Getaway a1 unit 5 reading

Додано: 14 травня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
12 запитань
Запитання 1

 Read the article. Are the sentences about Maya (M), Seb (S) or both (B)?

1 I haven’t got a computer. M/S/B

Computers and you

Two students talk about computers


I don’t have a computer at home but I can use the ones in the library or at school. I usually surf the Internet and I look for websites that interest me. I like websites with videos of presentations and I also like some music sites. I like playing the songs I find online but I never play games – I can’t stand them! Sometimes I use the computer to write things for school. You can make projects look very nice when you use a computer. You can include photos and other visuals with your text.


I love technology! I’ve got a computer and a tablet. My computer is in my bedroom. I use it for my homework but I also play games on it. It’s got a webcam so I can chat with other players online. The games are brilliant. They have fantastic stories and visuals. I only use my tablet when I’m at school. It’s small so I can put it in my bag easily. Sometimes my teacher does activities in class on the school computer and we can connect our tablets. We also use them to give presentations.

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Запитання 2

 Read the article. Are the sentences about Maya (M), Seb (S) or both (B)?

2 l listen to music on a computer. M/S/B

Computers and you

Two students talk about computers


I don’t have a computer at home but I can use the ones in the library or at school. I usually surf the Internet and I look for websites that interest me. I like websites with videos of presentations and I also like some music sites. I like playing the songs I find online but I never play games – I can’t stand them! Sometimes I use the computer to write things for school. You can make projects look very nice when you use a computer. You can include photos and other visuals with your text.


I love technology! I’ve got a computer and a tablet. My computer is in my bedroom. I use it for my homework but I also play games on it. It’s got a webcam so I can chat with other players online. The games are brilliant. They have fantastic stories and visuals. I only use my tablet when I’m at school. It’s small so I can put it in my bag easily. Sometimes my teacher does activities in class on the school computer and we can connect our tablets. We also use them to give presentations.

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Запитання 3

 Read the article. Are the sentences about Maya (M), Seb (S) or both (B)?

3 I talk to other people on a computer. M/S/B

Computers and you

Two students talk about computers


I don’t have a computer at home but I can use the ones in the library or at school. I usually surf the Internet and I look for websites that interest me. I like websites with videos of presentations and I also like some music sites. I like playing the songs I find online but I never play games – I can’t stand them! Sometimes I use the computer to write things for school. You can make projects look very nice when you use a computer. You can include photos and other visuals with your text.


I love technology! I’ve got a computer and a tablet. My computer is in my bedroom. I use it for my homework but I also play games on it. It’s got a webcam so I can chat with other players online. The games are brilliant. They have fantastic stories and visuals. I only use my tablet when I’m at school. It’s small so I can put it in my bag easily. Sometimes my teacher does activities in class on the school computer and we can connect our tablets. We also use them to give presentations.

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Запитання 4

Read the article. Are the sentences about Maya (M), Seb (S) or both (B)?

4 I use a computer for my school work. M/S/B

Computers and you

Two students talk about computers


I don’t have a computer at home but I can use the ones in the library or at school. I usually surf the Internet and I look for websites that interest me. I like websites with videos of presentations and I also like some music sites. I like playing the songs I find online but I never play games – I can’t stand them! Sometimes I use the computer to write things for school. You can make projects look very nice when you use a computer. You can include photos and other visuals with your text.


I love technology! I’ve got a computer and a tablet. My computer is in my bedroom. I use it for my homework but I also play games on it. It’s got a webcam so I can chat with other players online. The games are brilliant. They have fantastic stories and visuals. I only use my tablet when I’m at school. It’s small so I can put it in my bag easily. Sometimes my teacher does activities in class on the school computer and we can connect our tablets. We also use them to give presentations.

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Запитання 5

Read the article. Are the sentences about Maya (M), Seb (S) or both (B)?

5 There are computers at my school. M/S/B

Computers and you

Two students talk about computers


I don’t have a computer at home but I can use the ones in the library or at school. I usually surf the Internet and I look for websites that interest me. I like websites with videos of presentations and I also like some music sites. I like playing the songs I find online but I never play games – I can’t stand them! Sometimes I use the computer to write things for school. You can make projects look very nice when you use a computer. You can include photos and other visuals with your text.


I love technology! I’ve got a computer and a tablet. My computer is in my bedroom. I use it for my homework but I also play games on it. It’s got a webcam so I can chat with other players online. The games are brilliant. They have fantastic stories and visuals. I only use my tablet when I’m at school. It’s small so I can put it in my bag easily. Sometimes my teacher does activities in class on the school computer and we can connect our tablets. We also use them to give presentations.

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Запитання 6

 Read the article. Are the sentences about Maya (M), Seb (S) or both (B)?

6 I play games on my computer. M/S/B

Computers and you

Two students talk about computers


I don’t have a computer at home but I can use the ones in the library or at school. I usually surf the Internet and I look for websites that interest me. I like websites with videos of presentations and I also like some music sites. I like playing the songs I find online but I never play games – I can’t stand them! Sometimes I use the computer to write things for school. You can make projects look very nice when you use a computer. You can include photos and other visuals with your text.


I love technology! I’ve got a computer and a tablet. My computer is in my bedroom. I use it for my homework but I also play games on it. It’s got a webcam so I can chat with other players online. The games are brilliant. They have fantastic stories and visuals. I only use my tablet when I’m at school. It’s small so I can put it in my bag easily. Sometimes my teacher does activities in class on the school computer and we can connect our tablets. We also use them to give presentations.

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Запитання 7

Read the article again. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?

1 Maya watches videos on the Internet. T/F

Computers and you

Two students talk about computers


I don’t have a computer at home but I can use the ones in the library or at school. I usually surf the Internet and I look for websites that interest me. I like websites with videos of presentations and I also like some music sites. I like playing the songs I find online but I never play games – I can’t stand them! Sometimes I use the computer to write things for school. You can make projects look very nice when you use a computer. You can include photos and other visuals with your text.


I love technology! I’ve got a computer and a tablet. My computer is in my bedroom. I use it for my homework but I also play games on it. It’s got a webcam so I can chat with other players online. The games are brilliant. They have fantastic stories and visuals. I only use my tablet when I’m at school. It’s small so I can put it in my bag easily. Sometimes my teacher does activities in class on the school computer and we can connect our tablets. We also use them to give presentations.

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Запитання 8

 Read the article again. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?

2 Maya likes all the music sites. T/F

Computers and you

Two students talk about computers


I don’t have a computer at home but I can use the ones in the library or at school. I usually surf the Internet and I look for websites that interest me. I like websites with videos of presentations and I also like some music sites. I like playing the songs I find online but I never play games – I can’t stand them! Sometimes I use the computer to write things for school. You can make projects look very nice when you use a computer. You can include photos and other visuals with your text.


I love technology! I’ve got a computer and a tablet. My computer is in my bedroom. I use it for my homework but I also play games on it. It’s got a webcam so I can chat with other players online. The games are brilliant. They have fantastic stories and visuals. I only use my tablet when I’m at school. It’s small so I can put it in my bag easily. Sometimes my teacher does activities in class on the school computer and we can connect our tablets. We also use them to give presentations.

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Запитання 9

 Read the article again. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?

3 Maya likes playing computer games. T/F

Computers and you

Two students talk about computers


I don’t have a computer at home but I can use the ones in the library or at school. I usually surf the Internet and I look for websites that interest me. I like websites with videos of presentations and I also like some music sites. I like playing the songs I find online but I never play games – I can’t stand them! Sometimes I use the computer to write things for school. You can make projects look very nice when you use a computer. You can include photos and other visuals with your text.


I love technology! I’ve got a computer and a tablet. My computer is in my bedroom. I use it for my homework but I also play games on it. It’s got a webcam so I can chat with other players online. The games are brilliant. They have fantastic stories and visuals. I only use my tablet when I’m at school. It’s small so I can put it in my bag easily. Sometimes my teacher does activities in class on the school computer and we can connect our tablets. We also use them to give presentations.

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Запитання 10

Read the article again. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?

4 Seb does his homework on a computer. T/F

Computers and you

Two students talk about computers


I don’t have a computer at home but I can use the ones in the library or at school. I usually surf the Internet and I look for websites that interest me. I like websites with videos of presentations and I also like some music sites. I like playing the songs I find online but I never play games – I can’t stand them! Sometimes I use the computer to write things for school. You can make projects look very nice when you use a computer. You can include photos and other visuals with your text.


I love technology! I’ve got a computer and a tablet. My computer is in my bedroom. I use it for my homework but I also play games on it. It’s got a webcam so I can chat with other players online. The games are brilliant. They have fantastic stories and visuals. I only use my tablet when I’m at school. It’s small so I can put it in my bag easily. Sometimes my teacher does activities in class on the school computer and we can connect our tablets. We also use them to give presentations.

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Запитання 11

Read the article again. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?

5 Seb uses his tablet at home. T/F

Computers and you

Two students talk about computers


I don’t have a computer at home but I can use the ones in the library or at school. I usually surf the Internet and I look for websites that interest me. I like websites with videos of presentations and I also like some music sites. I like playing the songs I find online but I never play games – I can’t stand them! Sometimes I use the computer to write things for school. You can make projects look very nice when you use a computer. You can include photos and other visuals with your text.


I love technology! I’ve got a computer and a tablet. My computer is in my bedroom. I use it for my homework but I also play games on it. It’s got a webcam so I can chat with other players online. The games are brilliant. They have fantastic stories and visuals. I only use my tablet when I’m at school. It’s small so I can put it in my bag easily. Sometimes my teacher does activities in class on the school computer and we can connect our tablets. We also use them to give presentations.

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Запитання 12

Read the article again. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?

6 Seb’s teacher uses a tablet. T/F

Computers and you

Two students talk about computers


I don’t have a computer at home but I can use the ones in the library or at school. I usually surf the Internet and I look for websites that interest me. I like websites with videos of presentations and I also like some music sites. I like playing the songs I find online but I never play games – I can’t stand them! Sometimes I use the computer to write things for school. You can make projects look very nice when you use a computer. You can include photos and other visuals with your text.


I love technology! I’ve got a computer and a tablet. My computer is in my bedroom. I use it for my homework but I also play games on it. It’s got a webcam so I can chat with other players online. The games are brilliant. They have fantastic stories and visuals. I only use my tablet when I’m at school. It’s small so I can put it in my bag easily. Sometimes my teacher does activities in class on the school computer and we can connect our tablets. We also use them to give presentations.

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