Go getter 3. Reading Comprehension (Term II)

Додано: 12 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 411 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

My New Home  by Beverley Symons

First, the good news: Mum’s starting her new job next month! She’s happy because she really wanted it. Then the sad news: we’re moving because Mum’s job is in the country. Dad doesn’t mind because he will work from home on his computer, but I’ll miss our semi-detached house in Birmingham.

Some people don’t like living in semi-detached houses, but we don’t have any problems with our neighbours. My bedroom is next to their daughter’s bedroom.

I can hear her sometimes and she can hear me, but it doesn’t matter. Tomorrow we’re packing our things. We aren’t taking all our furniture because our new home is a cottage and it’s smaller than this house.             

Our cottage is near Harris Hall. Harris Hall was the house of

a rich family. It had 64 bedrooms and lots of stairs. Now it’s a hotel. It still has lots of stairs but lifts too! There’s a restaurant on the ground floor and Mum is the new chef there!

Next week we’re driving to a town near Harris Hall. We want to check it out and see what activities we can do there. My new school is in the town too. I hope we’ll be happy there. I’ll write all about it soon! 

1.    Beverley has some good news and some ____ news.

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Запитання 2

2.    Beverley’s dad will work from home on ____.

варіанти відповідей

his computer

his padlet

his desk

Запитання 3

3.    Beverley lives in a ______ house now.

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Запитання 4

4.   Beverley and her parents are _______ tomorrow.

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Запитання 5

5.    There is a restaurant on the             of the hotel.

варіанти відповідей

ground floor

first floor

second floor

Запитання 6

6.    Beverley’s new             is in a town near Harris Hall.     

варіанти відповідей


detached house


Запитання 7

Read Marion’s email and choose True or False.

Hi Mike,

I’ve had a bad week. Poor Mum is ill. She’s got the flu and she feels terrible. She had a temperature again today. She coughs all night and she’s got a sore throat. I make her hot tea and orange juice so she can get well soon. Dad is feeling bad too. He hasn’t got the flu, but he ate too much yesterday and now he’s got a stomachache. And that’s not all. My brother Jon has broken his arm. He was skateboarding with his friends when it happened. I’m sure he was doing something silly! So Mum is in bed, Dad is lying on the sofa in the living room and Jon is looking for painkillers.

It’s seven o’clock now and I have to make dinner for me and Jon. Mum and Dad are too ill to cook. I’ve made some mint tea for Dad because he shouldn’t eat anything today. Mum’s had some tomato soup and toast. I’ve boiled some spaghetti and I’ve made tomato sauce for me and Jon. And after dinner I’m going to bed. I’ve got a headache!

Bye for now.


1.    Marion’s mum has got a flu.

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Запитання 8

2.    Marion made her hot chocolate.

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Запитання 9

3.    Marion’s dad worked too much yesterday and now he’s got a stomachache.

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Запитання 10

4.    Her brother Jon broke his leg.

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Запитання 11

5.    Jon was skateboarding with his friends.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 12

6.    Jon is looking for the plaster.

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