1. I don't understand backgammon. The rules are very confused.
2. He was embarrassed when he arrived late for meeting.
3. There is a new perfomance. Playing at the theater. Are you interesting?
4. My little sister makes too much noise. She is annoyed.
5. Moving to a new home is hard work. It's tiring.
This film is ______. Switch it off
She is _____ in landscape design
This book is very_____
Tom was very … when he saw a stranger trespassing in his backyard and he called the police.
The ending of the detective story was … .
The large number of burglaries in the area is very … .
The owner of the shop felt … when the police caught and arrested the shoplifter.
The burglar alarm had been ringing for twenty minutes before the security guard switched it off. It was so … !
My dad likes his job as a detective and he is always … when he has to investigate a new crime.
The barking dog made the thieves run off empty-handed and they were … .
When we were driving home, we witnessed a car crash on the road. It was … .
The man was … to see his car window smashed.
When the lady told the police officer her story about the car theft, he couldn’t stop laughing, it was so … !
We were … to learn that our classmate’s uncle was accused of forgery and he would go on trial.
Our neighbours are always disturbing the peace at night and I can’t sleep well. It’s so … .
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