Grammar (Unit 6)

Додано: 11 квітня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 26 разів
23 запитання
Запитання 1

A Choose the correct item.


  The blue whale is ……… creature in the world.


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as big   


the biggest


Запитання 2

Pick the tarantula up ……… .


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more careful

 most careful

Запитання 3

……… Emma’s new rabbit last night?


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 Did you saw    

 Are you seeing 

Do you see

Did you see

Запитання 4

Tracy ……… her dog to sit last weekend.


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 is teaching



Запитання 5

Bears are ……… than wolves.


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 more heavy

Запитання 6

Mark is a ……… student than George.


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very better    

much better  



Запитання 7

Joan studied ……… to become a vet because she loves animals.


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more hard

more hardly

Запитання 8

Ben ………  a tortoise in his garden last week.


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is finding


Запитання 9

Yesterday, Jane’s mum ……… us to the zoo.


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 is driving 



Запитання 10

Marianne is the ……… girl in the class.


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 more beautiful  

 most beautiful

as beautiful

Запитання 11

“Did you buy a new hamster last week?”

      “……… .”


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Yes, I did  

Yes, I do

Yes, I have

Yes, I am

Запитання 12

Dolphins are ……… than sharks.


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as friendly

Запитання 13

The cat ……… her dinner last night.


варіанти відповідей

 don’t eat  

didn’t eat   

 aren’t eating

doesn’t eat

Запитання 14

A giraffe is ……… .


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much tall     

very tall  



Запитання 15

He ……… the house at 8 o’clock yesterday morning.


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is leaving

Запитання 16

The pain in my leg is ……… than it was yesterday.


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more bad   



Запитання 17

He ……… the dog out for a walk last night.


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 is taking


Запитання 18

A parrot is ……… than a pigeon.


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 most colourful  

as colourful

 more colourful

Запитання 19

We ……… to the dinosaur exhibition yesterday.


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didn’t go  

 aren’t going  

doesn’t go

 didn’t went

Запитання 20

I ……… my rabbit a carrot for his lunch yesterday.


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am giving



Запитання 21

B Read the text. Fill in each gap 1-3 with the correct word 

Hi Susie,

My mum 1) ………………………..………. me a new pet last week. It’s a puppy and he’s really cute. We call him Benny. He 2) ………………………..………. in his bed when he arrived – he wanted to sleep in my bed! He’s funny, but he’s a good puppy. Come and see him soon – he’s already 3) ………………………..………. than your dog, Rusty!


1) the first word:

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Запитання 22

Hi Susie,

My mum 1) ………………………..………. me a new pet last week. It’s a puppy and he’s really cute. We call him Benny. He 2) ………………………..………. in his bed when he arrived – he wanted to sleep in my bed! He’s funny, but he’s a good puppy. Come and see him soon – he’s already 3) ………………………..………. than your dog, Rusty!


2) the second word:

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didn’t sleep                                              

didn’t sleeped

didn’t slept       

Запитання 23

Hi Susie,

My mum 1) ………………………..………. me a new pet last week. It’s a puppy and he’s really cute. We call him Benny. He 2) ………………………..………. in his bed when he arrived – he wanted to sleep in my bed! He’s funny, but he’s a good puppy. Come and see him soon – he’s already 3) ………………………..………. than your dog, Rusty!


3) the third word:

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