Great Britain 7 Form

Додано: 14 квітня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 19 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Almost all the monarchs have been crowned... 

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the first Royal Observatory

the Houses of Parliament 

in Westminster 

Запитання 2

When the Queen is in residence...          

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the Royal Standard is flown 

the height of her power 

successful and rich in the 16th century 

Запитання 3

The Seat of the British Parliament is...       

варіанти відповідей

Trafalgar Square 

the Houses of Parliament 

in Westminster 

Запитання 4

In the 19th century England was at... 

варіанти відповідей

the first Royal Observatory

destroyed the whole of the City 

the height of her power 

Запитання 5

When Alice (come) she (find) out about her granny 

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came, found        

come, found           

came, had found

Запитання 6

They (meet) at the library after they (write) all issues.

варіанти відповідей

meet, had written        

met, had written      

had met, wrote

Запитання 7

When I (see) my friend she (have) two children.

варіанти відповідей

saw, had had               

had seen, saw                

saw, had

Запитання 8

When they (go) home, the rain already (start)

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went, started

went, had started

had gone, started

Запитання 9

This fantastic ... was painted inside by a great artist. 

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Запитання 10

We couldn’t take our eyes off this ... castle. It was something marvelous! 

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Запитання 11

The dome ... long ago

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Запитання 12

There are a lot of interesting places in the ... of Great Britain.

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