in and out of school

Додано: 25 вересня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 128 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and choose the correct item.

Schools Abroad: Schools of the Air

            In Australia, many families live a long way from a town, so the nearest school is often very far away. For this reason, many children attend a very different kind of school of the Air because the students have classes over the radio.

           Most areas have a school like this for children between 4 and 12 years old. They study at home but they are still members of the class. The children have radio lessons with their class three times a week. Each lesson lasts about 30 minutes. Students also have a 10-minute private lesson with their teacher once a week.

          The school provides the radio, books, videos and other resources. The children send their work to the teacher once a week. The children’s parents help them to do their work at home. Teachers and students also communicate by phone, fax and e-mail and the teacher visits children at home at least once a year.

         The school of the Air may sound like a strange idea. For the isolated students of Australia it’s the only way to learn.

1.     In ___________ schools are situated very far from students’ homes.   

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Запитання 2

Read the text and choose the correct item.

Schools Abroad: Schools of the Air

            In Australia, many families live a long way from a town, so the nearest school is often very far away. For this reason, many children attend a very different kind of school of the Air because the students have classes over the radio.

           Most areas have a school like this for children between 4 and 12 years old. They study at home but they are still members of the class. The children have radio lessons with their class three times a week. Each lesson lasts about 30 minutes. Students also have a 10-minute private lesson with their teacher once a week.

          The school provides the radio, books, videos and other resources. The children send their work to the teacher once a week. The children’s parents help them to do their work at home. Teachers and students also communicate by phone, fax and e-mail and the teacher visits children at home at least once a year.

         The school of the Air may sound like a strange idea. For the isolated students of Australia it’s the only way to learn.

2.     In the School of the Air students have lessons over the ________________

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Запитання 3

Read the text and choose the correct item.

Schools Abroad: Schools of the Air

            In Australia, many families live a long way from a town, so the nearest school is often very far away. For this reason, many children attend a very different kind of school of the Air because the students have classes over the radio.

           Most areas have a school like this for children between 4 and 12 years old. They study at home but they are still members of the class. The children have radio lessons with their class three times a week. Each lesson lasts about 30 minutes. Students also have a 10-minute private lesson with their teacher once a week.

          The school provides the radio, books, videos and other resources. The children send their work to the teacher once a week. The children’s parents help them to do their work at home. Teachers and students also communicate by phone, fax and e-mail and the teacher visits children at home at least once a year.

         The school of the Air may sound like a strange idea. For the isolated students of Australia it’s the only way to learn.

3.     It’s a school for students between ______________ years old.

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4 and 10  

 5 and 12

 4 and 12  

Запитання 4

 Read the text and choose the correct item.

Schools Abroad: Schools of the Air

            In Australia, many families live a long way from a town, so the nearest school is often very far away. For this reason, many children attend a very different kind of school of the Air because the students have classes over the radio.

           Most areas have a school like this for children between 4 and 12 years old. They study at home but they are still members of the class. The children have radio lessons with their class three times a week. Each lesson lasts about 30 minutes. Students also have a 10-minute private lesson with their teacher once a week.

          The school provides the radio, books, videos and other resources. The children send their work to the teacher once a week. The children’s parents help them to do their work at home. Teachers and students also communicate by phone, fax and e-mail and the teacher visits children at home at least once a year.

         The school of the Air may sound like a strange idea. For the isolated students of Australia it’s the only way to learn.

4.     Students have a private lesson with the teacher ________________ a week.

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 three times


Запитання 5

Read the text and choose the correct item.

Schools Abroad: Schools of the Air

            In Australia, many families live a long way from a town, so the nearest school is often very far away. For this reason, many children attend a very different kind of school of the Air because the students have classes over the radio.

           Most areas have a school like this for children between 4 and 12 years old. They study at home but they are still members of the class. The children have radio lessons with their class three times a week. Each lesson lasts about 30 minutes. Students also have a 10-minute private lesson with their teacher once a week.

          The school provides the radio, books, videos and other resources. The children send their work to the teacher once a week. The children’s parents help them to do their work at home. Teachers and students also communicate by phone, fax and e-mail and the teacher visits children at home at least once a year.

         The school of the Air may sound like a strange idea. For the isolated students of Australia it’s the only way to learn.

5.     _________________ help children to get ready with their homework.

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Запитання 6

Choose the best variant.

Pupils ..... use their mobile phones in class during the lessons.

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have to



Запитання 7

Choose the correct sentence.

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The lockers are next to the canteen.

The lockers are next the canteen.

Запитання 8

Choose the correct sentence.

варіанти відповідей

Are there're any posters on the walls in your classroom?

Are there any posters on the walls in your classroom?

Запитання 9

Choose the correct sentence.

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Pupils mustn't to bring chewing gum to school.

Pupils mustn't bring chewing gum to school.

Запитання 10

Choose the correct sentence.

варіанти відповідей

The football pitch is opposite the entrance.

 The football pitch is opposite with the entrance.

Запитання 11

A library is a room where pupils can ...

варіанти відповідей


find a lot of books

 do their homework

Запитання 12

Pupils can leave their shoes, a jacket and other things in ...

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