Home reading 9 "The magic pot"

Додано: 7 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова
Тест виконано: 40 разів
11 запитань
Запитання 1

Translate in Ukrainian "token"

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Запитання 2

A pour farmer found a metal pot when he ...

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was ploughing his field.

was laying under the tree

was going home

Запитання 3

The farmer put the pot

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in a safe place

under the tree

in the wardrobe

Запитання 4

He told everything

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his son

his daughter

his wife

Запитання 5

Who wanted to take the pot?

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another farmer

a neighbor

a king

Запитання 6

The king ordered to bring the pot to

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the house

the tower

the palace

Запитання 7

The king

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put coins into the pot

put his crown into the pot

fell into the pot

Запитання 8

When he woke up there were

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many coins

many crowns

many kings

Запитання 9

What killed the king?

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his wishes

his curiosity

another king

Запитання 10

Did the farmer and his wife take back this pot?

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it wasn't mentioned

Запитання 11

The moral of the story

варіанти відповідей

let things go

don't be jealous

work hard

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