesn’t look her (3) __________ at all; you’d never say she was older than 65. She is very independent, too – she does all the housework herself and even (4) __________ up most of her groceries from her favourite corner shop. For a birthday (5) __________ we organised a big family reunion for her – and she enjoyed it a lot!

варіанти відповідей

5 immature

5 chill out

5 treat

5 retirement

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