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Not every parent looks forward to the day when their child goes off to school. In fact some parents are not sending their students to school at all. Instead they are choosing to teach their children at home. This is called homeschooling. Parents, caregivers, or private tutors educate children individually at home instead of sending them off to be formally educated in public or private schools. In the U.S. only about three percent of children are homeschooled.

There are many reasons why some parents choose to homeschool. One reason is that some parents do not feel their children are safe in school because of bullying and a growing trend of police in school. Other parents want their child's education to be based on their religion or moral beliefs. Yet other parents feel like the education in school is not good enough. Homeschooling is also seen as a choice for families that live in rural areas, and families that travel, like actors.

There are many different ways to homeschool, and homeschooling allows parents to customize lessons based on their children's needs. Families can purchase textbooks to use or create their own materials. Some parents follow a philosophy called unschooling, which allows a child to determine when, and how they want to learn based on their natural curiosity. Some worry that homeschooling means students won't have opportunities to socialize. To answer this concern, some families have created cooperatives, where a group of homeschooled students will learn and play together and participate in activities that would normally happen in school like field trips and prom.

Being homeschooled doesn't mean a student cannot go to college. Most colleges accept homeschooled students. It is important, however, for parents and students to create a portfolio or proof of what has been learned.

Додано: 11 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 52 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Some parents decide to teach their children ...

варіанти відповідей

In separate classes

At home

In sports schools

In boarding schools

Запитання 2

What percentage of children in the United States are homeschooled?

варіанти відповідей

Only about ninety percent

Only about thirteen percent

One hundred percent

Only about three percent

Запитання 3

Why do some parents doubt the safety of their children at school?

варіанти відповідей

Of bullying and a growing trend of police in school.

Of the growing number of deadly games among schoolchildren.

Of the inability of children to adapt to society

Because it's an easier way

Запитання 4

Other parents want their child's education...

варіанти відповідей

Was perfect in all its manifestations

Was based on the latest discoveries

Differed from the education of other students

To be based on their religion or moral beliefs.

Запитання 5

Yet other parents feel like the education in school...

варіанти відповідей

Cheerful enough

Not effective enough

Is not good enough.

Helps children with adaptation

Запитання 6

Homeschooling is also seen as a choice for families...

варіанти відповідей

That live in rural areas, and families that travel, like actors.

For families who do not have the funds for a regular school.

For families with many children.

For families with their own traditions and beliefs.

Запитання 7

Some parents follow a philosophy called unschooling, which...

варіанти відповідей

Allows a child to determine when, and how they want to learn based on their natural curiosity.

Allows a child to play during lessons.

Allows a child engage in self-education.

Allows a child to travel online.

Запитання 8

What are some parents worried about?

варіанти відповідей

That homeschooling will not help children make a career.

That home schooling will take too much time.

That homeschooling means students won't have opportunities to socialize.

That home schooling would be too expensive.

Запитання 9

What did some parents do to answer this question?

варіанти відповідей

Created special cooperatives.

They united in special groups.

They gave up their dream of homeschooling.

They began to teach children on their own.

Запитання 10

What happened in these cooperatives?

варіанти відповідей

A group of homeschooled students watching TV together.

A group of homeschooled students learn and play together.

A group of homeschooled students engaged in dancing and sports.

A group of homeschooled students visit museums and theaters.

Запитання 11

Does able student who studied at home, go to university?

варіанти відповідей

This is possible only if the student passes the entrance exams.

No way. It is impossible.

Yes. But only if he create a portfolio or proof of what has been learned.

It's possible. But it is very difficult to do.

Запитання 12

So what is a "Homeschooling" ?

варіанти відповідей

This is when children are educated at home.

This is when children run away from home.

This is when parents lock their children at home.

This is when children study and live in school.

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