Test_10 (final)

Додано: 23 квітня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
32 запитання
Запитання 1

The children's book was filled with beautiful _______ that brought the story to life.

варіанти відповідей



graphic art


Запитання 2

Did you see the story about the new discovery on the front page? It must _______ tomorrow morning.

варіанти відповідей

do a painting

appear in the news

write a bestseller

hold an exhibition

Запитання 3

Sarah's favorite medium for painting is _______; she loves the way the colors blend together.

варіанти відповідей



still life


Запитання 4

I try not to pay attention to all the _______ in magazines; it's usually just rumors and speculation.

варіанти відповідей


celebrity gossip


local news

Запитання 5

The museum's newest exhibit features stunning modern _______ from artists around the world.

варіанти відповідей


graphic novels



Запитання 6

The artist spent weeks working on a breathtaking _______ of the countryside, capturing every detail with precision.

варіанти відповідей

oil painting

abstact art



Запитання 7

Before starting the final piece, the artist made a quick _______ to plan out the composition and proportions.

варіанти відповідей




still life

Запитання 8

Congratulations to Sarah! She _______ for her outstanding photography in the national competition.

варіанти відповідей

did a painting

gave a speech

won an award

wrote a novel

Запитання 9

After the party, the living room was left _______ with empty cups and food wrappers scattered everywhere.

варіанти відповідей

in advance

in danger

in a hurry

in a mess

Запитання 10

I bumped into my old friend at the grocery store _______. It was such a pleasant surprise!

варіанти відповідей

by coincidence

by mistake

on display

on purpose

Запитання 11

Sarah _______ very hard to finish her project early; it's already complete and polished.

варіанти відповідей

must have worked

must work

must be working

must worked

Запитання 12

It's midnight, and the office lights are off. The employees _______ at this hour.

варіанти відповідей

can't work

can't be working

can be working

can't have worked

Запитання 13

If you're ever in Paris, you _______ the Louvre Museum. It's a must-see attraction.

варіанти відповідей

should visit

can visit

need to visit

should have visited

Запитання 14

You _______ worry about bringing snacks to the party; there will be plenty of food available.

варіанти відповідей




needn't have

Запитання 15

Excuse me, _______open the window? It seems to be stuck.

варіанти відповідей

will you

shall you

do you have to

do I have to

Запитання 16

With that bright red car, he _______ it as he drove past.

варіанти відповідей

couldn't have missed

can't miss

can't be missing

can miss

Запитання 17

Remember, children, you _______the street without looking both ways first.

варіанти відповідей

shouldn't cross

mustn't have crossed

mustn't cross

don't have to cross

Запитання 18

The sky is cloudy, it ...

варіанти відповідей

might rain

should rain

might have rained

can't rain

Запитання 19

Choose the best way to define the meaning of the word.


варіанти відповідей

an organisation that wants to protect the natural world

air, water and land, in which people, animals and plants live

something that we do to prevent air and water pollution

Запитання 20

Choose the best way to define the meaning of the word.


варіанти відповідей

natural balance between plants, animals, people and their environment

plants growing in some area

part of medicine that helps people to lead a healthy life

Запитання 21

People don’t think about sorting their ________ that’s why we have too much of it.  

варіанти відповідей

endangered animals

water pollution


plastic pollution

Запитання 22

Pandas are so cute, but we may not see them in the future, they are __________ . 

варіанти відповідей

endangered animals

water pollution


plastic pollution

air pollution


Запитання 23

We can see the result of ________ even in our country. The water in the Dnipro river is green again!  

варіанти відповідей

endangered animals

water pollution


plastic pollution

air pollution


Запитання 24

People can easily stop ____________. They need to bring less plastic to their homes. 

варіанти відповідей

endangered animals

water pollution


plastic pollution

air pollution


Запитання 25

_________________ in India is a serious problem, because not all the people have normal food and homes. 

варіанти відповідей

endangered animals

water pollution


plastic pollution

air pollution


Запитання 26

water pollution 

варіанти відповідей

a problem when too many people live on Earth

a problem when bad chemicals pollute rivers, seas, lakes and oceans

a problem of harmful gases in the air

the accumulation of plastic objects in the Earth's environment

Запитання 27

Choose the correct answer:


Although it is true that many highly intelligent people are not appreciated during their own lifetime, the same cannot be said of super-scientist Albert Einstein. His death, on 18 April 1955, shocked not only the scientific community but the whole world. Since then, his fame has continued to grow. Today, there are many widely believed ‘facts’ about him as a character and as a scientist, but not all of them are actually true.

Myth no.1

Today, Einstein is most famous for his theory of relativity and most people think that this won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. However, at the time – and indeed, for many years afterwards – the theory of relativity was considered unproved. He was actually awarded this Nobel Prize for his work on the movement of energy between light and electrons.

Myth no.2

It is often claimed that Einstein was a weak student in mathematics. Nothing, however, could have been further from the truth. It is said that Einstein began to teach himself advanced mathematics at the age of 12 - years before his classmates. Although no one really knows where this rumour came from, one popular explanation is that Einstein’s school changed its grading system so that the highest mark for one year became the lowest mark for the next. Thus, under the new system, it wrongly appeared that Einstein failed many of his classes in earlier years.

Myth no.3

It is also thought that Einstein failed his college exams. Although it is true that he failed the entrance exam for the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, this doesn’t quite tell the whole story. While education at the Institute started at 18, Einstein was only 16 when he sat the exam. The myth doesn't mention the fact that he failed only because of poor marks in subjects such as French and biology; his maths and physics scores were excellent.

Myth no.4

It is often believed that geniuses never make mistakes. In fact, Einstein made a great many. His greatest mistake (according to Einstein himself, at least) was accepting that the universe was fixed rather than expanding. However, though the theory was incorrect, scientists today believe that its mathematics could actually be used to explain other theories about the universe.

Myth no.5

This last myth has some truth to it: Einstein had an unusual personality. According to many reports, he had several strange habits. Among other things, he liked to go sailing when there was no wind because he found it more interesting, and he refused to wear socks.

With or without the myths, Einstein is generally considered one of the most important scientists in modern history. Aside from his work in physics, he also used his fame to make a difference outside of the scientific community. He offered money to the war effort - most famously, around $6 million from the sale of a handwritten copy of his notes on relativity (an incredible amount in 1944, which showed just how popular he was with the public at the time) - and spoke out in support of equal rights.

What does the writer say about Einstein’s death?

варіанти відповідей

It finally made people appreciate him as a scientist.

It was an event which affected many people.

Many reports of his death were not true.

The cause of his death was unknown.

Запитання 28

Choose the correct answer:


Although it is true that many highly intelligent people are not appreciated during their own lifetime, the same cannot be said of super-scientist Albert Einstein. His death, on 18 April 1955, shocked not only the scientific community but the whole world. Since then, his fame has continued to grow. Today, there are many widely believed ‘facts’ about him as a character and as a scientist, but not all of them are actually true.

Myth no.1

Today, Einstein is most famous for his theory of relativity and most people think that this won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. However, at the time – and indeed, for many years afterwards – the theory of relativity was considered unproved. He was actually awarded this Nobel Prize for his work on the movement of energy between light and electrons.

Myth no.2

It is often claimed that Einstein was a weak student in mathematics. Nothing, however, could have been further from the truth. It is said that Einstein began to teach himself advanced mathematics at the age of 12 - years before his classmates. Although no one really knows where this rumour came from, one popular explanation is that Einstein’s school changed its grading system so that the highest mark for one year became the lowest mark for the next. Thus, under the new system, it wrongly appeared that Einstein failed many of his classes in earlier years.

Myth no.3

It is also thought that Einstein failed his college exams. Although it is true that he failed the entrance exam for the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, this doesn’t quite tell the whole story. While education at the Institute started at 18, Einstein was only 16 when he sat the exam. The myth doesn't mention the fact that he failed only because of poor marks in subjects such as French and biology; his maths and physics scores were excellent.

Myth no.4

It is often believed that geniuses never make mistakes. In fact, Einstein made a great many. His greatest mistake (according to Einstein himself, at least) was accepting that the universe was fixed rather than expanding. However, though the theory was incorrect, scientists today believe that its mathematics could actually be used to explain other theories about the universe.

Myth no.5

This last myth has some truth to it: Einstein had an unusual personality. According to many reports, he had several strange habits. Among other things, he liked to go sailing when there was no wind because he found it more interesting, and he refused to wear socks.

With or without the myths, Einstein is generally considered one of the most important scientists in modern history. Aside from his work in physics, he also used his fame to make a difference outside of the scientific community. He offered money to the war effort - most famously, around $6 million from the sale of a handwritten copy of his notes on relativity (an incredible amount in 1944, which showed just how popular he was with the public at the time) - and spoke out in support of equal rights.

Why is it often believed that Einstein was awarded a Nobel Prize for his theory of relativity?

варіанти відповідей

Nowadays this theory is considered to be Einstein’s most important work.

It was the only theory he had tested at the time.

The theory was published in the same year as the Nobel Prize.

Einstein had found more proof to support relativity than his other theories.

Запитання 29

Choose the correct answer:


Although it is true that many highly intelligent people are not appreciated during their own lifetime, the same cannot be said of super-scientist Albert Einstein. His death, on 18 April 1955, shocked not only the scientific community but the whole world. Since then, his fame has continued to grow. Today, there are many widely believed ‘facts’ about him as a character and as a scientist, but not all of them are actually true.

Myth no.1

Today, Einstein is most famous for his theory of relativity and most people think that this won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. However, at the time – and indeed, for many years afterwards – the theory of relativity was considered unproved. He was actually awarded this Nobel Prize for his work on the movement of energy between light and electrons.

Myth no.2

It is often claimed that Einstein was a weak student in mathematics. Nothing, however, could have been further from the truth. It is said that Einstein began to teach himself advanced mathematics at the age of 12 - years before his classmates. Although no one really knows where this rumour came from, one popular explanation is that Einstein’s school changed its grading system so that the highest mark for one year became the lowest mark for the next. Thus, under the new system, it wrongly appeared that Einstein failed many of his classes in earlier years.

Myth no.3

It is also thought that Einstein failed his college exams. Although it is true that he failed the entrance exam for the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, this doesn’t quite tell the whole story. While education at the Institute started at 18, Einstein was only 16 when he sat the exam. The myth doesn't mention the fact that he failed only because of poor marks in subjects such as French and biology; his maths and physics scores were excellent.

Myth no.4

It is often believed that geniuses never make mistakes. In fact, Einstein made a great many. His greatest mistake (according to Einstein himself, at least) was accepting that the universe was fixed rather than expanding. However, though the theory was incorrect, scientists today believe that its mathematics could actually be used to explain other theories about the universe.

Myth no.5

This last myth has some truth to it: Einstein had an unusual personality. According to many reports, he had several strange habits. Among other things, he liked to go sailing when there was no wind because he found it more interesting, and he refused to wear socks.

With or without the myths, Einstein is generally considered one of the most important scientists in modern history. Aside from his work in physics, he also used his fame to make a difference outside of the scientific community. He offered money to the war effort - most famously, around $6 million from the sale of a handwritten copy of his notes on relativity (an incredible amount in 1944, which showed just how popular he was with the public at the time) - and spoke out in support of equal rights.

What is usually accepted as the reason for the myth that Einstein was not good at mathematics?

варіанти відповідей

He once got the lowest possible mark for maths.

He didn't start to study maths until he was 12.

He changed schools many times

His school's marking system changed

Запитання 30

Choose the correct answer:


Although it is true that many highly intelligent people are not appreciated during their own lifetime, the same cannot be said of super-scientist Albert Einstein. His death, on 18 April 1955, shocked not only the scientific community but the whole world. Since then, his fame has continued to grow. Today, there are many widely believed ‘facts’ about him as a character and as a scientist, but not all of them are actually true.

Myth no.1

Today, Einstein is most famous for his theory of relativity and most people think that this won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. However, at the time – and indeed, for many years afterwards – the theory of relativity was considered unproved. He was actually awarded this Nobel Prize for his work on the movement of energy between light and electrons.

Myth no.2

It is often claimed that Einstein was a weak student in mathematics. Nothing, however, could have been further from the truth. It is said that Einstein began to teach himself advanced mathematics at the age of 12 - years before his classmates. Although no one really knows where this rumour came from, one popular explanation is that Einstein’s school changed its grading system so that the highest mark for one year became the lowest mark for the next. Thus, under the new system, it wrongly appeared that Einstein failed many of his classes in earlier years.

Myth no.3

It is also thought that Einstein failed his college exams. Although it is true that he failed the entrance exam for the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, this doesn’t quite tell the whole story. While education at the Institute started at 18, Einstein was only 16 when he sat the exam. The myth doesn't mention the fact that he failed only because of poor marks in subjects such as French and biology; his maths and physics scores were excellent.

Myth no.4

It is often believed that geniuses never make mistakes. In fact, Einstein made a great many. His greatest mistake (according to Einstein himself, at least) was accepting that the universe was fixed rather than expanding. However, though the theory was incorrect, scientists today believe that its mathematics could actually be used to explain other theories about the universe.

Myth no.5

This last myth has some truth to it: Einstein had an unusual personality. According to many reports, he had several strange habits. Among other things, he liked to go sailing when there was no wind because he found it more interesting, and he refused to wear socks.

With or without the myths, Einstein is generally considered one of the most important scientists in modern history. Aside from his work in physics, he also used his fame to make a difference outside of the scientific community. He offered money to the war effort - most famously, around $6 million from the sale of a handwritten copy of his notes on relativity (an incredible amount in 1944, which showed just how popular he was with the public at the time) - and spoke out in support of equal rights.

According to the text, why did Einstein fail his college entrance exam?

варіанти відповідей

He was weak in some subjects.

He failed because of his age.

The exam was written in French.

He had not yet learnt advanced maths.

Запитання 31

Choose the correct answer:


Although it is true that many highly intelligent people are not appreciated during their own lifetime, the same cannot be said of super-scientist Albert Einstein. His death, on 18 April 1955, shocked not only the scientific community but the whole world. Since then, his fame has continued to grow. Today, there are many widely believed ‘facts’ about him as a character and as a scientist, but not all of them are actually true.

Myth no.1

Today, Einstein is most famous for his theory of relativity and most people think that this won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. However, at the time – and indeed, for many years afterwards – the theory of relativity was considered unproved. He was actually awarded this Nobel Prize for his work on the movement of energy between light and electrons.

Myth no.2

It is often claimed that Einstein was a weak student in mathematics. Nothing, however, could have been further from the truth. It is said that Einstein began to teach himself advanced mathematics at the age of 12 - years before his classmates. Although no one really knows where this rumour came from, one popular explanation is that Einstein’s school changed its grading system so that the highest mark for one year became the lowest mark for the next. Thus, under the new system, it wrongly appeared that Einstein failed many of his classes in earlier years.

Myth no.3

It is also thought that Einstein failed his college exams. Although it is true that he failed the entrance exam for the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, this doesn’t quite tell the whole story. While education at the Institute started at 18, Einstein was only 16 when he sat the exam. The myth doesn't mention the fact that he failed only because of poor marks in subjects such as French and biology; his maths and physics scores were excellent.

Myth no.4

It is often believed that geniuses never make mistakes. In fact, Einstein made a great many. His greatest mistake (according to Einstein himself, at least) was accepting that the universe was fixed rather than expanding. However, though the theory was incorrect, scientists today believe that its mathematics could actually be used to explain other theories about the universe.

Myth no.5

This last myth has some truth to it: Einstein had an unusual personality. According to many reports, he had several strange habits. Among other things, he liked to go sailing when there was no wind because he found it more interesting, and he refused to wear socks.

With or without the myths, Einstein is generally considered one of the most important scientists in modern history. Aside from his work in physics, he also used his fame to make a difference outside of the scientific community. He offered money to the war effort - most famously, around $6 million from the sale of a handwritten copy of his notes on relativity (an incredible amount in 1944, which showed just how popular he was with the public at the time) - and spoke out in support of equal rights.

Which of the following is true of Einstein’s mistake about the expansion of the universe?

варіанти відповідей

Scientists nowadays have proved that his theory was correct after all.

Although the main theory was wrong, the mathematics is still useful.

Einstein never admitted that he had made a mistake.

The theory was correct but Einstein made a mistake in the mathematics.

Запитання 32

Choose the correct answer:


Although it is true that many highly intelligent people are not appreciated during their own lifetime, the same cannot be said of super-scientist Albert Einstein. His death, on 18 April 1955, shocked not only the scientific community but the whole world. Since then, his fame has continued to grow. Today, there are many widely believed ‘facts’ about him as a character and as a scientist, but not all of them are actually true.

Myth no.1

Today, Einstein is most famous for his theory of relativity and most people think that this won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. However, at the time – and indeed, for many years afterwards – the theory of relativity was considered unproved. He was actually awarded this Nobel Prize for his work on the movement of energy between light and electrons.

Myth no.2

It is often claimed that Einstein was a weak student in mathematics. Nothing, however, could have been further from the truth. It is said that Einstein began to teach himself advanced mathematics at the age of 12 - years before his classmates. Although no one really knows where this rumour came from, one popular explanation is that Einstein’s school changed its grading system so that the highest mark for one year became the lowest mark for the next. Thus, under the new system, it wrongly appeared that Einstein failed many of his classes in earlier years.

Myth no.3

It is also thought that Einstein failed his college exams. Although it is true that he failed the entrance exam for the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, this doesn’t quite tell the whole story. While education at the Institute started at 18, Einstein was only 16 when he sat the exam. The myth doesn't mention the fact that he failed only because of poor marks in subjects such as French and biology; his maths and physics scores were excellent.

Myth no.4

It is often believed that geniuses never make mistakes. In fact, Einstein made a great many. His greatest mistake (according to Einstein himself, at least) was accepting that the universe was fixed rather than expanding. However, though the theory was incorrect, scientists today believe that its mathematics could actually be used to explain other theories about the universe.

Myth no.5

This last myth has some truth to it: Einstein had an unusual personality. According to many reports, he had several strange habits. Among other things, he liked to go sailing when there was no wind because he found it more interesting, and he refused to wear socks.

With or without the myths, Einstein is generally considered one of the most important scientists in modern history. Aside from his work in physics, he also used his fame to make a difference outside of the scientific community. He offered money to the war effort - most famously, around $6 million from the sale of a handwritten copy of his notes on relativity (an incredible amount in 1944, which showed just how popular he was with the public at the time) - and spoke out in support of equal rights.

Why does the writer mention how much one of Einstein’s handwrittenmanuscripts was sold for?

варіанти відповідей

to show how popular Einstein was

to prove that he supported the anti-war effort

to show how the value of money has changed since those days

to prove that Einstein didn’t really care about money

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